Metaphysical Poetry - Martin Ray Arcibal

Arcibal, Martin
Lagrosa, Teddy
Morales, Eril
Ochoa, Adriana
AP Opening
Read the poem An Epitaph upon Husband
and Wife (Who died and were buried
together) by Richard Crashaw, and predict
what the poem is about.
Opening Lesson: Metaphysical
• Metaphysical poetry is a type of poetry that looks into
interpretations and implications of common abstract
subjects, such as love, death, faith, and human frailty.
• The characteristics of metaphysical poetry include:
The use of wit, irony, and paradox
- Elaborate use of literary devices (conceit and rhyme
- Huge shifts in scale
- Discussion of deep philosophical issues
Continuation Lesson
Using the poem An Epitaph upon Husband and Wife Who died and
were buried together, answer the generic poetry questions.
What is the subject of the poem?
Who is the speaker of the poem?
What is the situation in the poem?
Describe the diction. What is its effect? Explain.
What is the tone of the poem? Explain your response?
Is there any figurative language in the poem? What is its effect on
the poem’s meaning?
Explain the imagery in the poem. What is the source of the
What is the theme of meaning of the poem?
Read the poem, Love by George Herbert.
 How is the poem classified as a
metaphysical poem?
 What characteristics make up this type of
poem? Give examples from the passage for
each characteristic.
Theme – Love that Endures Eternity
A. The love between two people can overcome even the state of death.
B. People often do not recognize love when it appears in their lives.
C. The love one person feels for another will never disappear.
D. Five Poems:
1. An Epitaph upon Husband and Wife Who died and were
together by Richard Crashaw
2. Love by George Herbert
3. A Valediction Forbidding Mourning by John Donne
4. The Given Heart by Abraham Cowley
5. Innocence by Thomas Traherne
Culminating Writing Assignment
In a well developed essay, discuss how the
stylistic devices present in A Valediction
Forbidding Mourning by John Donne
contribute to the development of its theme?
Exit Ticket
What are the characteristics of a
metaphysical poem?