Negative Polarity Items and Downward Entailment

Negative Polarity Items
and Downward Entailment
Alexis Dimitriadis
Negative polarity items I
Expressions like any, ever, a red cent or give a damn are
“restricted in their distribution”:
(1) a. * I’ve seen anything.
I haven’t seen anything.
(2) a. * John has ever been to Paris.
John hasn’t ever been to Paris.
(3) a. * Mary has a red cent.
Mary doesn’t have a red cent.
(4) a. * Tina gives a damn about your problems.
b. Tina doesn’t give a damn about your problems.
Negative polarity items II
In Dutch: hoeven, kunnen uitstaan, ook maar iets, voor de
poes zijn, etc.
(5) a. * Je hoeft deze opgave te maken.
b. Je hoeft deze opgave niet te maken.
(6) a. * Mijn moeder is voor de poes.
b. Mijn moeder is niet voor de poes.
(7) a. * De zeug kan de boer uitstaan.
b. De zeug kan de boer niet uitstaan.
Roughly: NPIs are somehow “licensed” by negation.
Is it negation? I
(8) a. De zeug kan de boer niet uitstaan.
...but also:
b. De zeug kan maar weinig mensen uitstaan.
c. De zeug kan de boer zelden uitstaan.
d. * De zeug kan de boer (vaak/meestal) uitstaan.
(9) a. Mijn moeder is niet voor de poes.
b. * Mijn moeder is zelden voor de poes.
c. * Niemand is voor de poes.
d. * Weinig mensen zijn voor de poes.
Is it negation? II
(10) a. Nobody has seen anything.
My mother seldom sees anything.
c. * My mother has seen anything.
Everyone who saw anything should call the police.
* Everyone who saw him should say anything.
Is it negation? II
(10) a. Nobody has seen anything.
My mother seldom sees anything.
c. * My mother has seen anything.
Everyone who saw anything should call the police.
* Everyone who saw him should say anything.
Other environments also license NPIs:
everyone, weinig, zelden, ...
Is it negation? II
(10) a. Nobody has seen anything.
My mother seldom sees anything.
c. * My mother has seen anything.
Everyone who saw anything should call the police.
* Everyone who saw him should say anything.
Other environments also license NPIs:
everyone, weinig, zelden, ...
NPIs must be in the scope of a licenser.
[ Everyone who saw anything ] should call the police.
Downward entailment I
Ladusaw / Fauconnier: NPIs are licensed in downward
entailing (downward monotonic) environments.
Regular (“upward” entailment):
If P ⊆ S (as sets), P(x) =⇒ S(x)
John is Dutch =⇒ John is European.
Negation reverses the implication: “downward” entailment.
(12) a. John is not Dutch =⇒
John is not European.
b. John is not European =⇒ John is not Dutch.
Downward entailment II
Formal definition
A function f is upward entailing iff for every X , Y : if
X ≤ Y , then f (X ) ≤ f (Y ).
A function f is downward entailing iff for every X , Y : if
X ≤ Y , then f (Y ) ≤ f (X ).
Note that some environments block such entailments:
John thinks that Mary is Greek. =⇒
John thinks that Mary is European.
(Maybe John thinks that Greece is in Asia.)
Testing downward entailment
I did not walk =⇒ I did not walk quickly
Conditional sentence antecedent:
[ If you talk ], you should leave =⇒
[ If you talk loud ], you should leave.
Comparative of inequality:
Obelix is stronger than [ a soldier can be ] =⇒
Obelix is stronger than [ a Roman soldier can be ]
Which of these are DE?
Comparatives of equality
Obelix is as strong as [ a soldier can be. ]
Conditional sentence consequent (right side)
If you talk, [ you should leave ]
Restriction of universal (every, each, all the, any)
Every [ student who came to the party ] danced.
Complement (“nuclear scope”) of universal
Every student who came to the party [ danced. ]
Restriction of few
Few [ students ] enjoyed the exam.
Complications I
NPIs can also occur in environments that are not DE
(17) Questions
a. Do you know anything about this?
b. Heb je ook maar iets gezien?
Similar constructions can show different licensing behavior
(18) a.
Every student who saw anything reported it.
b. ?* Each student who saw anything reported it.
Complications II
NPIs differ from each other in their licensers
(19) a. Few people saw anything.
b. * Weinig mensen hebben ook maar iets gezien.
(20) a. Only John noticed anything
b. * Only John has seen him in weeks
I am sorry I ever met you.
d. * I am sorry I recognized you until it was too late.
(Example (a) involves Strawson entailment: To get DE, we
must rely on the presupposition “John noticed X”)
The Zwarts hierarchy adds a number of stronger licensing
environments to DE:
F is downward entailing iff for all x, y such that
x =⇒ y , F (y ) =⇒ F (x). (Ladusaw 1979)
F is anti-additive iff for all x, y : F (x ∨ y ) = F (x) ∧ F (y ).
(Zwarts 1981)
F is anti-multiplicative iff F (x ∧ y ) = F (x) ∨ F (y ). (Zwarts
F is anti-morphic iff F is anti-additive and
F is nonveridical iff F (p) does not entail p. (Giannakidou
The “Zwarts hierarchy”
Summary: What we want to know
Which syntactic environments (constructions) license each
particular NPI? (Descriptive)
What property/properties of the licensers is responsible for
licensing? (Theoretical)
How do we test for downward entailment and the other
properties? (Practical)