The Sermon on the Mount

1. I’m trying to be like Jesus;
I’m following in his ways.
I’m trying to love as he did, in all that I do and say.
At times I am tempted to make a wrong choice,
But I try to listen as the still small voice whispers,
2. I’m trying to love my neighbor;
I’m learning to serve my friends.
I watch for the day of gladness when Jesus will come again.
I try to remember the lessons he taught.
Then the Holy Spirit enters into my thoughts, saying:
“Love one another as Jesus loves you.
Try to show kindness in all that you do.
Be gentle and loving in deed and in thought,
For these are the things Jesus taught.”
Words and music: Janice Kapp Perry, b. 1938 © 1980 by Janice Kapp Perry. This song may be copied for
incidental, noncommercial church or home use.
Enr. Act. 8
“Lesson 10: The Sermon on the Mount,”
Primary 7: New Testament, 33
I have a slip of paper for each
of you in this container.
On each, is a difficult situation
you might have to face.
Take a slip of paper and read
it out loud.
In our lesson today, we will
discuss some of Jesus’ teachings
in the Sermon on the Mount
that will help you know what to
do in these situations.
These teachings help us become
more like Jesus because they tell
us how He wants us to live.
One day Jesus taught
His disciples the gospel
on a mountainside by
the Sea of Galilee.
He told them
how to live so
they could be
happy and live
with Heavenly
Father again.
Jesus said we
should be gentle,
patient, and
willing to obey
Heavenly Father.
We should try as
hard as we can to
be righteous.
We should forgive
people who hurt us
or make us feel bad.
If we forgive them,
Heavenly Father will
forgive us.
We should be
peacemakers, love
other people, and
help everyone to
love each other.
We should not be
afraid to tell people
about the gospel or
show them that we
love Heavenly Father.
When other people
see us do good, it will
help them believe in
God too.
We should always
keep our promises.
Just as we want
others to be kind to
us, we should be
kind to them.
Jesus said that if we
do these things, we
will be happy,
Heavenly Father will
bless us, and we will
live with Him again.
The teachings in
Matthew 5:3–11
are often called
the Beatitudes.
When Jesus gave
the Beatitudes to
the Nephites, he
included the
phrase “who
come unto me.”
Let’s compare Matthew 5:3 with 3
Nephi 12:3.
How can the Beatitudes help us
become more like Jesus?
Let’s compare the beatitudes in
Matthew with those in 3 Nephi:
Matthew 5:3 and 3 Nephi 12:3
Matthew 5:6 and 3 Nephi 12:6
Matthew 5:10 and 3 Nephi 12:10
Matthew 5:48 and 3 Nephi 12:48
Jesus taught the same things to the
Jews and the Nephites and that they
are clearer in the Book of Mormon.
Enr. Act. 7
What does it mean to hunger and
thirst after righteousness?
Let’s read Matthew 5:6
How can we
do this?
What blessings
will we receive
when we do?
What is a pure heart?
Let’s read
Matthew 5:8
What are the
pure in heart
How can we
develop pure
Why is it
important to be
a peacemaker?
Let’s read
Matthew 5:9
How can we become peacemakers?
What does it
mean to be
the “salt of the
Let’s read
Matthew 5:13
How can we
be like salt?
Taste some of this
Is something missing?
Now, try some more
with a little salt on it.
A very small amount of salt can make
a big difference.
Enr. Act. 2
A small number
of righteous
people can also
make a big
How can we make a difference by
living righteously?
Enr. Act. 2
What does it
mean to be a
“light unto the
Let’s read
Matthew 5:14–16
How can we be a
light unto others?
What should we do if
there is a problem
between us and someone
Let’s read Matthew
How should we treat
our enemies or those
who do not like us?
Let’s read Matthew
How can we
Let’s read
Elder Joseph Fielding
Smith said this about
“[Perfection] will not come all at
once, but line upon line, precept
upon precept, example upon
example, and even then not as
long as we live in this mortal life…
“But here we lay the
foundation… to
prepare us for that
“It is our duty to be better today
than we were yesterday, and
better tomorrow than we are
(Doctrines of Salvation, 2:18).
How should we perform acts of
Let’s read Matthew 6:1–4
What secret acts of service can we
do for others?
Matthew 7:12 is often called
the Golden Rule.
What did Jesus ask us to do?
Treat others
how you want
to be treated.
How can we
do this?
If we try to live the teachings
that Jesus taught in the Sermon
on the Mount, we will be on
the path to perfection.
Perfection is a gradual thing
that will not be accomplished
in this life.
What we need to do now is try
to be more like Jesus each day.
Do you remember the
difficult situations from the
beginning of the lesson?
What have you learned about
how Jesus wants us to react in
these kind of situations?
What would happen if we all lived
Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on
the Mount?
Match up the first half of each
Beatitude with the second half.
Take turns coming up and try to find a
match by turning over two cards.
You can use the scriptures to help you!
If the cards match, the matched cards
are left face up. If the cards do not
match, they are turned face down
Enr. Act. 1
On these papers I have situations that
people might argue about.
How should we react to these
situations according to Matthew 5:44?
I need two volunteers to represent two
people arguing about something and a
third volunteer to be the peacemaker.
Enr. Act. 3
Each of these papers has a service you
have done or could do.
I need a volunteer to act out what is on
a paper have everyone else guess what
service is being done.
How do you feel when you help
someone else?
Think about the positive results that
come from helping people.
Enr. Act. 4
Let’s memorize Matthew 5:16
or the first part of Matthew
Enr. Act. 5
I bear my
testimony that if
we live Jesus’
teachings in the
Sermon on the
Mount, we will
be on the path
to perfection.
• Images and clipart are from,, Microsoft Office, and other
websites indicating the images were in the public
• The hymn, lesson and scripture story are from
• Please do not use this presentation for commercial
use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in
church or home to suit personal preference.
• This presentation is intended to supplement, not
replace, the lesson manual and scriptures.
Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures
and other resources when preparing and
conducting the lesson.