WAR OF 1812- ARROGANT WORMS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ety2FEHQgwM SOME INFO… In 1812, the US declared war on Britain, and tried to invade British North Americawhat is now Canada. The War of 1812 was a fight between the United States and British North America, fought in North America. During this time Britain and France were still fighting… Britain ended up shutting down trade between France and the U.S. It blocked American ships from landing at French ports. The British navy also began boarding American ships, looking for British deserters. …The Americans were mad! The U.S declared war on the nearest piece of British territory: British North America, now known as Canada. …AND THE WHITE HOUSE BURNED… DID THE WAR OF 1812 HELP CANADA DEVELOP ITS UNIQUE IDENTITY? YES… The War of 1812 united the diverse peoples of British North America for the first time. Canadiens, British Canadians and First Nations fought along side one another for a common cause: to prevent an American takeover of their lands. If the United States had won the War of 1812, Canada might not exist today at all. The treaty that ended the war established a boundary between Canada and the U,S that we still respect today. NO… The War of 1812 affirmed British identity in Canada, but not Canadien or First Nation identities. The end of the war meant that Britain was less worried about the threat of an American invasion, and felt it didn’t need allies as much. Britain began to ignore First Nations in making decisions about the future of Canada. It sought to isolate First Nations peoples on reserves. Britain began to advocate assimilation for non-British peoples, including First Nations and the Canadiens. THE ROLE OF CHIEF TECUMSEH • Tecumseh gathered 10,000 warriors in what is now southern Ontario in 1812, hoping to unify First Nations peoples into a confederacy with their own land and government. • With Americans pushing aboriginal people off their lands to the south, Tecumseh and his supporters agreed to join the British and Canadian side during the War of 1812. • American forces killed Tecumseh in the Battle of the Thames, in October 1813. • His confederation (the Shawnee Confederation) fell apart and the British deserted their First Nation allies at the peace conference that ended the War of 1812. • The American settlers took possession of all the territory south of the Great Lakes; this drove the First Nations west or into reservations. THE ROLE OF LAURA SECORD • She is known for having walked 20 miles out of American-occupied territory to warn British forces of an impending American attack. • The information she gave helped the British and their Mohawk warrior allies win a battle. THE ROLE OF ISAAC BROCK • Remembered as the fallen hero and saviour of Upper Canada. • He was promoted to major general, and became responsible for defending Upper Canada against the United States. • While many in Canada and Britain believed war could be averted, Brock began to ready the army for what was to come. • When the War of 1812 broke out, the populace was prepared. “WHEN YOU ARISE IN THE MORNING GIVE THANKS FOR THE MORNING LIGHT, FOR YOUR LIFE AND STRENGTH. GIVE THANKS FOR YOUR FOOD, AND THE JOY OF LIVING. IF YOU SEE NO REASON FOR GIVING THANKS, THE FAULT LIES WITH YOURSELF.” RICK MERCER REPORT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLa0mUWAiVk