Essex Partnership Board 17th June 2014 Agenda Time Title/Description Lead 13:30 Welcome and Introduction Cllr David Finch 13:35 Vision and Strategic Plan Agreeing a Strategic Plan for Public Service Reform Richard Puleston 14:00 Strengthening Communities & Who Will Care Update WWC update SC update & SC/WWC – integrated approach 14:30 Refreshing the way EPB works 14:50 Public Service Transformation Transformation Challenge Award bids Transformation Challenge Panel – call for evidence PSR Portfolio Update Family Solutions performance update 15:10 Sheila Norris Paul Hill Dan Gascoyne Dan Gascoyne & Robert Pollock Richard Puleston Lise Bird 2 Essex Partnership Board Vision and Strategic Plan Purpose: Discuss and agree the key components of a vision and strategic plan for public service reform (to be presented to the Essex Leaders and Chief Execs meeting on 19th June report attached separately). 3 Vision “To create healthy, prosperous and resilient communities by working together to reduce demand and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public services in Essex.” 4 Public Service Reform Strategic Priorities 1. Prevention and early intervention Focusing on early years, families with complex needs, and building community resilience. 2. Growing the economy Enabling jobs, housing, infrastructure and improved skills in key growth locations. 3. Integration of services Integrating commissioning to improve the quality and efficiency with which outcomes are achieved, beyond organisational boundaries. 4. Reducing costs Providing value for money to the public though shared services and assets, joint efficiency programmes and smarter transactional services. 5. Enabling effective whole-system working Ensuring effective information sharing, communication, collaboration and financial management, and campaigning for greater freedoms and flexibilities. 5 Public Service Reform Prevention and early intervention Programme Objectives Strategic Priorities Strengthening and Mobilising Communities Family Solutions Early Intervention Increasing community capacity and resilience to reduce demand pressures on public services. Multi-agency teams helping families with a range of complex issues to identify their own solutions to their problems. Develop an Essex wide strategic approach to Early Intervention (EI) to effectively commission targeted interventions to deliver sustainable outcomes. Progress Ownership Actions Community Resilience Fund Community Builder pilots (x5) - ABCD VCS Framework agreed & improved governance / compliance with Compact. Who Will Care (communities aspect) merger with SC programme Time/Care banking and Youth Volunteering programme business cases in development WWC schemes for scaling-up community mobilisation – business cases in development EPB Sponsor: Bob Reitemeier SRO: Paul Hill ECEA Lead: Ian Davidson Complete merger of WWC/SC programmes and business case(s) ECC Compact Compliance Self-Assessment. Confirm programme merger at EPB 17/6 Nine teams (including the hub) established with staff in place and trained up for the go-live date of 1.10.2013. Currently 640 families being supported through FS of which 64% are also TF criteria families. IS and performance system purchased and rolled out. Families report high satisfaction levels with FS delivery Family Solutions Service Specification is complete and the reporting framework is in hand DCLG timelines are met for the TF framework and on track to complete work with 2220 families by end 2014/2015. EPB Sponsor: TBC SRO: Dave Hill ECEA Lead: Ian Davidson Early Intervention Pioneer status Early Years Public Office Workshops Business case in development Clare Burrell John McKinnon Strengthening Communities Strategic Board Benefits Realisation & report on performance to EPB 17/6 Essex Partnership Board Engage partners in development of Outline business case ECEA Lead 6 Public Service Reform Growing the economy Programme Housing and Public Sector Land Planning Economic Plan for Essex (EPfE) Objectives Progress Ownership Actions Identify sites with partners for detailed feasibility studies (e.g. Rochford, Tendring, Essex County Fire and Rescue and Essex Police). Commence high level design of model. OBC – Sept 2014 Create a financially sustainable model that works with, and is funded by, partners to release public sector land and build additional affordable and specialist housing that the market will not otherwise deliver. Locality reviews concluded in Rochford and Tendring and potential sites identified for feasibility study. High level discussions for feasibility study at a Health site in Epping Forest. First Project Board meeting – project mandate approved