Ethical language - mrslh Philosophy & Ethics

Ethical Language
Starter – what do you remember about Language?
Using the mwb, in pairs, make a mindmap about
everything you can remember about Language
from last term
Ethical language
This lesson will be successful if:
You can explain the difference between meta-ethics and normative
ethics (Grade C)
You can evaluate words in a meta-ethical way (Grade B)
You can apply the theories of meta-ethics and normative ethics
evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches.
(Grade A)
H/W: Independent Learning Booklet
Task: in groups assess the phrase ‘Murder is
wrong’. What does ‘wrong’ mean?
A2 Ethics Overview
Meta Ethics
Free Will & Determinism
Virtue Ethics
Environmental Ethics
Business Ethics
Sexual Ethics
Natural Moral Law
Religious Ethics
In this unit you will learn about …
The use of ethical language – the ways in which
different scholars understand how words such as
‘good’, ‘bad’, ‘right’, ‘wrong’, are used when ethical
statements are made.
 How meta-ethics differs from normative ethics
 The different ethical approaches: e.g. cognitive, noncognitive, ethical naturalism and intuitionism;
emotivism and prescriptivism.
 How to discuss these areas critically and evaluate the
strengths and weaknesses
One to One
5 minute chat with everyone to see what their
plans are for this year.
Introduction to
The word ‘meta’ in Greek means
‘above’ or ‘beyond’; thus meta-ethics
goes further than ethical theories to
look at what is meant by the terms
used in ethics – what does the
language mean?
The meaning of words
What do we understand by ‘mean’ and
‘meaning’ when we use it in everyday language?
I mean to buy her a Valentine card
I mean to win this race
What is the meaning of life?
The convict looked really mean
Those dark clouds mean it is going to rain
Does ‘good’ mean socially approved?
Do you understand what I mean?
And some more…
What does ‘good’ mean? – write down as many
different ways that we can use the word good (in
Is it something I approve of? (E.g. the Iraq War)
•Is it something that fulfils its purpose? (E.g. a knife that cuts)
•Is it someone or something that has moral worth? (E.g. Jesus or pacifism)
•Is it my own opinion? (The music of U2 or Muse)
•Is it what God/a holy book says that we should do? (E.g. do not steal)
NB: Can we categorise different types?
Meta Ethics vs Normative Ethics
Normative ethics deals with things that are right and
wrong. They tell people what to do or what not to do.
Meta ethics deal with what the words themselves
‘Good means the same thing to everyone. We
all understand it’.
In pairs, apply both meta ethics and normative ethics to
the statement. Is this an accurate statement? Why
might it be inaccurate?
Plenary: choose a number
between 1 -50
What is Meta-Ethics?
write an explanation using an example (if you have
enough words!)
Remember to start completing your Independent
Learning Booklet. Next Lesson we will be looking at
Cognitive Theories of meta Ethics. You MUST have
done the prior reading before coming to the lesson.