
The Declaration of
What philosophical
movement occurred in
Europe during the 17th and
18 centuries?
• The Enlightenment
What new ideas developed in
Europe during the
• Ideas about the rights of
people and their relationship
to their rulers
What 17th century
philosopher led the
British Enlightenment?
• John Locke
Whose ideas influenced the
American colonists’ belief
in self-government?
• John Locke
What “natural rights” did
Locke believe all people
• Life
• Liberty
• Property
What did Locke mean by the
term “social contract”?
• The people voluntarily agree
among themselves to form a
government to protect their
• The people promise to obey the
laws made by this government.
According to Locke, how
were the government’s
powers limited?
• Limited to those powers
which the people decided to
give the government
According to Locke, whenever
government becomes a threat
to the people’s natural rights,
what right do the people
• The right to change or
overthrow the government
How were John Locke’s
ideas radical or extreme?
• Challenged the idea of
dictatorial rule by kings
When did colonial
resistance against British
rule reach a climax?
• When the Continental
Congress adopted The
Declaration of Independence
What types of ideas
inspired the
American Revolution?
• Ideas about natural rights
• Ideas about political
(governmental) authority
What pamphlet did Thomas
Paine publish in 1776?
•Common Sense
What did Common
Sense challenge?
• The rule of the American
colonies by the King of
What was the effect of
the publication of
Common Sense?
• A growing American
desire for independence
from England
When did the Continental
Congress adopt The
Declaration of Independence?
• July 4, 1776
Who wrote the final draft of
The Declaration of
•Thomas Jefferson
Whose ideas did Thomas
Jefferson borrow, when he
wrote The Declaration of
• Thomas Paine and
• John Locke
Who wrote that all men
have the right to “life,
liberty and property”?
• John Locke
Who wrote that all men have
the right to “life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness”?
• Thomas Jefferson
What ideas did Thomas
Jefferson borrow from
Thomas Paine?
• Grievances against the King
• In other words, the ways
King George III had
mistreated the American
What two realities of
American life in 1776
conflicted with the promise of
equality in The Declaration of
• 1) African-American slavery
• 2) Most Americans could not
vote in 1776
How has the United
States expressed its
search for equality since
• By the right to vote
What has been a major
theme in American history
since 1776?
• Expansion of
How has the United States
expanded the right to vote
since 1776?
• From only adult white males
who owned property and
belonged to a particular
church to all Americans who
were at least 18 years-old
What two constitutional
amendments guarantee
due process of law?
• The
• The 14 Amendment
What two things does the
right of due process
• That a person accused of
a crime receives a fair trial
• That the state does not
take away a person’s life,
liberty, or property
without following proper
As part of the United States’
search for equality, what right do
all fifty states guarantee to
America’s children?
• The right to a free public
In what two ways have the
key principles of The
Declaration of
Independence increased
liberty for American
• Ending African-American
slavery by the 13th
• Giving civil rights to
American minorities
What did “the pursuit of
happiness” mean for the
Revolutionary generation?
• The chance to benefit
from America’s free
enterprise system
With what belief of John
Locke did Jefferson equate
“the pursuit of happiness”?
• The belief in property
What are all Americans
supposed to possess a
chance to achieve?
• Financial success
through hard work
What principles have
become the unifying ideas
of American democracy?
• The key ideas of The
Declaration of Independence
In what three ways has the
U.S. government followed
the principles of The
Declaration of
Independence as a road
map for the American
• Given more people the right
to vote
• Provided equality of
opportunity to all Americans
• Guaranteed all Americans
“unalienable rights”
What term means the
right to vote?
• The franchise
What does the term
“unalienable rights” mean?
• Rights that cannot be
given away or taken away