by partners. OBC phase (until September) fully funded. EPB Lead: Cllr David Finch SRO: Glenn Chipp ECEA Lead: Glenn Chipp Attract investment and development to Essex by delivering planning decisions faster and offering customerfocussed support to large planning applications. Economic Plan for Essex includes commitment to develop a Planning Compact for Essex. ECEA Lead: John Mitchell Stimulating economic growth through: investing in key enabling infrastructure; • attracting investment in jobs and growth; • supporting businesses with potential to create higher value added jobs to grow • enhancing the key skills of our workforce; • creating effective mechanisms to deliver key infrastructure projects; and • lobbying Government to secure support and resources for Essex. Economic Plan for Essex forms a key component of the SELEP Strategic Economic Plan. EPfE to be reviewed post-SLGF announcement Housing Project Board / EPPB ECEA / SELEP ECEA / SELEP Develop strategic outline case for the Planning Compact. EPOA scoping activity from 12/6 meeting Proposal to ECEA 17/07 SLGF announcement expected 7th July 2014 7 Public Service Reform Growing the economy (contd.) Programme Skills for Growth Objectives Progress Develop an employerled approach to skills provisions to ensure that the provision of skills development in Essex matches the skills that employers need. Completion of the Economic Plan for Essex, Commissioning Strategy for Economic Growth, and the SE LEP’s Strategic Economic Plan. Southend-on-Sea Borough Council have contributed £50k to the Skills Investment Fund alongside ECC’s £1M from FY 14/15. Employment and Skills Board have agreed their priorities following analysis of evidence base and understanding of the local landscape and challenges ESB have started work to plan the most effective use of the Skills Investment Fund Updated benefits realisation plan produced European Investment Plan was submitted to Government, stating how we would seek to use its Social Funding to deliver against our ambitions Ownership EPB Sponsor: Tim Price SRO: Peter Cook Employment & Skills Board Actions Project development for LEP funding, focusing initially on European Social Fund and capital funding. Compile and submit proposal for the Skills Investment Fund for Member decision. Closure and lessons learned report for project. Ensure the Employment and Skills Board’s appropriate position within the LEP. The LEP’s Strategic Economic Plan clearly articulates Essex’s priorities for skills capital spend and some influence over revenue. 8 Public Service Reform Integration of services Programme Objectives Progress Ownership Actions Health & Social Care To create a more integrated system of health and social care in Essex and find new ways to reduce associated demand pressures on public services whilst improving outcomes for patients and service users. Essex Better Care Fund Plan submitted and approved. CCG two year plans approved by HWB May 2014 Essex 5 year plans in development with CCGs/ECC. EPB leadership of ‘Who Will Care’ proposals EPB Sponsor: Andrew Pike SRO: Dave Hill ECEA Lead: Joanna Killian Health & Wellbeing Board Complete Essex 5 year strategic plans. Agree District / Borough / City engagement in local delivery (Proposals for ECEA to consider 17/07) Domestic Abuse Develop a common ethos and co-ordinated approach to innovate, drive change and address domestic abuse in Essex, Southend and Thurrock. Basildon and Braintree pilot has supported 458 domestic abuse victims as of Feb 2014. Work with partners to clarify key performance measures. JDATT operational & Information sharing agreement is in place EPB Sponsor: Nick Alston SRO: Stephen Kavanagh ECEA Lead: Nicola Beach Working with accommodation providers to support victims, TCA bid drafted for 14/15 Domestic Abuse Strategic Board Funding for all IOM posts secured for the coming year; Group convened to consider long-term resourcing and make proposals; IOM performance measures in development The RR Joint Commissioning task group has convened 2 task and finish groups, one bringing together commissioners for Mental Health, Drugs and Alcohol and one bringing together commissioners of ETE/Skills services Housing project linking Offender accommodation to Offender work and engagement EPB Sponsor: Nick Alston SRO: Mary Archer ECEA Lead: Nicola Beach Reducing Reoffending Strategic Board Reducing Reoffending Reduce the rate of reoffending and develop Integrated Offender Management across Essex, Southend and Thurrock. £831K investment secured in FY2014/15. IDVAs for all high risk victims in place by July Pilot IDVAs in Health settings to demonstrate the evidence for Health to invest in support for Domestic Abuse victims. Submit TCA bid Joint Commissioning group to develop commissioning plans for FY 2014/15. Clarification of performance measures and achievements. Proposal to move to BAU by end 2014. 