Macbeth by Shakespeare: Comparing Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

Macbeth by
William Shakespeare
Question: Compare and contrast the
characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
in Act 2 scene 2. Which of the two has the
stronger character?
D Mac Gabhann, Scoil Chaitríona
 Complete a table in your book comparing and
contrasting Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in Act
2 Scene 2.
Re-read the script and look for points that tell
you how they are feeling or behaving in this
act. Look for at least three points & quotes for
each character.
Copyright 2007
Lady Macbeth
Lost in terrifying
He cannot speak
the word ‘Amen’
line 28
Boasts how she
would have killed
Duncan herself but
for the fact he
looked like her
father. She is bold
‘Had he not
resembled my
father…I had
done’t’ line 12-13
Terrified to return
Copyright 2007
Write an introduction to your essay E.g.
In this essay I am going to compare
and contrast the characters of Macbeth
and Lady Macbeth…
Copyright 2007
Write a short paragraph introducing the
two characters...E.g.
Macbeth is a strong, ……… soldier at
the beginning of the play. However, he
meets three ……… who tell him three
things: that he is ……… and will
become ……… and eventually……… He
becomes obsessed with this thought.
Lady Macbeth is a character who is the
driving force behind Macbeth’s evil
deeds. Macbeth ……… and loves her.
Copyright 2007
Take one point from your grid about
Macbeth and explain it using P.E.E. E.g.
 In Act 2 scene 2 Macbeth is lost in terrifying
guilt following his act of murder on Duncan.
A quote to show this is
:……………………………….. This clearly
shows that when Macbeth returns from the
murder he is in a real……………. He cannot
function properly and is so traumatised he
could not even answer the word ‘amen’ to
Malcolm and Donalbain’s prayers. This
shows that Macbeth is not a very ……… at
this point in the play because he is not
coping very well with what he has done
Copyright 2007
Write your next point on Lady Macbeth:
On the other hand Lady Macbeth
appears to be quite bold at this point. A
quote to show this is……………..
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Write your next point from the grid on
 Macbeth is also terrified to return to
the place where the murder was
comitted this is shown when he
 Write your next point on Lady Macbeth:
 Lady Macbeth, on the other hand, is
very domineering towards Macbeth
because she says……………….In this
scene she is saying……. .
Copyright 2007
Continue writing about each character in
Ensure that each character is discussed
using Quote, Statement, Analysis.
Copyright 2007
Conclusion: Using the information above
decide on who you think the stronger
character is and refer back to the points
you made throughout the essay.
Copyright 2007