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After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the
• Explain the purpose of grid computing
• Explain the concepts of enterprise grid computing
• Describe the variety of components that make up
today’s data centers
• Identify the Oracle 10g components that support grid
• Describe the management options that are available for
Oracle products
• Describe how Grid Control provides a single point of
management for your data center
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Grid Computing
Grid computing treats computing as a utility.
• Consumers do not care where computing occurs.
• Producers ensure that computational power is:
– Available
– Reliable
– Reasonably priced
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Today’s Data Center
Today’s data center includes a wide variety of platforms,
hardware, network, storage, and software components:
• Oracle products:
Oracle Application Server 10g
Oracle Database 10g
Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g
Oracle E-Business Suite
• Third-party products:
– Software
– Hardware
– Middleware
– Network
– Storage
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Enterprise Grid Computing
Enterprise grid computing builds a software infrastructure
that can run on a large number of networked servers:
• Implement one from many
• Manage many as one
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Implement One from Many
Oracle 10g implements one from many with:
• Oracle Application Server 10g
• Oracle Database 10g
Oracle Application
Server 10g
one from
Oracle Database 10g
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Manage Many as One
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g: Grid Control enables you
to manage many as one:
Oracle Application
Server 10g
Single Sign-On
many as
Oracle Database 10g
Self-Managing Database
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g: Grid Control
Operating System/Software Provisioning
Service Level Management
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Grid Control Solution
The Grid Control solution brings:
• Service Level Management
– Better availability
– Superior performance
– Business-to-IT operation correlation
• Lower IT management costs
– Manage more with less.
– Eliminate human error.
– Increase speed of change.
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Enterprise Manager Product Family
The Enterprise Manager product family includes:
• Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control
• Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server
• Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server
Control Console for Collaboration Suite
• Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control
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Database Control
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control:
• Manages one database
• Manages associated listeners
• Monitors host server
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Application Server Control
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control:
• Manages one application server or application server
farm or cluster
• Monitors host server
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Application Server Control Console for
Collaboration Suite
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control
Console for Collaboration Suite:
• Customized version of Application Server Control
• Web-based home pages for each component
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Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g
Grid Control Functionality
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control provides the
framework for monitoring and administering the grid,
including the following:
• Service Level Management
• Policy-based standardization
• Automated provisioning and administration
• Information publishing
• A comprehensive overview of the grid’s status
• A single point of monitoring for all associated targets
• Alerts with the drilldown capability to identify trouble
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Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g:
Management Packs
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control offers several
management packs:
• Database management packs
Tuning Pack
Diagnostics Pack
Configuration Pack
Change Management Pack
• Application Server management packs
– Diagnostics Pack
– Configuration Pack
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Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g:
Management Packs
• Stand-alone management packs
– Service Level Management Pack
– Configuration Management Pack for Non-Oracle Systems
– Provisioning Pack
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Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g:
Management Plug-Ins
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control offers
Management Plug-ins for the following target types:
• Non-Oracle databases
• Non-Oracle middleware
• Network devices
• Storage
Extend Enterprise Manager to monitor custom
components by using modular Management Plug-ins.
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Course Objectives
After completing this course, you should be able to:
• Describe the architecture of the Grid Control framework
• List the steps involved in the installation of the Grid
Control framework
• Configure, manage, and monitor the Grid Control
• Use Grid Control to monitor your data center
• Create Groups, Systems, and Services to provide
enhanced manageability
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Course Objectives
• Create and manage jobs by using Grid Control
• Use Grid Control to assess performance across your
data center
• Establish Service Level Management and use it to
identify application performance issues
• Manage your enterprise configurations, provisioning,
cloning and patching requirements by using Grid
• Run ready-to-use reports and create new reports by
using the new reporting capabilities of Grid Control
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Course Objectives
• Manage common targets:
– Hosts
– Databases
– Application servers
• Monitor Oracle Collaboration Suite components
• Use Management Plug-ins to extend Grid Control to
manage third-party products
• Configure Grid Control for use with Single Sign-On and
Enterprise User Security
• Migrate to Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 2
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In this lesson, you should have learned how to:
• Explain the purpose of grid computing
• Explain the concepts of enterprise grid computing
• Describe the variety of components that make up
today’s data centers
• Identify the Oracle components that support grid
• Describe the management options that are available for
Oracle products
• Describe how Grid Control provides a single point of
management for your data center
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