Nieuwsbrief 3 03-09-2014

9 sept Ouderavond brugklassen t/m 3 H/V
Ouderavond 4 t/m 6 Gym
15.10 uur PWS kick-off
11 sept Fotograaf bovenbouw
30 sept Afsluiting project beeld en muziek 6 VWO
Studeerruimtes info
IB Article
Back to school!
It is as if we never left! On Thursday 21st of August the students could at last meet their fellow students and their mentor.
During their first mentor lesson the mentor went over the school rules and students could get acquainted with their timetable.
The classes could get to know their mentor and share all their news from the holidays. The first year students followed a
special introductory programme.
Our 6th formers have an exciting year ahead of them. With the support of their teachers and family, I am confident that I will
be handing every one of them a diploma during the ceremony in July 2015.
Now that we have two week of lessons under our belt, it is time to meet the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year parents and the parents of
our 4th, 5th and 6th form gymnasium students at parents’ evening on 9th September. You have received an invitation for this
evening. On 2nd October our remaining classes hold their parents’ evening. The 2nd October is also the information evening
for our VWO athenaeum trip to Barcelona. An invitation will be emailed soon. I look forward to greeting you all on one of these
We regularly send letters out via the email. We use the parents’ /guardian’s email addresses in Magister for correspondence.
If this information is not current, you can update your contact information by logging in to Magister. The diary of school
events is also available on the website and an archive of letters that have been sent out.
It only remains for me to say that the whole Vwo team looks forward to a good and productive year.
From all the VWO team
Ruth Nusser-Triggs,
Afdelingsleider VWO
9th September is the kick-off for the ‘profielwerkstuk’ (PWS) for 6 VWO and 5 HAVO. The PWS is the culmination of a student’s
studies at secondary school. A PWS may take many forms and not only have to be a written research paper. Talk to your son or
daughter about their interests and ideas and help them consider what they would like to research for their PWS. On 9th
September the students will receive information about the requirements of a PWS and will take the first steps towards ordering
their ideas. The deadline for the final version of the PWS is 6th March and the PWS presentations for parents and family are on
20 March.
Berlage Lyceum is, together with several secondary schools from Esprit School Trust, a member of the ‘opleidingsschool’
network agreement. In this partnership agreement we work closely together with the University of Amsterdam (ILO) and the
Hogeschool van Holland (HvA) to train and offer internships for trainee teachers. This year we will be welcoming more than
20 trainee teachers. Some trainee teachers will be observing lessons and others will be teaching classes. Trainee teachers
also supervise during examinations and school activities. Additionally our trainee teachers attend nine workgroups at the
Berlage Lyceum, which are taught by our ‘schoolopleider’ Maria Voorburg and Marcel van Riessen (ILO) and Jan de Boer
De eerste lesdagen van uw kind zitten erop! Voor hen was het ongetwijfeld spannend, voor ons was het ook weer leuk om nieuwe
gezichten door de school te zien ronddwalen.
Het poldersporten was een groot succes. Massaal hebben de kinderen zich in de slootjes geworpen en er is die dag veel
gelachen. Er zijn ook leuke foto’s gemaakt die u op de ouderavond te zien krijgt. Op een ongedwongen manier hebben de
kinderen kennis met elkaar en de mentor kunnen maken.
De eerste ouderavond zal op 9 september plaatsvinden. U heeft hiervoor al een uitnodiging ontvangen. Wij hopen u allen die
avond te zien om terug te blikken op de eerste schooldagen en vooruit te kijken naar wat er nog komen gaat.
Tot 9 september!
IB results
IB results.
In May our VWO TTO students sat their International Baccalaureate exam in English language and literature A level. We had
9 students who took the examination at higher level and 17 students who took it at standard level. Our pass rate was 100%
with our results for higher level achieving the highest scores for all TTO schools in the Netherlands. We would like to
congratulate all the teachers who contributed to this fantastic result and in particular to Peter Crowe who taught this class in
the 5th and 6th form.
Because the certificates are delivered in the summer holidays we will hold the IB certificate presentation ceremony on
4th September at 17:00 in A-theatre. Oproep:
Beste ouders/verzorgers,
In het geschiedenislokaal, B12, ben ik bezig met het inrichten van een vitrine met allemaal historische objecten. Helaas is de
vitrine nog niet helemaal vol! Misschien kunt u daar een bijdrage aan leveren. Heeft u thuis nog oude historische objecten waar u
vanaf wilt? Geef ze dan a.u.b. aan uw zoon/dochter mee! Het mag echt van alles zijn; fossielen, voedselbonnen,
soldatenspullen, speldjes, oude posters, kaarten, kranten, oude bankbiljetten (al mag nieuw natuurlijk ook!).
Alvast heel erg bedankt,
Dennis de Lange (docent geschiedenis)
Teamondersteuning afdeling VWO
Vorig jaar mei hebben de afdelingsleiders ondersteuning gekregen bij de dagelijkse gang van zaken, zodat de
afdelingsleiders zich meer kunnen bezighouden met beleidsmatige en onderwijskundige zaken. Ook dit schooljaar zullen
de teamondersteuners zich bezighouden met de dagelijkse gang van zaken en de afdelingsleider en mentor bijstaan. De
teamondersteuner van de Vwo is Hiske Dijkstra. Wilt u haar iets vragen of wilt u iets opmerken, dan kunt u dit doen via de
mail. U kunt een e-mail sturen naar
New teachers
This year can welcome these teachers to the VWO team:
Boudewijn Vreugdenhil: Geography
Emir Bejaoui : Geography/mentor
Jasmina Lilic : English/mentor
Nico Hardenbol: Klassieke talen
Peter-Jaap de Harder: Wiskunde
Linda Dekker: Natuurkunde/physics