9 Public Service Reform Reducing costs Programme Objectives Progress Ownership To develop a range of options for future of building control services in Essex to reduce costs, improved customer service and explore the potential for collaborative growth. Initial meeting held between Districts, Borough and City Council senior managers / CEOs and Blue Marble to agree ToR (23rd April) ECEA Lead: Adrian Pritchard Transactional Services & Joint Management Arrangements To develop options for a range of back office services and explore potential to generate income and/or reduce costs, including a review of options for joint /shared management arrangements between District and Boroughs. Programme scope in development Possible engagement with Blue Marble to facilitate options development ECEA Lead: Amar Dave Waste To find new ways to improve the waste collection, recycling and disposal system in Essex and identify savings to Council Tax payers. The IAA commits all parties that formally approve it to the process for the life of the PFI waste treatment project (28 years). The IAAs contain efficiency provisions which were constructed to drive the provision of an integrated waste management system for Essex in a more cost effective way. The parties have to act reasonably in identifying and realising efficiency savings. However, over the last four years, only Tendring and Epping have come forward with any savings. ECEA Lead: David Marchant Building Control Actions Agree schedule of intensive meetings with Blue Marble ECEA Update to ECEA 17/07 Agree scope and review proposal at ECEA 17/07 ECEA ECEA Agree schedule of intensive meetings with Blue Marble Update to next ECEA 17/07 10 Public Service Reform Enabling effective whole-system working Programme Objectives Progress Ownership Actions Information and data sharing Enable more effective data sharing and technology-led solutions to understand demand for services. Whole Essex Information Sharing ECEA Lead: Framework launched – March 2014 Ian Davidson Tendring data mapping project, linked to DWP pilot & TCA bid EPB Transformation Challenge Award bid – update at EPB 17/06 Finance 1. Budgeted Medium Term position next 5 years 2. Clarifying assumptions e.g. NHB, CT base & business rate income ; changes in council tax benefit ; other discounts / technical changes; reductions in government grant; CT increases; Interest rates; non-specific grants EFOA commissioned to undertake scenario analysis and modelling to test assumptions. Developing an agreed baseline and assumptions. Identify compelling options for localising funding streams (including tax revenue streams). Develop alternative funding/financing options. Communication and Communicate a single, shared message on the need for engagement effective local/national collaboration to change the design /delivery of services. ECEA Lead: Fiona Marshall ECEA Report to next ECEA 17/07 . PSR Updates to wide range of stakeholders fortnightly WWC Conference 2/4/14 EPB-led ‘Sounding Board’ sessions & ‘Public Office’ workshops etc TBC EPB Develop communication strategy. Agree improved approaches to local and national engagement. Improve website content / social media channels Lobbying and Influencing Establish the financial and legislative freedoms and flexibilities necessary to fully realise the benefits from locally-led collaboration. Written and oral evidence to CLG TBC select committees and PAC Evaluation / performance framework EPB and benefits realisation plans Transformation Challenge Panel Ongoing lobbying and influencing, to influence manifestos / Departments pre-General Election and Spending Review 2015 Creating the infrastructure across partners to support effective joined up working Review governance / administration of key strategic partnerships, dependencies, support arrangements and forward plans. Essex Health and Wellbeing Board revised governance agreed 20/5 EPB breakfast meeting in April recognised need to review membership. EPB reviewing membership and ToR at 17th June meeting. PSRU EPB Strategic Plan for PSR to be taken to EPB / Leaders / ECEA 11 Essex Partnership Board Who Will Care / Strengthening Communities update Purpose: Progress update on WWC and other SC initiatives & projects. Discuss and agree on the proposed joined-up SC/WWC programme structure Public Service Reform Who Will Care (WWC) - Progress • • • Ensure clear leadership, vision and accountability – Health and Wellbeing Board has agreed ‘Who Will Care?’ should be owned by the Essex Partnership Board, if it agrees, with regular reports to HWB. – Joint HWB held with Thurrock and Southend - shared commitment to prevention and Who Will Care? priorities eg agreed work together on public engagement where appropriate etc. Some joint commissioning for health and care already – Local leadership eg through CCG arrangements to take forward on area basis eg Prevent unnecessary crises in care – This is a clear priority informing ECC and CCGs’ 5 year plans and 2 year operational plans; the Better Care Fund plan; commissioning strategies etc. The aim is to reduce demand for high cost reactive and acute services by effective prevention and early intervention . We must prevent problems escalating or crises occurring – The aim of our plans is to shift investment into community based services, and to focus services on empowerment and reablement to reduce dependency on public services Use data and technology to the advantage of the people of Essex – – – – Work on data and information sharing have been led by a multi agency task and finish group. Data sharing protocols have been written and are being signed up to by external partners across Essex. A Whole Essex Information Sharing Framework (WEISF) was launched in March. This is Intended as a central repository for external partners to find out how to share data, review and sign up to the Protocols and review policies A Predictive Tools Analysis is being led by Anglia University and is looking at sharing data around patients that are at risk of falling and how organisations can be more proactive at putting steps in place that reduce the risk. Potential for assistive technology being explored for eg disabled people 13 Public Service Reform Who Will Care - Mobilise Community Resources • The Community agents scheme developed by RCCE, Age UK, British Red Cross and Neighbourhood Watch to support older people has begun to recruit. It is linking with partners in localities to ensure the scheme complements local projects and is understood by agencies. From July the agents will begin to network across Essex. The scheme will begin to take referrals from Social Care and the community in September • Roll out of 3 local community schemes (voted for at April 4th event) led by Colchester CVS, Rainbow Services and Maldon CVS with support from other partners (including DCs , GPs, CCG’s). Plans have been completed and roll out is beginning with areas that have indicated they are ready to develop their own version of these schemes. Support offered to develop the schemes that were presented on the day but were not selected for immediate roll out • Support for mobilisation in response to ideas from VCS groups at 4th April event being developed and delivered including training, network events and tool kits. E.g. support for parishes in developing community led planning • VCS framework –in development with the aim of supporting strong and resilient communities supported by a thriving third sector. Through signing up to this public sector organisations will be expected to commit to eg longer term funding for VCS wherever possible; grant funding where appropriate alongside commissioning; supporting development of VCS consortia; exploring scope for more joint commissioning; ensuring procurement practice does not disadvantage VCS. EACVS and VCS Alliance fully involved and supportive . • Work planned to build on Essex Connects website that is already used by CVSs to share ideas and practice eg development of an app. Also development of Open Source information portal to ensure maximising potential for information & event sharing across community groups in partnership. • Incentivising volunteering – link with time and care banking led by Colchester CVs in partnership with Barclays, Lloyds, Sainsbury's, Waitrose, DWP (& others) which already have expressed interest and support. Re-launch of ECC’s staff volunteering scheme planned; SC Sponsor Group has identified need for an Essex volunteering strategy. CABs have offered taster sessions for potential volunteers • Evaluation of what works - development of Evaluation Framework to improve understanding of the impact and outcomes of community related initiatives . Discussions are underway with ARU, University of Essex and other partners to 14 support/undertake this work. This will enable us to refine our approach over time Public Service Reform WWC - Agree a new understanding between the Public Sector and the people of Essex • WWC Communications strategy and campaigns to deliver key messages about the new realities of care (joined up with the Care Act key messages) – self management of