
Chapter 3
Lesson #3
Pages 78-83
Ipad vocabulary
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7. Open: “Lesson #3”
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• Objective 1: Identify the factors
that influence your emotions.
• Objective 2: Describe the most
common emotions.
• Objective 3: Identify and
describe empathy
• Objective 4: Describe and
analyze the common defense
mechanisms and how to respond
to difficult emotions.
You may work alone or with a partner.
Complete the worksheet and DO NOT
turn it in. We will review it in class
Fill In the Blanks.
Page 78
• Emotions are… signals that tell your
mind and body how to react.
• Many times, the most intense emotions
you feel will be related to an event in
your life.
• How you respond to your emotions can
affect your physical, mental and
emotional and social.
• What is a hormone?
– A hormone is a chemical secreted by your
glands that regulates the activities of
different body cells
• How do hormones affect your emotions?
– Hormones can make you feel as if your
emotions are swinging from one extreme to
Fill in the Chart
1. Happiness
Being satisfied or
feeling positive
Vikings winning or
Bears loosing
2. Sadness
Normal feeling. May
be mild or long
Pet or family
member dies.
3. Love
Strong affection,
deep concern and
Caring for the other
person as much
and/or more than
4. Fear
Startled by someone or
something. Help
escape from situations
Hearing a bear nearby
when camping.
5. Guilt
Shame or regret that
results from acting
against your values.
Sometimes feel guilt
over something they
have no control over.
Lying to get out of
trouble but instead got
your friend in trouble.
6. Anger
a reaction to being
emotionally or
physically hurt.
Hostility- the intentional
use of unfriendly or
offensive behavior
Triggered feeling, hate,
Managing Your Difficult
1) Defense Mechanisms- (full list on pg. 81)
– Mental processes that protect individuals from strong or
stressful emotions and situations.
• Sometimes you may use defense mechanisms
unconsciously as a way to protect yourself from
intense emotional pain.
• You may not even be aware you are using them.
Relying on defense mechanisms too
long can keep you from facing-and
solving- what’s upsetting you.
> review list and give examples of common
defense mechanisms (figure 3.11)
On your own paper, write in
the correct defense
mechanism. Pg. 81
• 1. stating that you were fired
because you didn't kiss up the
boss, when the real reason was
your poor performance
• 2. sitting in a corner and crying
after hearing bad news;
throwing a temper tantrum
when you don't get your way
• 3. forgetting sexual abuse from
your childhood due to the
trauma and anxiety
• 4. trying to forget something
that causes you anxiety
• Rationalization: stating that
you were fired because you
didn't kiss up the boss, when the
real reason was your poor
• Regression: sitting in a corner
and crying after hearing bad
news; throwing a temper
tantrum when you don't get
your way
• Repression: forgetting sexual
abuse from your childhood due
to the trauma and anxiety
• Suppression: trying to forget
something that causes you
Managing Your Difficult
Emotions Continued…
2) Handling Fear
– An emotion many people work to overcome
• Identify your fear
• Analyze the situation that causes the fear
• Talking about your fear
– Some fears are healthy and natural
3) Dealing with Guilt
Guilt can be a very destructive emotion
Try to get to the underlying source of your guilt
Learn from your mistake, and be more careful
Discuss the situation, some may be out of your
Managing Your Difficult
Emotions Continued…
4) Managing Anger
– Anger can be one of the most difficult emotions.
– Get to the underlying source of your anger and
address it
– If there is nothing you can do about the source of your
anger, there is always a way to cope with the feelings.
Strategies for
managing anger
• Try seeing an upsetting issue
from the other persons
• Learn to relax
• Practice trusting other people
• Develop your listening skills
• Learn to be assertive (not passive
or aggressive)
• 1.___ Your interests, values and beliefs are part
of your personal identity.
– True
• 2. ___ Maslow’s hierarchy of needs starts at the
top and works its way down.
– False. Bottom and up
• 3. ___ The one aspect of your personality you
have the most control over is your environment.
– False. Behavior
• 4. ____ Emotions are chemicals that are
secreted by your glands.
– False. Hormones
• 5. ___ The ability to imagine and understand
how someone else feels is empathy.
– True.
• 6. ___ Mental/emotional health is the striving to
become the best you can be.
– False. Self- Actualization
Lesson Review
• Concentration Game:
– Continue clicking on the squares
until you feel the word matches the
DefInItIon. then clIck, “check
• http://glencoe.com/olc_games/ga
• Choose how you wish to view
the flashcard. I personally
recommenD “View Definitions”
but choose however you learn
• then clIck “Flip card” to see If
you were correct.
• http://www.glencoe.com/qe/efcse
Online quiz
• http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0078913284/student_