Residential out-of-home care in Australia: the story so far... Jenna Bollinger and Stephanie Scott-Smith Residential care in Australia The vast majority of young people in OOHC live in foster care (41%) or kinship care (47%) (AIHW, 2013). Approximately 5.2% of young people in OOHC end up in Residential Care (AIHW, 2013). Pathways into residential care Case Study AB and CD What we know about residential care in Australia Residential Care is often viewed as a last resort. Research suggests that young people in residential care tend to have the most negative outcomes. What is about residential care that leads to more negative outcomes? Are there benefits of a residential care setting VS foster care setting? What does the Australian research say? The presumption that residential care produces negative outcomes may exacerbate any potential negative outcomes for the young person. Case study: EF and GH Predictors of long-term disadvantage for young people in residential care Unresolved anger towards family members, workers or the system; Unsuitable and unstable placements and multiple changes of carers and workers; Lack of long-term goals (e.g., education, vocation and living arrangements); Lack of sufficient income; Contact with the juvenile justice system and imprisonment; Lack of preparation for leaving; and Lack of later contact with the care system. Placement disruption and the importance of placement stability. Case study IJ. Predictors of long-term success for young people in residential care A positive experience of time in care – stability and consistency; The development of belief in self and resilience; The presence of mentors, advocates, previous carers and workers; After-care support workers; Family contact. What we need to know about residential care in Australia Residential care VS therapeutic residential care Therapeutic residential care has better outcomes Foster care / Kinship care VS residential care with similarly complex young people? Post care support / follow-up is essential Residential care in Australia Young People in residential care have complex and diverse presentations Therapeutic Residential Care produces better outcomes than residential care Residential care can be the best option to met the needs of young people There’s always room for improvement A final case study PQ References Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2013). Child protection Australia 2011- Freidrick, S. (2013). Therapeutic Residential Model of Care. Knightlamp. 12 (Child Welfare Series No. 55). Canberra: AIHW. Hillan, L. (2006). Reclaiming Residential Care: A Positive Choice For Children And Ainsworth, F., & Hansen, P. (2008). Programs for high needs children and young Young People In Care. 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