® Teknisk Informasjon AnB System ® Above and below ground NONEL Systemet DynoLine NO.: DynoLine_no Utgave: the customer along with a delivery acknowledgement. This type of documentation allows the customer to obtain optimal loading, NONEL DynoLine brukes for å thus tenne opp NONEL-salver i sikker minimizing cost. The printouts also avstand fra sprengningsplassen. NONEL DynoLine består av rosa serve as valuable documentation in standard NONEL-slange, og kan leveres på ruller på 750 og 1500 cases where the blasting is being meter. carried out on behalf of a third party. bodies. In other words, they consist of a truck chassis with a loading or transport unit mounted on top, which contains the necessary amount of prepared Anolit. An AnB production unit, which mixes the raw materials on site just prior to the loading, may also be used. The explosives are loaded through a loading hose into the boreholes by use of compressed air. Loading of the whole blast can generally be done from ground level, or from the existing access to the pallet. For gjøre håndteringen av slangen enklere er det laget ledningsvinder. For å koble NONEL DynoLine til f.eks en NONEL Starter, koblingsblokk The operator controls the loading with the aid of a radio-operated eller buntopptenner brukes en kort bit koblingsslange av myk remote control system attached to the operator’s belt.plast. One Supplying Anolit directly to the boreholes offers a number of advantages: • High degree of safety • No need to store explosives • Pre-programmed amount of loaded Anolit per hole • Large loading capacity • Efficient loading requiring minimal labour • No leftover explosives • Accurate documentation • No handling of packaging • Dewatering system person can therefore carry out the entire loading operation. It is also possible to pre-program the desired amount of explosive per borehole. This is of course most useful in situations where there are a large number of identical boreholes, and only one type of loading. A PLC unit mounted on the loading unit records the amount in and the number of each borehole. We would like to emphasis that the AnB system’s products are delivered in accordance to the customer’s specifications and wishes, and that it is the customer who is responsible for the loading and blasting work. Orica Mining Services wishes nevertheless to play an active supporting role. Loading control – documentation By using the AnB System, a cost-conscious customer will be utilizing the most up-to-date loading control, which provides valuable and necessary documentation. Loading waterlogged holes Waterlogged holes have previously presented difficulties for loading with ANFO explosives. This problem has been (significantly) reduced Tekniske spesifikasjoner through AnB System’s dewatering technique. Each individual The explosives are transported to a loading container mounted Ledningslengder 750 og 1500 m can now dewatered immediately before loading. The water borehole on load cells. This makes it possible to determine at any given time what amount has been loaded. Not only does this system NONEL-slange Standardclearing 3L (rosa)is done by inserting a plastic hose with a rubber bellow on the end into the borehole. The hose and bellow is then subjected to provide continuously updated information on the total amount Ledningsvinde pressure, and the water is pressed out of the hole through a return delivered, but also information on the amount of explosives in Totaleborehole. ytre mål, inkl. slangekutter =hose. 220 xA240 x 375 mm unit attached to the operator’s belt operates radio control each A summary report containing this informationLxBxH is the dewatering process. All of our loading units have AnB system’s printed out immediately after finished loading, and is delivered to Totalvekt ca 2,75 kg dewatering equipment. o Product / colorcode on the bag Density kg/dm3 o Mellom -35 C og + 50 C Brukstemperatur Anolit (standard) Anolit Light 50% Anolit Light 30% Anolit Extra Anolit A Anolit Extra A 0,85 0,52 0,40 0,83 0,88 0,86 100 50 30 90 125 114 3,9 3,2 2,5 3,6 4,7 4,4 3,3 1,7 1,0 3,0 4,1 3,8 > 2400 2000 1300 > 2400 > 2700 > 2700 Gasvolume l/kg 970 795 650 Water resistance Poor Poor Poor Limited Poor Limited Volume strenght approx. % Energy MJ/kg Energy MJ/dm3 Detonation velocity m/s approx. confined Med hver rull DynoLine leveres en lengde koblingsslange 985 hvor man kapper 895 passende biter 920brukt som skjøtehylse. DynoLine ledningsvind kan leveres for både 750 og 1500 meter snelle. Approval and classification Proper shipping name Explosive, Blasting, Type B / Ammoniumnitrate UN-number 0082 / 1942 Transport class 1.1 D / 5.1 The manufacturer reserves the right to modify products without prior notice. © Dyno Nobel Sweden AB Dyno Nobel Sweden AB Gyttorp, 713 82 Nora, Sweden Phone: +46 587 85000 - email:info.gyse@orica.com www.oricaminingservices.com AnB System® ® NONEL Systemet Above and below ground DynoLine the customer along with a delivery bodies. In other words, they consist of a truck chassis with a loading acknowledgement. This type of or transport unit mounted on top, which contains the necessary documentation allows the customer amount of prepared Anolit. An AnB production unit, which mixes to obtain optimal loading, thus