NEMSIO LIBRARY NMM tutorial 2015 1 Jun Wang Hang Lei Mark Iredell INTRODUCTION nemsio NMM tutorial 2015 is a package to support input/output in NOAA Environmental Modeling System (NEMS) Current NEMSIO can handle binary data and GRIB-1 data NEMSIO has serial version and MPI version 2 DATA STRUCTURE NMM tutorial 2015 A NEMSIO file contains two parts: meta data and data fields. Meta data: Standard model meta data User defined meta data (optional) Data fields: Same dimension for all the fields Real kind (4 or 8 bytes real) Same format for all the fields 3 STANDARD META DATA Total 12 meta data records, can be reduced by users NMM tutorial 2015 required by NEMS model applications such as NMMB and GFS and NCEP GSI First 2 meta data are required in all cases: Gtype, gdatatype, modelname,version, nmeta Nrec, idate, forecast time, dimention, nframe, nsoil, ntrac,jcap,ncldt,idsl,idvc,idvm,idrt,rlon_min, rlon_max,rlat_min,rlat_max 10 other meta data records: recname, reclevtyp and reclev (meta data 3:5), vcoord,lat,lon,dx,dy,Cpi,Ri 4 STANDARD META DATA 1 Name Data type /value gtype Nemsio file flag Character(8) “nemsio gdatatype Data field type Character(8) “bin4”, “bin8”,”grib” Modelname Model name character(8), ”GFS”,”NMMB” version Nemsio version number Integer. “201010” nmeta Number of standard meta data records Integer <=12 NMM tutorial 2015 meaning 5 STANDARD META DATA 2 meaning Data type nrec Number of data fields integer idate Initialization Date integer nfday,nfhour, nfminute, nsecondn, nsecondd Forecast day, hour,minutes, seconds integer dimx/dimy/dimz Dimension in x/y/z direction integer nframe Halo Dimention integer Nsoil number of soil layers integer NMM tutorial 2015 name 6 STANDARD META DATA 2 (CONTINUED) meaning Data type ntrac Number of tracers integer jcap Spectral truncation integer ncld number of cloud types integer idsl semi-lagrangian id integer idvc vertical coordinate id integer idvm Mass variable id integer idrt grid identifier integer rlon_min,rlon_max, rlat_min,rlat_max min/max of domain longitude /latitude Real(4) NMM tutorial 2015 name 7 USER DEFINED META DATA NMM tutorial 2015 extrameta in second standard meta data indicates if there are any user defined meta data User defined mata data can have 5 data type: integer, real(4), real(8), logical and character(16) if extrameta is true, meta data record exists: Nmetavari,nmetavarr,nmetavarl,nmetavarc,nmetavarr8 Nmetaaryi,nmetaaryr,nmetaaryl,nmetaaryc,nmetaaryr8 User defined meta data records holds each meta data’s name, length (for array) and value 8 USER DEFINED META DATA (CONT.) User defined meta data if(nmetavari>0) NMM tutorial 2015 variname(nmetavari) varival(nmetavari) endif If(nmetaaryr>0) aryrname(nmetaaryr) aryrlen(nmetaaryr) do i=1,nmetaaryr aryrval(1:aryrlen(i),i) enddo Endif 9 Every 1D array will only output its own length of data to the file NEMSIO INTERFACES –SERIAL VERSION nemsio_init(iret) nemsio_finalize(iret) nemsio_open(gfile,gname,'read|write|rdwr',optarg,iret) nemsio_close(gfile, iret) nemsio_getfilehead(gfile,optargs,iret) nemsio_getheadvar(gfile,argname,argval,iret) nemsio_getrechead(gfile,jrec,vname,vlevtyp,vlev,iret) nemsio_setfilehead(gfile,optarg,iret) nemsio_readrec(gfile,jrec,data,nframe,iret) nemsio_readrecv(gfile,name,levtyp,lev,data,nframe,iret) nemsio_writerec(gfile,jrec,itr,zhour,data,iret) nemsio_writerecv(gfile,name,levtyp,lev,itr,zhour,data,iret) NMM tutorial 2015 10 NEMSIO PARALLEL VERSION o Using MPI 2 o More efficient for file size ~GB NMM tutorial 2015 11 NEMSIO INTERFACE – PARALLEL VERSION nemsio_open(gfile,gfname,gaction,mpi_co nemsio_denseread(gfile,ista,iend,jsta,jend, data,iret) NMM tutorial 2015 mm,optargs,iret) nemsio_densewrite(gfile,ista,iend,jsta,jen d,data,jrecs,jrece,iret) 12 EXAMPLE: NEMSIO PARALLEL READ call nemsio_open(gfile,infile,'read',mpi_comm_comp,iret=ierr) call nemsio_getfilehead(gfile,nrec=nrec,iret=ierr) fldsize=(jte-jts+1)*(ite-its+1) allocate(tmp((ite-its+1)*(jte-jts+1)*nrec),stat=i) NMM tutorial 2015 call nemsio_init() ! call nemsio_denseread(gfile,its,ite,jts,jte,tmp,iret=ierr) ! call nemsio_close(gfile,iret=ierr) 13 UTILITIES FOR NEMSIO FILES nemsio_get: get value of a specific meta data variable or a data field mknmmbctl: create .ctl file from a nemsio file for viewing the data in Grads NMM tutorial 2015 nemsio_read: read a nemsio file, list all the meta data information and maxium/minium of each data field nemsio_cvt: convert a nemsio file from big/little endian to little/big endian 14 NEMSIO UTIL USUAGE Nemsio_read file_name Mknmmbctl file_name file_name.ctl will be generated Nemsio_get file_name meta_data_name|data field name Eg: nemsio_get nmmb_hst_01_nio_0048h_00m_00.00s jm jm= NMM tutorial 2015 201 nemsio_get nmmb_hst_01_nio_0048h_00m_00.00s "spfh" "mid layer" 1 |more 15 LOCATIONS FOR NEMSIO LIBRARY AND UTILITIES Nemsio repository Wcoss: /usrx/local/nceplibs/libnemsio_v2.2.1.a /global/save/emc.glopara/bin (?) NMM tutorial 2015 Zeus: /contrib/nceplibs/nwprod/lib /contrib/nceplibs/nwprod/util 16 FUTURE WORK With model resolution increasing, I/O could become a bottleneck for numerical models. I/O package needs to be scalable and efficient in the petascale computing resources (BIG IO) Parallel Compression NMM tutorial 2015 Nemsio near term plan: Implement nemsio parallel version in the model NetCDF GRIB2 HDF 17 DOCUMENTATION sio.php NMM tutorial 2015 18 NMM tutorial 2015 THANK YOU ! 19