Literary Elements Notes


Literary Elements Notes

English I


• The sequence of events of a story, usually related to the solution of a problem or conflict.

• What is it about the stories that we crave? Millions of people everywhere love to see heroes struggle to overcome obstacles. Nobody wants to read a story where the hero achieves his goal in the first scene.

Terms associated with plot

Conflict: A struggle between opposing forces, often in the form of complications/obstacles that stand between the hero (protagonist) and his/her goal

• Types of Conflict: Man vs. Man, Man vs. Nature, Man vs. Self, Man vs.

Society, Man vs. Beliefs


: The introduction of a story where the author gives any background information, a major character, and/or the setting.

Terms associated with plot (cont.)

Inciting moment: The point at which the reader is first made aware of the central conflict (Rising Action begins here)

Climax: The point at which the central conflict of a story is resolved

– The hero either wins or loses.

• Denouement (pronounced: day-new-ma ): when the author ties up the loose ends at the end of the story

Plot diagrams

• A “plot teepee” is a good way to map the events of the story.

Plot: Devices used by authors

Suspense: a feeling of anxious uncertainty created by raising questions in the reader’s mind

Foreshadowing: hints of what’s to come

Flashback: break from current action to past events

Surprise ending: an unexpected outcome

– cliffhanger


• An idea or insight into life revealed within a story

– “Man without laws is an animal.”

– “Coming of age is never easy.”

– “Life is a journey toward self-discovery.”


• An object, person, or event that represents something else that is usually abstract

– The American flag

Types of Symbols

metaphor: A comparison between two objects using “is”

– “The media center is an oasis of calm and quiet.”

simile: A comparison between two objects using “like” or “as”

– “My love is like a red, red rose.”

Literary Symbols:

– The cat in “The Black Cat” may represent the narrator’s conscience, despair, or alcoholism.


• The author’s attitude toward the characters, situation, and the reader

– respectful, sympathetic, challenging, sarcastic, formal, informal, etc.


• Mental pictures that the author creates with words by describing setting, characters’ actions, and other details from a text


• The atmosphere of the story, usually stemming from the details of the setting

– dark, depressing, uplifting, joyous, stark, etc.


• The process by which an author introduces and describes the characters in a story

Methods of Characterization

• An author may develop a character by giving

• physical description

• relating the inner thoughts and feelings of a character

• using dialogue

• giving the opinions of other characters within the story

Types of Characters

Flat characters: Characters we don’t get to know very well.

– minor characters

Round characters: Characters we get to know well.

– We know their fears, fantasies, history, etc.

Static characters: Characters who do not change within the context of the story

Dynamic characters: Characters who change, grow, or develop within the context of the story

Point of View

• The perspective from which the story is told

• First Person = When a story is told from the perspective of one of the characters in the story

– Uses the pronoun “I.”

Third Person

• When a story is told from the perspective of someone outside the story looking in.

Third person limited: perspective is limited to what one character does, observes, or thinks.

Third person omniscient: the story is told from the perspective of someone who knows and sees all

Dramatic point of view

• Objective

• Story is not told by anyone other than the author.

• Reader is responsible for interpreting what actions of characters and events of story mean.

Unreliable narrator

• A narrator whose perspective may or may not be trustworthy for any reason

(maybe the narrator is crazy).

– Poe’s narrators are often “insane.” Can we trust them as witnesses?


Where and when a story takes place.

• Sometimes, we must guess the location or time period of a story from contextual clues, because the author does not tell us.

anachronism: a detail of a story that does not fit the setting

• A computer in a Shakespearean tragedy would be out of place.


• A general name given to literary techniques that involve surprising, interesting, or amusing contradictions

• 3 Types of Irony

Verbal irony: words are used to suggest the opposite of their usual meaning

Ex: Sara gets a horrendous haircut and

Jason tells her, “Your hair looks GREAT!”

Types of Irony (cont.)

Dramatic irony: a contradiction between what a character thinks and what the audience knows to be true

Ex: Readers know main characters die in

Romeo & Juliet.

Situational Irony: when an event occurs that directly contradicts the expectations of the reader.

Ex: Olympic swimmer drowns in bathtub.

What is Suspense?

• The tension and nervous uncertainty that some stories generate

• Keeps you guessing and turning pages wondering about the outcome

• Writers create suspense by withholding key details or hinting at events to come


• Can also create suspense by using vivid details to draw you into the tension of the moment
