School Bus Crash Investigations

School Bus
Crash Investigations
Today, Our Focus Will Be on…
“Determining The Cause”
This information was assembled to assist you in
completing a successful Post Accident Interview.
As a supervisor you have the responsibility of interviewing
the operator after an accident to determine the cause
of the accident. Also, you will determine the necessary
course of defensive driving review for eliminating the
behavior or behaviors which lead to the accident.
Gathering accurate and detailed information in the
Supervisor’s Crash Report will help you successfully
meet your objective.
Topics To Be Discussed
 Supervisor’s Crash Report (Brief Expiation)
 Why should we investigate accidents
 Additional reasons to investigate accident
 Initiating the Supervisor’s Post Accident Investigation
 Contacting the Operator
 Interviewing Techniques
 Post Accident Investigation
 Post Accident Defensive Driving Review
 Recommendation For Additional Operator Training
 Corrective Action Recommendations or Considerations
The Supervisors Crash Report
The supervisor’s crash report is the first step in the
investigation process. The information you gather on
your… “On Scene Report” is critical to accurately
completing your investigation.
• (District Schools Board of Pasco County Supervisors
Crash Report PART 1.)
Please See Handout…
Why should we investigate
The number one reason would be to prevent future
accidents of identical or similar causes from occurring.
In addition, accident investigations will usually bring out
“hidden” safety issues that can be addressed with your
current operators and which will contribute to
enhancing your training program.
Additional reasons to investigate
accidents include…
 To fulfill any legal requirements
 To determine compliance with applicable safety
regulations, policies and procedures
 To determine the cost of an accident
 To process workers’ compensation claims
At This Point…
 An Accident Has Occurred
 The Supervisor Has Completed The Accident Scene
 Initiating The Supervisors Post Accident Interview
Contacting The Operator
• Your initial contact with the operator is very important.
• It’s your first opportunity to set the tone of your
• So… by beginning on a positive note, it will ease an
already worried and/or upset operator.
Contacting The Operator Continued…
An operator’s anxiety can be greatly affected when they
walk in and find a “PLEASE SEE ME” tag hanging on their
key hook; especially after an accident.
Contacting The Operator Continued…
To ease this anxiety you may want to place a personal
note in the operator’s mail box with cheerful note or
positive comment prominently displayed.
So… Think about it.
How would you like to be treated?
Make Your Contact Positive
Keeping it simple and positive can ease an already
stressed employee.
On the outside of your “Please see me” note to the
employee, you could write…
Good Morning John
This type of greeting is a little more personal and causes less
anxiety and more acceptance.
As appose to,
This type of greeting can cause a lot of anxiety then worry.
Make Your Contact Positive
On the inside of your “Please see me” note to the
employee, you could write…
I need your assistants in completing your crash report. I will
be available today between 10:00 and 1:00. Your input
could be very important in preventing future accidents for
others who may find themselves in the same situation.
Thanks for all you do!
Take Note…
Determining the cause is not a reason to place blame.
Usually there are multiple causes or contributing factors.
Ideally, the investigation should begin immediately.
Because the memory of the injured employee may be
affected by time. This can lead to elaboration or
forgetting important details.
Interviewing Techniques
 Begin with explaining the purpose of the interview and
the reason for the questions you will be asking.
 The purpose is to determine the cause
 You don’t want to give the impression that you are
trying to find the employee at fault for the accident.
 Just tell them that these are standard questions on the
form that have to be answered.
For more information on interviewing
techniques you can find a lot
resources on line.
Keyword: Interviewing Techniques
Interviewing Environment
 Again, you want to put the employee at ease in order to
get the best out of your interview, so consider the
 A quiet room
 A pitcher of water
This alone can set the stage for a successful interview.
But Lets Get Real!
You work for transportation, just try and find a quiet
corner. Oh… and by the way there’s a water fountain
down the hall, but I’m sorry, the water’s hot.
But were here to talk about
Determining the Cause…
So let’s
on our topic…
Proper Documentation
 The supervisor’s Post Accident Investigation is the
next step in your investigation process.
• (District Schools Board of Pasco County Supervisors
Crash Report PART 2.)
Please See Handout…
Determining The Cause
When in your discussion with the operator, avoid using
dominating or patronizing mannerisms of speech. The
interviewee will probably not respond well to this
Convey your sincere concern for the safety of the students
and employees. Also, let them know that you are trying
to find ways to prevent future accidents.
Determining The Cause
Let’s face it, no one intends on getting into accident.
Determining The Cause
There are three reasons why people have accidents.
They are…
1. Failing to pay attention
2. Exceeding their performance capabilities
3. Engaging in unsafe behavior patterns
Determining The Cause
Understand, there may be more than one cause, but of
the three causes…
Let’s take them one at a time.
Determining The Cause
• Failing to pay attention
Determining The Cause
 Exceeding your performance capabilities
Determining The Cause
• Engaging in unsafe behavior patterns
Determining The Cause
First, review the operator’s report.
The purpose of the interview is to establish an
understanding with the operator on what actually
happened and to obtain it in his or her own words.
Interviewing is an art that cannot be given justice in a
brief presentation such as this, but a few Do’s and
Don’ts can be mentioned.
Determining The Cause
• Put the operator, who is probably upset, at ease.
• Emphasize the real reason for the investigation, which is
to determine what happened and why.
• Let the operator talk.
• Listen.
• Confirm that you have the statement correct.
Determining The Cause
• Intimidate the operator.
• Interrupt.
• Prompt.
• Ask leading questions.
• Show your own emotions.
• Jump to conclusions.
Determining The Cause
Ask open-ended questions that cannot be answered by
simply “yes” or “no.” The actual questions you ask will
naturally vary with each accident, but there are some
general questions that should be asked each time.
They are…
Determining The Cause
 Where were you at the time of the accident?
 What were you doing at the time of the accident?
 What did you see, hear?
 What were the environmental conditions (weather,
light, noise, etc.) at the time?
 What was the other vehicle doing at the time?
 In your opinion, what caused the accident?
 How might similar accidents be prevented in the future?
Determining The Cause
If you’re unable to agree on a cause you should review
your initial investigation and discus the facts one at a
time until a mutual understanding is reached.
If a mutual understanding cannot be reached you should
simply report the facts and the operator’s statement.
Then, along with your conclusion, based on the three
causes of accidents, indicate the defensive driving
principles you felt most appropriate for review.
Finally, obtain the operator’s signature.
Determining The Cause
• If a mutually agreed cause has be has
been determined:
• Check the appropriate box and write in
your mutually agreed understanding.
• Choose the appropriate course of
defensive driving principles to review and review them
in there entirety.
• This may include several areas of review.
• Indicate if additional training is recommended and if
(Yes) then complete the Additional Training request
First, Let’s Discuss the
Defensive Driving Principles
• (District Schools Board of Pasco County
Post Accident Defensive Driving Principles Review
Report PART 3.)
 Please See Handout…
Next, Completing the…
Additional Training Request Form
• (District Schools Board of Pasco County Additional
Training Request form Report PART 4.)
 Please See Handout…
And Finally…
 Obtain the operators signature and give the operator a
 Forward your report to Training and Safety for review so
that Corrective Action Recommendation or
Considerations can be implemented.
Its About Keeping Everyone Safe!