care; community solutions; clarity of public service offer; link to work on intelligent segmentation of civil society to support more sophisticated targeting of civil society initiatives (led by the ECC Community Resilience Team) • Development of communication and public engagement by partners across Essex – build on discussions that have already taken place eg Big Care debates. Consideration through communications teams planned of some agreed shared messages that are repeatedly used in conjunction with local messages. This work will be supported by the newly recruited PSR Engagement & Communication Manager • Targeted communication - Work planned to engage with Peter John (UCL) in June about behavioural insight and randomised control trials to test how the provision of social information can influence citizen behaviour. • Better information, advice and guidance – planned through eg work to meet Care Act requirements • Citizens’ guide to care – will provide an information & signposting service for the residents of Essex led by Healthwatch. Work planned to ensure that local information sources and signposting ‘join up’ • ‘Hack days’- working with a range of partners, plan hack day/ civic innovation sessions to promote information about events and opportunities to contribute to the community with focus on digital inclusion . This can help drive more of our citizens toward self-service channels. • Developing Health & Social Care ‘Essex View’ priorities for next government to pursue – aim to offer a view on the top 5-10 policy decisions that must be pursued by the next government to ensure that the health and social care system is on a sustainable footing by the 2020s. Will also contribute to public awareness of issues • Possible annual ‘Who Will Care?’ awards scheme across Essex or in each District? to reward and recognise those who support people’s care on a voluntary basis . Discussion with CVS and potential private sector sponsorship) underway to support this events. 15 Public Service Reform Strengthening Communities Workstreams • Community Resilience Fund – Now live (from 4th April) and being administered by the Essex Community Foundation. Additional contributions are being sought. • Time & Care Banking – Pilot completed 31st March. Evidence of substantial growth potential to increase voluntary capacity in communities. FBC developed in order to secure funding and proceed with Countywide roll out. EPB approval will be sought before the next meeting. • Youth Volunteering – FBC developed in conjunction with Time & Care Banking. EPB approval will be sought before the next meeting. • VCS Framework – Document now finalised via Task/Finish Group. Comms strategy being developed to ensure that it is shared with partners. The revised Essex Compact Steering Group will then lead on securing sign up from partners to both the framework and the Essex Compact. • Community Builders – Pilot project due to end September 2014. An evaluation framework has now been agreed and shared with delivery sites. A checkpoint review is due to review progress and discern the value in progressing with FBC development to roll out the scheme. Update to be provided at August EPB. 16 Public Service Reform Proposed joined-up SC/WWC Programme Structure • HWB has agreed that the key activity of strengthening and mobilising communities arising from the ‘Who Will Care?’ commission is ‘owned’ by the Essex Partnership Board, with quarterly reports to the HWB. • Terms of reference for the current SC Sponsor Group are with its membership in review • It is recommended that the revised terms of reference for the SC programme board will be approved at the EPB in August • Below the diagram of the proposed revised governance structure shows the Strengthening Communities Programme Board (formerly called SC Sponsor Group) reporting into Essex Partnership Board SC Communities Programme Board • There is the aspiration that the SC Programme Board will not only oversee programmes/ projects but also plays a strategic role in delivering the vision • Ensure appropriate representatives of key partners across public and volunteering sector e.g. from Health, District/Boroughs, Providers • Please note that not all WWC work streams will report into this board, but will receive updates where relevant 17 Essex Partnership Board Refreshing the way EPB works. Purpose: Review and agree key recommendations about how EPB should operate as discussed at the breakfast meeting 9th April. 