如何提升英文能力 英語科教師:陳姿雯 如何提升英文能力 學校教學如何提升英文能力 面對基測如何提升英文能力 家長如何幫孩子提升英文能力 學校教學如何提升英文能力 教材 課本 習作 講義 聽力練習教材 閱讀練習教材 英語雜誌 學校教學如何提升英文能力 學校教學現況 聽 基本聽力練習 英文雜誌(二、五早自修播放) 上課以英文問答 段考考聽力 教學活動:英文歌曲聽寫、大家來找碴 說 正確地唸出單字 流利地唸出課本及雜誌課文並回答相關問題 教學活動:角色扮演、故事接龍、錄音等等 舉辦英語朗讀及說故事比賽 學校教學如何提升英文能力 學校教學現況 讀 字彙 + 文法 =閱讀理解 閱讀測驗 時事英文 雜誌 寫 句型練習 中翻英練習 生活隨筆:日記、閱讀心得、看圖寫故事等 The Introduction of Taiwan Taiwan was called “Formosa”. It means a beautiful island in Portuguese. Taiwan is a small island,but there are many kinds of fruits and people are friendly here. It’s like spring all the year round. Taiwan is really pretty,is’nt it? 5 famous places National Palace Museum 故宮博物院 Sun Moon Lake 日月潭 Taroko National Park 太魯閣 Mt. Ali 阿里山 Kenting National Park 鵝鸞鼻公園 5 famous food stinky tofu 100-year egg fish crackers coffin cake oolong tea 臭豆腐 皮 蛋 魚 酥 棺材板 烏龍茶 面對基測如何提升英文能力 98英語科基測試題題本(第一次) 面對基測如何提升英文能力 掌握單字 教育部基本單字1200 1.Look at the picture. The boy in long pants is the only one who is (A) fishing (B) holding a basket (C) sitting (D) wearing a cap 2.Be . when you pick up the broken dishes. Don’t cut yourself. (A) careful (B) honest (C) polite (D) strong 面對基測如何提升英文能力 精熟文法 基礎、核心的文法 3、4、5冊命題率最高 1、2 冊是基礎 克漏字測驗是答對率偏低的題型 面對基測如何提升英文能力 13.The woman you met in the library yesterday (A) giving (B) given (C) to give our school a lot of books. (D) will give Karen: Good morning, Sheryl! You look different today. Sheryl: Really? Do I look thinner? I just ________ doing some work on my apartment. Karen: I see. What did you do? Sheryl: I ________ the apartment myself and got a new couch and coffee table for the living room. Karen: It sounds like a big job. What colors did you paint your apartment? Sheryl: Several different ones. Let me see...white, yellow, green, blue and pink. Karen: So that’s why you ________ all those colors on your hair? Sheryl: Oh, no! ( )21.(A) finish(B) will finish (C) finished (D) would finish ( )22.(A) paint (B) painted (C) was painting (D) would paint ( )23.(A) have (B) will have (C) had (D) would have 面對基測如何提升英文能力 廣泛閱讀 不同體裁、不同主題的文章 以學生共同生活經驗為主 簡易文章(與時事相關、特殊主題) 書信、廣告、菜單 時刻表… In 2005, three rice farmers in Tainan, Taiwan, became famous because of the movie Let It Be. The movie shows how the three farmers live and work on the land. People are surprised by their stories and by their love for the land they live on. For the farmers, the land is the only hope they see in life. They stay happy in the light of hope, whether the light is strong or weak. Even in hard times, the farmers still give thanks to the land and keep working happily on their farms. When their farms grow very little rice, they just laugh and say, “It’s OK. Don’t worry! We’re still living a happy life!” That is the way many Taiwanese farmers live with their problems. They work hard and never ask for much from the land. All they want is to love and live for it. Because of the movie, the world can remember the farmers in Taiwan for their hard work and their “let-it-be” idea about life. 家長如何幫助孩子提升英文能力 學習困境 雙峰 學習態度不嚴謹 中式英文 家長如何幫助孩子提升英文能力 態度就是程度 陪孩子建立好的學習態度, 好的讀書習慣 學習不要留白 由淺而深就不深, 由易而難就不難 時時學英文,處處學英文