Biblical Geography Made Easy Jerusalem Map N What do you need? • blank 8-1/2 x 11 paper • pencil What do you do? • Lay your left hand, palm up, on the paper • Have your index finger separated from the other three fingers. • Trace your hand • Trace your ring • Turn the paper 180 degrees so that your wrist is “North” The Temple 1 SANCTUARY • Draw a rectangle (a) with its upper right corner where your thumb and index finger meet, (b) with its lower left corner where your index and middle finger meet. • Draw a TEMPLE on its platform facing east. • This structure was built by Solomon, rebuilt by Zerubbabel and remodeled by Herod the Great. 2 City of Jesus’ Day City of David Jebus CITIES • Trace the index finger. This area was the Canaanite city of Jebus. • David captured Jebus and made it his capital. Solomon added the Temple. This is OT JERUSALEM • Draw an S-curve around your ring and to the top of the Temple platform. • Trace the other fingers. • Both walled areas are NT JERUSALEM. 3 VALLEYS Jerusalem was shaped by three valleys: • the KIDRON valley. • the Kidron CHEESEMAKER’S valley. • the valley of Hinnom, also known as Gehenna Cheesemaker’s GEHENNA. 4 HILLS Jerusalem was shaped by four hills: Moriah Mishneh Jebus Olivet • Mount MORIAH or the Temple Mount. • JEBUS or the “city of David”. • the western hill known as the MISHNEH (later Zion). • OLIVETor the Mount of Olives, outside the city . 5 Bethesda Gihon Siloam Hezekiah’s Tunnel Enrogel WATERWORKS • the spring ENROGEL. • the GIHON spring. • the pool of SILOAM. • the S-shaped HEZEKIAH’S TUNNEL connecting the Gihon and Siloam. • the pool of BETHESDA serving the Temple with water brought from south of Bethlehem. Palace of Herod Antipas Golgotha & the Garden Tomb Praetorium Upper Room High Priest’s Palace Gethsemane 6 PASSION PLACES • the UPPER ROOM. • the Garden of GETHSEMANE. • the HIGH PRIEST’S PALACE. • the PALACE of HEROD ANTIPAS. • Pilate’s Judgment Hall, the PRAETORIUM. • GOLGATHA and the GARDEN TOMB. 6 Passion Places 5 REVIEW One Learning Categories Waterworks 4 Hills 3 Valleys 2 Cities 1 Sanctuary 6 Upper Room Gethsemane High Priest’s Palace Herod’s Palace Praetorium Golgotha Passion Places 5 REVIEW Two Learning what’s in the categories Waterworks 4 Enrogel Gihon Siloam Hezekiah’s Tunnel Bethesda Hills 3 Moriah Jebus Mishneh Olivet Valleys 2 Cities 1 Kidron Cheesemaker’s Gehenna Old Testament New Testament Sanctuary Temple 6 Passion Places 5 Waterworks 4 REVIEW Three Checking Upper Room Gethsemane High Priest’s Palace Herod’s Palace Praetorium Golgotha Enrogel Gihon Siloam Hezekiah’s Tunnel Bethesda Hills 3 Moriah Jebus Mishneh Olivet Valleys 2 Cities 1 Kidron Cheesemaker’s Gehenna Old Testament New Testament Sanctuary Temple