Communicating In Small Groups Ten Key Points to Communicating in Small Groups 1. Form small teams with complementary skills 2. Clearly define role and goals 3. Establish a pleasant working environment 4. Manage conflicts through cooperation 5. Encourage open communication and keep an open mind Ten Key Points to Communicating in Small Groups 6. Collaborate rather than compete 7. Divide leadership accordingly throughout various stages 8. Establish a fair method for decision making 9. Respect your group and your responsibilities 10. Find a balance between work and play Definition Title: Small Group Communication URL: Description: A clear definition of ‘Small Group Communication’ Books Title: In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small Groups and Teams URL: 47140&sr=1-5 Description: Discusses concepts of small group communication along with how to apply them to real life situations. Title: Communicating in Small Groups: Principles and Practices URL: 2647140&sr=1-3 Description: Provides principles of group communication with a focus on teamwork, technology, and ethical cooperation. Books (Continued) Title: The Fundamentals of Small Group Communication URL: id=1222647140&sr=1-10 Description: Focuses on the individual within the group and what they have to gain and lose from their actions. Educational Links Title: Small Group Communication Context URL: Description: This site discusses and evaluates various theories on the subject of small group communication. Title: Small Group Communication: A Theoretical Approach URL: Description: This site contains a course's lecture notes on small group communication. Educational Links (Continued) Title: Small Group Communication PowerPoint URL: up%20Communication%20Introduction.ppt Description: The following link is a powerpoint presentation which serves as an overview of the topic of small group communication. Title: Small Group Communication Notes URL: Description: The following link contains everything one needs to know about small group communication from its definition to the types of groups as well as the problems that may arise. Blogs Title: Why Teams Succeed And Why They Fail URL: Description: The blog explains why some teams succeed and some fail depending on the combination of leaders and followers forming the team. Title: Dealing with Personality Types in Small Group Settings URL: Description: This blog talks about how to deal with different personalities and how to handle conflict accordingly. Discussion Forums Title: Improve Your Communication Skills URL: Description: The discussion forum on this site is dedicated to improving personal and interpersonal skills such as stress management and group communication. Registration is required to access the discussion forum. Newsletters Title: Virtual Teams: The Communications Challenge URL: rff0805.pdf Description: Impact Communications Inc. releases monthly newsletters on their website. Problems associated with longdistance group communication are addressed. Title: Five Hidden Traps in Meetings URL: Description: Business consultant Steve Kaye specializes in helping business leaders hold effective group meetings and identifies some of the pitfalls to avoid. Newsletters (Continued) Title: Business Communication: Is it a Game? URL: Description: In this newsletter from Self Leadership International, the author discusses ways in which we can become more effective communicators within workplace groups. Seminars Title: Presentations to Small Groups URL: Description: The Prescott Group Communication Consultants offer a two-day business presentation seminar specifically designed for presenting to small groups. Peer-Reviewed Journals Title: Western Journal of Communication URL: Description: The Western journal of communication is dedicated to the publication of original scholarly manuscripts which advance our understanding of human communication. Title: Small Group Research URL: 891 Description: A leader in the field of small group research Credits Ariela Moyal Andrew Eylott David Mitchell Denitsa Ikonomova Paul David Xi Cao