Welcome to conference / theme day on the topic ” Sustainable transports in Northern Europe’s peripheral tourism areas Programme Funäsdalen April 24, 2012 ” Conference language: English 11.00 Introduction Trans Tourism Moderator Robert Pettersson Some of the participants present their projects. 12.00Lunch 1.00-3.20 p.m. Presentation Katarina Lind Tourismcoordinator, Transport Administration: Sustainable Tourism. Presentation Anna Matsson SITE Destination Dalarna: Public transport for a sustainable tourism. Presentation Bosse Bodén Etour: Travel and transportation issues in a context. Presentation Dennis Bederoff Regional Growth: ”Tourism in the natural environment, planning issues and paradoxes” Presentation Anne Adsten JHT: stategies and sustainable transports in Jämtland/ Härjedalen 3.00 p.m.Coffee 3.20 p.m. Panel open discussion, comparison between different countries Moderator. 4.30 p.m.End place Härjedalens MOUNTAIN MUSEUM, Funäsdalen www.transtourism.eu Derry, Northern ireland iceland Härjedalen, Sweden moderator robert pettersson Research Interests: events tourism, local and regional development, tourism in peripheral areas, trends in tourism, cultural tourism and visitor tracking. Born and raised in Skelleftea. Studied in Umeå and took a teaching degree and Masters degree in Human Geography 1999th Worked for a short period of Västerbotten County tourism board right after graduation, and began to ETOUR in August 1999. Started in 2000 with thesis Tourism in Lapland. Postdoctoral 2004th Emphasis is placed on communication with the industry, mainly through speeches and seminars, and through cooperation with governments and business. om projektet about the project Projektet ska utveckla och implementera lösningar för transporttjänster anpassade till landsbygdsturism områden i Norra Periferin. Turismen är viktig för ekonomisk och social hållbarhet i många samhällen i norra periferi området. De tjänster som utvecklas i projektet kommer att underlätta utvecklingen av turismen och samtidigt minska koldioxidutsläpp och lokala trafikstockningar från bilar under högsäsong. Detta kommer också att tjäna som exempel för resten av programområdet. Projektet syftar även till att visa innovativa, hållbara transporter och transporttjänster information som är miljömässigt och ekonomiskt lönsamma för tursimområden. De nya tjänsterna kommer att förbättra tillgängligheten med kollektivtrafik och långsiktigt uppmuntra ett minskat bilberoende vilket leder till mer långsiktiga ekonomiska och miljömässiga fördelar. Tjänsterna omfattar nya eller förbättrade bussar som drivs med en flexibilitet för att möta lokala och säsongsbetonade krav på trafiken samt bättre information och integration av resmöjligheter med alternativ för individuell reseplanering till och inom landsbygden. Medel för att göra detta är busservice, ondemand trafik och flexibla tidtabeller beroende på säsong i de svenska vinterturismområdena , med stöd av IT-applikationer och småskaliga transporttjänster anpassade till besökarnas krav på östra Island. Det inkluderar också utveckling och implementering av smarta kortsystem för lokala resor inom turismområden i Nordirland och Irland och utveckling av en interaktiv webbplats för reseplanering i högländerna i Skottland. The TransTourism partnership is developing and implementing solutions for transport services adapted to rural tourism areas in the Northern Periphery. Tourism is important to the economic and social sustainability of many communities in the Northern periphery area. The services developed in the project will facilitate development of tourism in the project area whilst reducing carbon emission and local congestion from private cars at peak season. This will also serve as examples for the rest of the programme area. The project aims to demonstrate innovative, sustainable transport and transport information services that are environmentally beneficial and economically viable for rural tourism areas. The new services will improve accessibility by public transport and encourage lower car dependency for tourism activities in the project areas leading to longer term economic and environmental benefits. The services includes new or improved bus services, operated with a flexibility to meet local and seasonal demands on traffic as well as better information and integration of travel opportunities with options for individual travel planning to and within rural areas. Means to do this are shuttle bus services, on demand traffic and flexible time tables according to season in the Swedish winter tourism areas, supported by IT applications and small scale transport services adapted to visitor’s demands in East Iceland. It also includes development and implementation of smart card systems for local travels in the tourism areas in Northern Ireland and Ireland and development of an interactive website for travel planning in the Highlands of Scotland. www.transtourism.eu Härjedalen, Sweden County Down, Northern Ireland LECTURER katarina lind, Tourismcoordinator, Transport Administration. Sustainable tourism. Traffic Authority’s role and contribution to visitor industry development. anna matsson, SITE, Destination Dalarna. Public transport for a sustainable tourism. SITE advice aims to create collaborative processes between border municipalities to strengthen the region as an international tourist destination. By designing forms for dialogue between decision makers, officials, industry and academia to take the means of sharing experiences and identifying common solutions. , Bosse Boden, ETOUR. Travel and transport aspects in context. After a dozen years as a teacher he took his PhD in 1995 on an economic historical treatise on a Jämtlandic entrepreneurial activity and its environment from 1920-1990. His interest in entrepreneurship and regional development brought him to the field of tourism. Teacher at the tourism program and scientists at ETOUR (2000). dennis bederoff, responsible tourismissues the Regional. ”Tourism in the natural environment, planning issues and paradoxes” sound and ”transportation efficient” planning of tourist facilities and resorts. anne adsten, Tourism Developer at Jämtland Härjedalen Tourism How do we think the Jämtland / Härjedalen. NOTICE annika.myhr@herjedalen.se, phone +46 (0)680-17721, +46 (0)70-2918172 Last entry: April 13 www.transtourism.eu Härjedalen, Sweden