Page 1 of 3 From: Sent: 09 January 2013 15:15 To: SCHLYTER Carl Subject: RE: Möte 23 januari TPD OK! /Markus ____________________________ Markus Lindblad Head of Corporate and Regulatory Affairs British American Tobacco Sweden AB Warfvinges väg 31 Box 30244 104 25 Stockholm Sweden Cell.: +46 73 435 42 51 From: To: Date: "SCHLYTER Carl" <> <> 2013-01-09 15:14 Subject: RE: Möte 23 januari TPD Hej Markus, nej vi följer samma regler. M v h, Jeanette From: [] Sent: 09 January 2013 11:57 To: SCHLYTER Carl Subject: RE: Möte 23 januari TPD Hej Jeanette, tack för besked. Har du möjlighet att träffa mig någon gång den 23 januari? Vänliga hälsningar Markus Lindblad ____________________________ Markus Lindblad Head of Corporate and Regulatory Affairs British American Tobacco Sweden AB Warfvinges väg 31 Box 30244 104 25 Stockholm Page 2 of 3 Sweden Cell.: +46 73 435 42 51 From: To: Date: Subject: "SCHLYTER Carl" <> <> 2013-01-09 10:00 RE: Möte 23 januari TPD Hej Markus, Carl har inte möjlighet att träffa dig. Han följer FCTC:s regler om att inte ge tobaksindustrin priviligerad tillgång men ni får naturligtvis som alla andra skicka skriftlig information om ni så önskar. Vänligen, Jeanette Perman Politisk assistent till Carl Schlyter From: [] Sent: 20 December 2012 09:39 To: SCHLYTER Carl Cc: PERMAN Jeanette Subject: Möte 23 januari TPD Hej Carl (Anna-Karin), jag skulle vilja träffa dig och Jeanette Perman den 23 januari i Bryssel gällande TPD. Hoppas att det går att ordna! Vänliga hälsningar Markus Lindblad ____________________________ Markus Lindblad Head of Corporate and Regulatory Affairs British American Tobacco Sweden AB Warfvinges väg 31 Box 30244 104 25 Stockholm Sweden Cell.: +46 73 435 42 51 _____________________________________________________________________ Confidentiality Notice: The information in this document and attachments is confidential and may also be legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Internet communications are not secure and therefore British American Tobacco does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately and then delete this document. Do not disclose the contents of this document to any other person, nor take any copies. Page 3 of 3 Violation of this notice may be unlawful. ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Confidentiality Notice: The information in this document and attachments is confidential and may also be legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Internet communications are not secure and therefore British American Tobacco does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately and then delete this document. Do not disclose the contents of this document to any other person, nor take any copies. Violation of this notice may be unlawful. ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Confidentiality Notice: The information in this document and attachments is confidential and may also be legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Internet communications are not secure and therefore British American Tobacco does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately and then delete this document. Do not disclose the contents of this document to any other person, nor take any copies. Violation of this notice may be unlawful. ______________________________________________________________________