Designing Radical Change Cassie Solomon September, 2011 1 75% of change efforts fail – why? 2 2 But there is a way to improve these odds • There is nothing so useful as a good theory. Kurt Lewin 3 The good news is that we are good at change. • Behavior is the key • Adapting to our environment is key 4 4 Anthropology contributes a behavioral view of work Scene Practice Behavior is something you can observe. Behavior 5 Rule #1 Describe the change you want to see in terms of behavior. 6 6 Exercise One: Construct a Scene • Think like a screenwriter or a playwright • Who are the characters? What do they look and sound like? • Set the scene - where are they? • What tools are they using? • What is the dialogue? What are they saying? • This is an exercise in focusing on behavior. 7 Behavior is imbedded in 8 systems Physical Virtual Work Process Org chart Meetings cycle Workplace Design Organization Roles Responsibility Decision Allocation Task Behavior Information Distribution People Skills • Training Rewards Compensation Intrinsic & Social rewards 8 Measurement Metrics Who has access to information? Work Systems. Source: Copyright Shea & Associates, Inc. 8 Rule #2: Design the environment to support the changes you seek. 9 9 Rule #3: Shea’s Maxim The more systems you change, the better; change at least four. 10 10 Exploring the eight elements of a system 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. People Measurement Rewards Organization Decision-Making Information Distribution Workplace Design Task PROWD TIMe 11 People • Who is involved in the scene? • Do they currently have the right skills? • Do you need to provide training? • Can you provide examples? 12 12 Rewards Extrinsic Rewards – Aligning compensation – Pay for Performance – Bonus pay Intrinsic Rewards Social Rewards – Recognition – Stretch assignments – Visibility 13 13 Measurement “In God we trust, all others bring data.” Dr. W. Edward Deming 14 14 Information Distribution • Who gets the information? • When? • How is performance measured in the system, and who sees that? • BEST PRACTICE INFORMATION • PERFORMANCE VISIBILITY 15 15 Organization • Organization can mean lines and boxes, where roles fit into the structure • It can mean meeting systems, too. These involve who needs to collaborate and share information with whom. 16 16 Decision Allocation • Who is involved and HOW? • Who is accountable? • Where is the authority to make decisions or accept recommendations? 17 17 Workplace design • • • • • • 18 Ease of use… physical & virtual space Design for quality Think lean manufacturing Tools – physical and virtual Physical architecture – proximity Hardwiring with technology 18 Task Process Mapping or Planning 19 19 The Power of ROLE is often overlooked • Where do you fit in the structure? – Organization • What work are you responsible for? – Task • How much authority do you have to make decisions? – Decision making • What skills and competencies do you need? – People Work Systems. Source: Copyright Shea & Associates, Inc. 20 20 RACI: The Decision Making “ Lever 21 Most organizations have two structures operating simultaneously. Boss Sponsor Manager Committee or Task Vertical Structure Force or Project You are here, too. You are here Horizontal/Project Structure 22 22 RACI Codes Defined Responsible “R” Authorize “A” 23 The individual(s) who actually completes the task, the action/implementation. Responsibility can be shared. The individual who is ultimately responsible. Includes yes or no authority and veto power. Consult “C” The individual(s) or groups to be consulted prior to a final decision or action. Inform “I” The individual(s) or groups who needs to be informed after a decision or action is taken. 23 The Output: A RACI Matrix Roles of Participation Decisions or Activities 24 Type or degree of participation 24 1. Document expenses Region Accounting A/R 2. Complete expense form A 3. Forward to supervisor 25 Supervisor Role/ Functions Secretary Decision/ Tasks Employee RACI Matrix Example R C R 4. Review C 5. Approve I I 6. Forward to region I R 25 R A A To create an effective team, clarify the role of the group If the team’s role is an Then this is what the team is doing … R A C Creating a recommendation I Getting or sharing information Approving or vetoing a proposal Giving advice or consultation BEFORE a decision is made, while a plan is being formulated 26 Use RACI codes on your meeting agendas to clarify the role of the group Agenda Item Person (R) Role of the Group 1. Implementation plan Mary R 2. Vacation policy changes Tom I 3. Quality scorecard Terri C Plan the time you give each topic according to the group’s role for that item; “I” topics should have the least time. 27 Empowerment and team development • The more authority and autonomy you give a group, the more it will develop into a team. • How will you know if a team is developing? • It will begin to express and experience differences of opinion. • If you want a team to develop, you will need to give it the resource of enough TIME to work. Ask yourself, “Can I give my team more C’s, R’s and A’s?” 28 The recipe for an effective team • Using RACI and other tools, clarify the following: – Deadline – Agency and representation – Role of the Group – Use a RACI chart – Task 29 Advice to sponsors • Clarify the group’s role on the issue: A, R or C - Avoid “I” groups at all cost • Clarify your own role(s) • Clarify the task • Set aggressive deadlines and give the group time to do its work 30 One methodology for leading change 31 Step 1: Create a microcosm group • Meaning “the world in little” • A smaller system which is representative of or analogous to a larger one; a small, complete world • Who do you represent in this group? 32 Step 2. Agree on the current state • • • • 33 Use data Share the view across the silos Work on the group dynamics Establish “felt need” by understanding the problem Step 3. Give the group simple design tools • Teach the Shea Work Systems Model • Teach RACI to analyze decisionmaking and roles 34 34 Step 4. Use Idealized Design • • • • 35 Russell Ackoff planning methodology Frees people from current constraints Allows more creative thinking Design using the Shea Work Systems Model 35 Step 5. Refine the recommendation • Use the group or sub-groups to refine the recommendation • Pull in other people as necessary or desirable • Pull together the business case for the changes you want to make • Present the final recommendation for approval 36 36 Resources • Work Systems Model – Greg Shea – – Cassie Solomon – – • RACI training materials, and information Books • Designing Radical Change by Gregory P. Shea PhD. and Cassie Solomon, Wharton Digital Press, Spring 2012. 37