18 Public Service Reform Recommendations from the 9th April meeting Recommendation Proposal Desire to move the board into Leadership mode more than Management mode recognition that EPB will champion leadership of change including leading the implementation of ‘Who Will Care? (WWC)’ proposals. • Review agendas to ensure balance of activity to enable strategic leadership and avoid too much process. • Clarify EPB role in delivering the system leadership for WWC. • Invite external contributions to provide insights that assist the Board in considering its leadership role. • Increase voluntary sector representation to three Board members in total . • Review any other partners that may be underrepresented e.g. Health providers re WWC • Address gaps caused where changes have occurred as a consequence of the May 2014 local elections. • Recommend moving to five meetings per year (currently bi-monthly) including one residential session, with Board Members hosting as appropriate. Greater representation required from the voluntary sector/other partners Meetings should be less frequent but more intensive, with an opportunity to build relationships – possible with an overnight meeting held annually and engagement with a wider range of partners through conference / sounding board sessions as required. Meetings should be held in other places. Projects that have transitioned to BAU should be subject to a scrutiny process EPB will drive the vision for Essex through their own organisations and other partners they represent, taking ownership for communicating key messages locally and nationally as required. • Hold at least one wider partnership engagement event / conference vis ‘sounding board’ sessions • Periodic reporting to EPB on progress/benefits realisation. • Agreement to ‘strategic plan for Public Service Reform’ with ownership across all partners. Next Steps Adopt /discuss recommendations at the 17th June EPB meeting. Discussion at 17th June EPB meeting. Invite nominations from relevant strategic bodies e.g. VCS Alliance; Health & Wellbeing Board; Essex Leaders. • Discussion at 17th June EPB meeting (held at ARU). • Consider cancelling the August EPB meeting and holding a Sounding Board session end Sept Update on Family Solutions at 17th June EPB meeting Draft plan for discussion at 17th June EPB meeting & Leaders’ meeting on 19th June. 19 Essex Partnership Board Transformation Challenge Award Transformation Challenge Panel Purpose: Approve the Transformation Challenge Award bid submissions from Essex and agree key messages in response to the Transformation Challenge Panel call for evidence 20 Public Service Reform Transformation Challenge Award • In April 2014 Brandon Lewis launched the Transformation Challenge Award. This will make £320 million available to local authorities to support plans to work in partnership to create more effective and efficient services for local people. • The following three proposed bids are in development with partners and will be completed by 20th June for final review and sign-off prior to 1st July • All EPB members are asked to agree to the endorsement to these bids. Project /Idea Expression of Interest FY 2015/16 Lead Partner Essex wide data and information sharing platform Essex County Council £300k - £400k Integrated Customer Journeys Colchester Borough Council £120,000 Strengthening Communities – to extend the local area coordinator scheme into South Essex Thurrock < £200,000 Domestic Abuse – providing IDVAs in health settings to gather evidence about demand from Domestic Abuse victims Southend Borough £316,750 - - (needs to be a local authority) Requested funding derives from Whole Essex Information Framework and discussion on ‘Big Data’ capabilities/ predictive analytics and selfmanagement the focus of first phase is likely around early intervention potential for scaling up e.g. in terms of services and capabilities 21 Public Service Reform Transformation Challenge Panel – call for evidence (deadline 14th July) Theme: Leadership • Please provide examples that demonstrate how you have achieved strong collaboration across political, managerial and front line leaders? • What do leaders need to have in order to achieve greater collaboration and coproduction? • What can be done both nationally and locally to develop greater leadership capacity and capability across all sectors? Theme: Organisational culture and workforce • Please provide examples that illustrate how best to bring different workforces together to deliver more integrated services, and how these changes were planned? • What were the ingredients of success, what were the key challenges and how were these overcome? • How can workforces be supported to become more open to new ways of working? Theme: Financial accountability and flexibility • Which approaches to funding have led to better service outcomes? Please provide