Management of the Construction Process, from the perspective of Veidekke Lean Construction Denmark March 21, 2014 Trond Bølviken Director at Veidekke Entreprenør AS Chair of IGLC 2014 Agenda 1. IGLC 2014 2. Veidekke’s approach to Lean Construction Industry Day (preliminary) • • • • • • How it all began – The history of Lean Construction The Last Planner System - Why and what? Company cases BIM and Lean A trade union perspective on Lean Construction … Mon June 23 Tue June 24 Industry Day Workshop Day Wed June 25 Thu June 26 Fri June 27 Research Conference Sat June 28 Sun June 29 Summer School Workshop Day 1. Lean from a client perspective Host: Statsbygg (Public client) 2. Collaborative design management, incl. BIM and VDC (Site visit and workshop) Host: Veidekke (Construction company) 3. Supplier development Host: Kruse-Smith (Construction company) 4. Lean Shipbuilding Hosts: Ulstein Group (Ship builder) and Nymo (Supplier to the oil and gas sector) 5. Making Design Decisions in Lean Project Delivery: Choosing By Advantages Hosts: Glenn Ballard and Paz Arroyo (From the Project Production Systems Laboratory at Berkeley) 6. Introduction to the Last Planner System and Integrated Project Delivery Host: Alan Mossman (Lean adviser) 7. Lean and the Nordic working life model Hosts: Fellesforbundet (Trade union), BNL (Federation of construction industries) and Fafo (Research institute) Mon June 23 Tue June 24 Industry Day Workshop Day Wed June 25 Thu June 26 Fri June 27 Research Conference Sat June 28 Sun June 29 Summer School Research Conference • We expect approximately 120 papers to be presented Mon June 23 Tue June 24 Industry Day Workshop Day Wed June 25 Thu June 26 Fri June 27 Research Conference Sat June 28 Sun June 29 Summer School Summer School • For PhD students • A opportunity to discuss and get feed back from international PhD students and scholars Mon June 23 Tue June 24 Industry Day Workshop Day Wed June 25 Thu June 26 Fri June 27 Research Conference Sat June 28 Sun June 29 Summer School Veidekke’s approach to Lean Construction 1. Lean Construction 2. Involverende planlegging – i produksjon (IP) 3. Involverende planlegging – i prosjektering (IPP) Utviklingen i vårt forbedringsarbeid Oppstarthjelp Den første IPP-veilederen Utprøving av IP VAP Styringssystemet Vi i Veidekke 2003 2003 2005 2006 2013 2012 HMS-strategi Den første IP-veilederen 2014 2008 Toyota Production System (TPS) Lean production What kind of production is construction? Lean Construction is an ambition to understand and improve project production in construction Construction is Project Production Similar Products Unique Products Permanent Organization Mass Production Order Production Temporary Organization Production by Rotating Labor Project Production Bølviken: On the Categorization of Production: The Organization – Product Matrix (IGLC 20, 2012) Andersen, Bølviken, Dammerud, Skinnarland: Approaching Construction as a Logistical, Economical and Social Process (IGLC 16, 2008) Last Planner Principles 1. Plan in greater detail as you get closer to doing the work 2. Produce plans collaboratively with those who will do the work 3. Reveal and remove constraints on planned tasks as a team 4. Make and secure reliable promises 5. Learn from breakdowns Ballard, Hammond, Nickerson: Production Control Principles (IGLC 17, 2009) 7 forutsetninger for en sunn aktivitet Informasjon Forutgående aktiviteter Materialer Aktivitet Etterfølgende aktiviteter Plass Mannskap Utstyr Koskela: Management of Production in Construction: A Theoretical View (IGLC 7, 1999) Bertelsen: Louise – en beretning om Trimmet Byggeri (2003) Arbeidsdeling i tid Plansystemet i Involverende Planlegging 1. Hovedplan Kontraktsgrunnlag 2. Faseplan Riktig hovedrekkefølge 3. Utkikksplan Fjerne hindringer, buffer av sunne aktiviteter 4. Ukeplan Kun sunne aktiviteter 5. Lagsplan Fordele arbeidsoppgaver 6. Morgenmøte En siste sjekk av forutsetningene Hovedelementene i IPP ■ Oppstartsprosessen ■ Hindringsanalyse ■ Plansystemet ■ Møtestruktur 6 forutsetninger for en sunn prosjekteringsaktivitet Bølviken, Gullbrekken, Nyseth: Collaborative Design Management (IGLC 18, 2010) Veidekke: Involverende planlegging i prosjektering - Veileder Plansystemet Møtestrukturen Integrert metodikk for prosjekteringsledelse 25