the raw materials on site just prior to the loading, may also be minimizing cost. The printouts also used. The explosives are loaded through a loading hose into the Bruk serve as valuable documentation in boreholes by use of compressed air. Loading of the whole blast can 1.generally NONEL dras ut til første blokk (inngang) i salven til to det sted cases man skal stå ved where the avfyring blasting is being beDynoLine done from ground level, or from the existing access carried out on behalf of a third the pallet. party.og enden på NONEL 2. Endeforseglingen på NONEL-slangen på koblingsblokken skjæres bort, directlyca to Supplying DynolineAnolit renskjæres 20 the cm. boreholes offers a number of The operator controls the loading with the aid of a radio-operated advantages: control system attached to the operator’s belt. One High degree of safety • 3. NONEL DynoLine kobles til den første blokken (inngangen) i salven. Fraremote den medfølgende koblingsperson can therefore carry out the entire loading operation. It is • No need to store explosives slange kappes ca 4 cm av som skjøtehylse. also possible to pre-program the desired amount of explosive per • Pre-programmed amount of loaded Anolit per hole borehole. This is of course most useful in situations where there are • Large loading capacity 4. Slangeendene fra loading NONEL DynoLine-rullen og fra koblingsblokken trykkes inn i skjøtehylsen fraidentical hver sin boreholes, side så langtand somonly mulig, 1 cm. a large number of onedog typeminst of loading. • Efficient requiring minimal labour A PLC unit mounted on the loading unit records the amount in • No leftover explosives 5. Ved regn eller fuktig vær må man passe på at vann ikke trenger inn i koblingen! and the number of each borehole. We would like to emphasis • Accurate documentation that the AnB system’s products are delivered in accordance to the • No handling of packaging customer’s specifications and wishes, and that it is the customer Dewatering systemslangeskjøten. 6. Lag en•knute som avlaster who is responsible for the loading and blasting work. Orica Mining wishes(DynoStart, nevertheless to play an active Loading control – documentation 7. På avfyringsstedet kappes slangen fra NONEL DynoLine og kobles tilServices tennapparat DynoRem eller HN1)supporting når alt errole. klart og By using the AnB System, a cost-conscious customer will be utilizing salven skal skytes. Loading waterlogged holes the most up-to-date loading control, which provides valuable and Waterlogged holes have previously presented difficulties for loading necessary documentation. 8. Enden på NONEL-slangen på rullen forsegles med tape for å hindre atwith vann/fuktighet trengerThis innproblem under lagring. ANFO explosives. has been (significantly) reduced through AnB System’s dewatering technique. Each individual The explosives are transported to a loading container mounted borehole can now dewatered immediately before loading. The water on load cells. This makes it possible to determine at any given clearing is done by inserting a plastic hose with a rubber bellow on time what amount has been loaded. Not only does this system the end into the borehole. The hose and bellow is then subjected to provide continuously updated information on the total amount pressure, and the water is pressed out of the hole through a return delivered, but also information on the amount of explosives in hose. A radio control unit attached to the operator’s belt operates each borehole. A summary report containing this information is Anbefalteout lagringsbetingelser Godkjennelse og process. klassifisering the dewatering All of our loading units have AnB system’s printed immediately after finished loading, and is delivered to dewatering equipment. Lagringstid 2 år fra produksjonsdato. Notified Body (godkjennende 0402 (SP, Sverige) Produkter i åpnede pakker bør institutt) forbukes VedLight høy Product / colorcode on Anolit innen 3 mnd. Anolit Anolit Light Godkjennelsesnummer 158401 Anolit Extra Anolit A Anolit Extra A fuktiget, 1 mnd. the bag (standard) 50% 30% Produktbetegnelse / varenavn DynoLine er ikke klassifisert som Luftfuktighet Tørt0,85 og luftig Density kg/dm3 0,52 0,40 0,83 0,86 farlig0,88 gods Volume 100 50 30 90 125 114 strenght approx. % Energy MJ/kg Energy MJ/dm3 3,9 3,2 2,5 3,6 4,7 4,4 3,3 1,7 1,0 3,0 4,1 3,8 > 2400 > 2700 > 2700 985 895 920 Limited Poor Limited Detonation velocity m/s 2000 1300 Destruksjon av NONEL-slanger > 2400 approx. confined Spreng ut det reaktive og lever det til en gjenvinningsstasjon Gasvolume l/kg materialet med DynoStart 970 795 650 Water resistance Poor Poor Poor Approval and classification Proper shipping name Explosive, Blasting, Type B / Ammoniumnitrate UN-number 0082 / 1942 Transport class 1.1 D / 5.1 The manufacturer reserves the right to modify products without prior notice. © Dyno Nobel Sweden AB Utgiver tar forbehold om trykkfeil, endringer i lover og forskrifter og eventuelle produktendringer © Orica Norway AS Dyno Nobel Sweden Orica Norway AS AB Gyttorp, 713 82 Nora, Sweden Postboks 614, 3412 Lierstranda Besøksadresse: Røykenveien 18, 3400 Lier Phone: +46 85000 email:info.gyse@orica.com Telefon: 32 587 22 91 00 - email: nordics@orica.com www.oricaminingservices.com