PKSSSS CY2010 Level: J4 Lesson 11: The Buddha in Magadha Kingdom (Chapter 14) Conversion of King Bimbisara Buddha travel from Uruvilva to Rajagriha, took shelter at a park – Palm Grove King Bimbisara with his noblemen went to meet the Buddha King and his noblemen become Buddha layfollowers Buddha then give teaching on “charity, morality, the evil on clinging to senses pleasures and advantages of renouncing them King Bimbisara wanted Buddha to remain in his kingdom to teach Dharma King Bimbisara offered the Palm Grove to the Buddha so that people could attend the Buddha teaching BIRTH Page 1 Growing Up & Four Encounters Renunciation Search for Truth King saw Uruvilva Kashyapa brother's disciples and the Buddha Buddha had Kashyapa declared that Buddha as his master Enlightenment Learn. Practice. Realise. Share. Teaching Final Nirvana Conversion of Shariputra (舍利弗尊者) and Maudgalyayana (目犍連尊者) In Rajagriha, Sanjaya have 2 chief disciples – Shariputra & Maudgalyayana Together with Maudgalyayana they went to Bamboo Grove Shariputra met Ven. Ashvajit & ask who is his teacher. What is His Teaching? Both of them were unable to find the way to end suffering. They seek out to find the truths. “The Buddha explains how suffering arises and how it comes to an end.” He was full of great joy & his doubt about the universe were dismissed This is His Teaching Together with 200 disciples, they became the Buddha’s disciples BIRTH Page 2 Growing Up & Four Encounters Both of them became Buddha chief disciples – Shariputra’s wisdom and Maudgalyayana’s power of meditation were second to Buddha Renunciation Search for Truth Enlightenment Learn. Practice. Realise. Share. Teaching Final Nirvana Buddha with Shariputra (舍利弗尊者) and Maudgalyayana (目犍連尊者) BIRTH Page 3 Growing Up & Four Encounters Renunciation Search for Truth Enlightenment Learn. Practice. Realise. Share. Teaching Final Nirvana Conversion of Maha Kashyapa (大迦葉尊者) In Rajagriha, a very rich man find life meaningless & became ascetic – Maha Kashyapa Maha Kashyapa was praised by the Buddha for his efforts in observing the strict disciplinary rules and meditation BIRTH Page 4 Growing Up & Four Encounters He met the Buddha and realized that Buddha was an Enlightened one Immediately, he prostrated at the feet of the Buddha and ask to be His disciple Buddha immediately accepted and said Maha Kashyapa was ordained and diligently practiced what the Buddha taught him “I teach the Truth out of wisdom and not out of ignorance” He became an Arhat after 8 days “Cultivate good conduct and avoid smallest fault. Be mindful in your actions, words and thoughts. Keep your senses well guarded. Be steadfast and wise in your training” Renunciation Search for Truth Enlightenment Learn. Practice. Realise. Share. Teaching Final Nirvana Summary • The Buddha met King Bimbisara for the second time. The King was converted and donated the Bamboo Grove to the Buddha for the use of the Order. • Shariputra, Mandgalyayana and Maha Kashyapa had joined the Order and became noted for their wisdom, meditation and discipline respectively. BIRTH Page 5 Growing Up & Four Encounters Renunciation Search for Truth Enlightenment Learn. Practice. Realise. Share. Teaching Final Nirvana