specific examples, including actions taken to overcome any barriers along the way. • What are the challenges and barriers that prevent partners pooling, aligning or jointly investing in shared outcomes? • Please provide examples of using capital assets or property to help transform public services and boost local growth, including how any challenges were overcome? • How could new approaches to funding deliver better outcomes for people by encouraging greater collaboration without increasing public sector borrowing? Theme: Information sharing • • • • What specific information needs to be shared locally in order to design and deliver more integrated services, and why? Does your organisation have a clear sense of what information it can and cannot share? If not, how could this be improved? Please provide examples of information sharing that has led to better outcomes for public services. What are the barriers to local partners sharing information, and what can Government and local partners do to overcome these? 22 Essex Partnership Board PSR Portfolio - overall progress update Reporting Period: mid Feb 14 – end May 14 Purpose: Provide progress update on projects within PSR Portfolio, agree on actions to resolve key issues and approve business cases and project mandates. 23 Public Service Reform Overall Progress Report – June 2014 Summary – Highlights Portfolio Level • Additional funding of £160k received from government to support the delivery of the domestic abuse • Family Solutions • • Domestic Abuse • • (DA) • • Reducing Reoffending (RR) Housing • • programme and delivery New PSR Stakeholder Engagement Manager appointed Early evaluation is showing significant improvements in school attendance (i.e. 62% of those children and young people are showing improvement in attendance) and in school related behaviour All DCLG timelines are met for the TF reporting framework and Essex is in line to complete work with its 3 year cohort of 2020 families by end 2014/2015 The JDATT Manager, Lesley Forbes-Lange started on 8th April 2014 The Basildon and Braintree pilot has supported 504 domestic abuse victims as at the end of May 2014 Commitments totalling £931,000 have been secured to resource the DA programme in FY2014/15 An information sharing agreement for JDATT has been approved and signed off by partners (Essex County Council, Essex Police and Essex Probation) Essex Probation has appointed 2 project leads on the Reducing Reoffending project to support the delivery of the programme and development of the performance measures for the programme The Reducing Reoffending Joint Commissioning group has looked at its first area for commissioning ‘smarter’ • Strong sponsorship for the project including districts, borough, fire and rescue and police leading to the identification of 21 priority sites for potential housing development of up to 900 units as a result of locality reviews across three districts • ESB have started work to plan the most effective use of the Skills Investment Fund Skills • Southend-on-Sea Borough Council have contributed £50k to the Skills Investment Fund alongside ECC’s £1M from FY 14/15 Strengthening • Community Resilience Fund signed and sealed by ECC and ECF with £1m funds transferred on 4 th April. Additional commitments secured from PCC and Essex Fire & Rescue Communities • The new Strengthening Community lead has started on the 28 th April 2014 (SC) • Time/Care banking pilots delivered 20,000hrs of reciprocal volunteering exchanges in 2013/14. FY14/15 funding proposal submitted to DCLG to fund £178k towards the roll out of time/care banking across Essex • The Final Essex Better Care Fund Plan was submitted to NHS England and the Local Government Integrated Association on 4th April Commissioning • An Essex Health and Wellbeing Board area 5 Year Strategic Plan is being written for submission by 20th June. 24 This is being led by officers from each CCG and ECC Public Service Reform Issues Prior. Key Issue 1 High Lack of clarity how to measure the outcomes/benefits of certain projects and buyin/ownership from partners 2 High RE-OFFENDING/ Benefit Realisation - clarity required what deliverables will drive to achievement of £118m non-cashable benefits by 2019/20. 