Innovationsplattform Malmö Syd Ost

Innovationsplattform Malmö Syd Ost
Workshop on Behaviour Change
8 April 2014 / IIIEE (LU)
The Malmö Innovation Platform aims at using the renovation of the buildings as a driver for other types
of development - socio-economic and environmental. In order for that to occur the residents in the area
are seen as key actors who must take an active role in their surroundings (instead of expecting others to
sort out any problems that arise). If we can achieve this it will improve the situation for housing
companies, such as MKB and Trianon. Their role of managing the properties will also be seen in a more
positive light. (How can we create a feeling of partnership and belonging in the neighbourhood where
people take joint responsibility for the area?)
The interested companies, ICIM, MKB, EON and Schneider Electrics put a great emphasis on the effects
of our actions on the climate and environment. ICIM, for instance, has the concept to apply methods
from marketing and commercial customer loyalty programmes together with various follow-up tools to
see if they can support desired behavioural changes. They see energy saving goals, recycling targets and
climate effect as possible common denominators that can form part of the sense of belonging in the
area. (Can the ambition to reach climate goals be a driver for a sense of community and common
The sustainable lifestyles baseline report (see identifies two areas for further work:
1. Understanding and supporting individual behaviour change; and
2. Creating enabling environments and infrastructure that stimulate and support more sustainable
ways of living.
The Malmö Innovation Platform will need to deal with both these issues to succeed. We in our
workshop can concentrate on what is known about the first issue and ways to tackle it.
In the workshop at the macro level we would like to explore experience and methods from other urban
renewal projects that have encouraged engagement from the residents or helped the introduction of
new norms There are several national and international examples exist for the development of
community belonging, e.g. the Vauban district south of Freiburg or Stockholm Royal Seaport. For
example, in Hökarängen, in Stockholm, in the frame of an urban renewal project, they ran a café in the
centre of the area. It served as a meeting point or community centre where information and ideas could
be exchanged.
At the micro level ICIM is interested in helping MKB change norms and behaviour in order to reduce the
use of hot water (and therefore save energy) and to increase recycling (and reduce the amount of
unsorted refuse). Both of these activities will save money for MKB and potentially create a surplus that
can be used to reward an increase in desired behaviour. EON and Schneider Electrics would like to
explore the possibilities for energy savings (heating and electricity) in the buildings of Trianon through
behaviour change.
den 8:e april 2014
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Innovationsplattform Malmö Syd Ost
Desired outcomes of the workshop
We identify good examples and sources of information where new norms have been established
in an urban area.
We list methods for stimulating behaviour change and establishing new norms in Malmö South
East when it comes to reducing the use of energy, hot water and increasing the amount of
Agenda for the workshop
Introduction of participants (10 mins) - All
Known examples of projects and initiatives that have successfully introduced new norms and good
examples for methods for stimulating behaviour change (90 mins) - IIIEE researchers
Oksana Mont: Social Marketing
Yuliya Voytenko: Smart metering and dynamic pricing
Primoz Medved: Sustainable Neighbourhoods (Freiburg, Vauban)
Bernadett Kiss: MECHANISM – Toolkit for Making Energy Change
Discussion and questions during the presentations
Summary and next steps (10 mins) – Kes
Den 8:e april träffades 10 innovationsintresserade inom ramen av Innovationsplattform Malmö Sydost
projektet för att lära sig mer om erfarenheter och diskutera potentiella innovationslösningar i området
av beteendeförändring i samband med renoveringen av miljonprogramsområden i Malmö.
Medverkande forskare, Oksana Mont, Yuliya Voytenko och Primoz Medved från IIIEE gav en inblick i
relevanta forskningsresultat on beteendemönster, potentiella interventionspunkter och metoder att
bemöta utmaningar i samband med ”behaviour change”. Presenterade exemplen ledde till intressanta
diskussioner och väckte heta frågor som ansågs vara en bra utgångspunkt och idéväckande för
innovativa ”business cases”.
Deltagande aktörerna, dvs. EON, Schneider Electrics, ICIM och MKB kommer att jobba vidare med dessa
idéer med tanke på att presentera / återkomma med en ”business case” som ett nästa steg.
Presentationer och minnesanteckningar har skickats ut till alla närvarande den 8:e april 2014. För ytterligare information om
dokumentationen och workshoppen, kontakta eller
den 8:e april 2014
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