3 High DOMESTIC ABUSE/JDATT – Success measures & benefits of JDATT 4 High Funding gap of £178k exists for roll out of Time/Care banking . Recommendation(s)/ Mitigation Action(s) Owner First performance report to be presented at the August EPB; due to the complexity to establish a robust evaluation framework further work will be required to refine the performance measures. Discussion with other partners are already underway to provide support in this work In the meetings with L. Whitehouse, D. Gascoyne and M. Archer it was agreed that prior to the next Re-offending board a stock take will take place. In addition working up a proposal of key performance indicators to be used to measure the performance of this programme. After the share sale of the community rehabilitation company (CRC) end of 2014 it is likely that the programme will be moved into operations With the new JDATT manager started in April, this work will take place in May & June 2014 Project Leads Essex proposal for funding submitted to DCLG to fill this gap. Helen Lax L. Whitehouse; D. Gascoyne Alan Ray/ Kevin Nunn Public Service Reform Risks 1 1 Portfolio - Reputational risk of not delivering what was published as part of the Operational Plan in terms of outcomes & benefits (£404m cash & nonecashable benefits). Mitigation actions: - Newly appointed PSR Stakeholder Engagement Manager will develop with partners an overall comms & engagement plan for FY 14/15. - Completion of outcomes maps & detailed benefits realisation plans; owner: EPB Public Service Reform Costs (FY 14/15) Total Secured funding In negotiation Still to be sourced Strengthening Com. Domestic Abuse Re-offending Housing 436 955 114 380 266 955 114 360 20 170 - Social Investment 443 443 196 2,524 126 2,264 70 90 170 PSR Portfolio Budget Report (£’000) PSR Programme TOTAL Funding Position Existing projects 3,000 2,500 Funding gap - Domestic Abuse, Strengthening Communities and Reducing Reoffending projects 2,000 Still to be sourced In negotiation 1,500 £'000 Secured 1,000 500 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 Comments £20k - Epping forest DC, agreed in principle subject to site identification Funds to be transferred to BAU £70k- in negotiation Public Service Reform Report on Actual Spend FY 13/14 – Carry-forward request PSR Budget FY 13/14 Actual Spend FY 13/14 Proposed Carry-forward Strengthening Com. 643,416 520,770 113,146 Domestic Abuse 282,489 214,761 67,728 Re-offending 288,000 236,963 51,037 Housing Skills for Growth Family solutions 47,000 56,805 47,909 - PSR Programme 328,400 268,976 59,424 1,589,305 1,346,184 291,335 PSR Portfolio Budget Report £ TOTAL • Comments Underspend due to lack of resources between mid and end FY 13/14, proposed to be used towards Youth website (Comms/Campaigns) - £73k Strategic service supporting staff – £40k Salary for housing & safeguarding officers - £43k Proposed to be used for the health pilot - £24k Funding received from PCC to pay for: 1 data analyst - £35K Project mgmt support for FY 14/15 – £16K Propose the underspend be used to fill the funding gap for FY 14/15 - Total Carry-forward is £291,335 due to delay in recruitment of required resources which impacted the delivery of certain initiatives Decision Required • EPB to formally approve the carry-forward of £291,335 with proposed usage for FY 14/15 Public Service Reform High-Level Delivery plan (2014-2015) – FOR INFORMATION ONLY Project Apr -14 May -14 PSR Portfolio/ Delivery Function Domestic Abuse Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 EPB – 17th Jun Probation & Adult Social Care join the JDATT Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 EPB – 10th Oct EPB – 12th Aug Dec-14 Jan-15 Basildon & Braintree pilot closure report completed Countywide reciprocal agreements and ISA agreed Schools programme piloted Support Services Support Services put out to tender Interim IT solution go-live provider selected Identify benefits/outcomes and fill funding gap CRF fund go live End of Community Builder trial period Youth Vol. pilot set up & web portal go live Comm. Builders Checkpoint review Time/carebanking & YV-FBC Approval by EPB & Sovereign partners Support Services team golive Interim evaluation completed VCS framework signed off by partners & approved by EPB Comm. Builders Checkpoint review Mar-15 EPB – 17th Dec Health partners join the JDATT Schools Programme developed & agreed Schools programme -Strategic approach agreed Strengthening Communities Feb-15 Timebanking established countrywide Comm. Builders Checkpoint review Strategy responses to VCS Framework in place by partners – Apr 2015 Online Portal Launched Skills Project Closure (TBC) Next steps and key milestones to be discussed and agreed Reducing Reoffending IOM performance framework completed and presented to RR board Partnership Commissioning roadmap completed Housing Mandate agreed Sites 2-4 identified Locality Reviews Complete Completed In progress At risk Site 1 Feasibility finished Slipped Sites 2-4 Feasibility finished Site 1 next Phase Planning Sites 2-4 next phase planning OBC approved by EPB FBC for model (TBC)