Overcoming Procrastination Procrastination • What is it? • What is bad about it? • Why do people procrastinate? • What techniques are useful in overcoming procrastination? What is Procrastination? What is Procrastination? • Websters defines procrastination as "to put off doing something until a future time; postpone or defere action." Procrastination • My definition of procrastination is "doing anything other than your highest priority task." What’s So Bad About Procrastination? • • • • You may letter others down It can be a safety problem It will eventually cost more You feel bad about yourself, which affects your self esteem, which affects your productivity, which makes you feel bad. 2. You make a definite decision to do it. 1. You wish to do something because you desire some favorable result if you do the task. 11. Not long afterward, you procrastinate again. 3. You needlessly delay doing the task. 4. You observe the advantages and disadvantages of the delay. 10. You assure yourself you will NOT procrastinate again. 9. You feel uncomfortable about your lateness and berate yourself for the 8. You barely finish the delay. project on time – or you finish it late – or you never finish it. 5. You still postpone doing the thing you have decided to do. 6. You berate yourself for procrastinating, or you rationalize the situation, or you ignore the project. 7. You continue to procrastinate. From “Overcoming Procrastination” by Ellis and Knaus Procrastination Exercise • Lists three tasks on which you have been procrastinating! • Why have you been procrastinating on each task? Overcoming Procrastination • Identify the causes of your procrastination • Select a technique for overcoming procrastination Why do people procrastinate? Why do people procrastinate? • Fear of Failure Fear of Failure • Why didn’t I ask Darlene Yarborough to go the Jr.Sr. Prom? – Fear of failure Why do people procrastinate? • The task is unpleasant or boring Why do people procrastinate? • We are overcommitted Why do people procrastinate? • It is not really a goal, it could be a job someone else may have assigned you Why do people procrastinate? • To get even with others Why do people procrastinate? • Physical Problems Why do people procrastinate? • Confusion Why do people procrastinate? • To get somebody else to do it Why do people procrastinate? • To gain sympathy Why do people procrastinate? • Ignorance - sometimes we just forget Why do people procrastinate? • It is wise Why do people procrastinate? • Overwhelmed Overcoming Procrastination Overcoming Procrastination • Five Minute Promise – promise to work on the task for five minutes – after that you can quit, people normally continue – Remember Newton’s Law of Motion Overcoming Procrastination • Salami technique (also called Swiss Cheese) –Break a big job down into small manageable tasks Overcoming Procrastination • Worst Case Scenario –Ask the question, “What is the worst thing that could happen to me if I tried this and failed?” Overcoming Procrastination • Visualize Positive Results –Think of all the benefits of going ahead and doing the job Overcoming Procrastination • Balance Sheet – Divide a paper in half and list all the reasons why you should continue to procrastinate and the reasons why you shouldn’t. Seeing all the reasons in black and white tend to help. Overcoming Procrastination • Leading Task –Do a number of small task that lead up to the big task Overcoming Procrastination • Reward Yourself –Treat yourself to something special only after you complete the job on which you have been procrastinating Techniques for Overcoming Procrastination • Self Expose – Critically challenge the excuses you have been giving for procrastinating • Do you really have to start diets on Monday? • Do your really need a matching Spandex outfit before exercising? Overcoming Procrastination • Remember the three tasks you listed earlier on which you were procrastinating? Identify techniques that could help you accomplish these tasks. The Procrastinator’s Code • I must be perfect. • Everything I do should go easily and without effort. • It's safer to do nothing than to take a risk and fail. • I should have no limitations. The Procrastinator’s Code • If it's not done right, it's not worth doing at all. • I must avoid being challenged. • If I succeed, some one will get hurt. • If I do well this time, I must always do well. The Procrastinator’s Code • Following someone else's rules means I'm giving in and not in control. • I can't afford to let go of everything or anyone. • There is a right answer, and I'll wait until I find it. The Procrastinator’s Code • If I expose my real self, people won't like me. Source: Procrastination: Why you do it, What to do about it. Jane Burka and Lenora Yuen What??? • Guess who did go to the Jr.-Sr. Prom? – Darlene scared away every boy in school, so she asked me! Living and Working with Procrastinators Others Procrastination • List three jobs that others have procrastinated on that affect you! –1. –2. –3. The Cycle of Mutual Frustration • Stage 1: Encouragement • Stage 2: Disappointment • Stage 3: Irritation • Stage 4: Stand-off What doesn’t work! • Saying "Just Do It" • Nagging or being a watchdog • Using criticism, ridicule, and threats of extreme or exaggerated consequences • Doing it yourself • Saying "I told you so" Attitudes That Can Help! • Maintain your individual perspective • Be flexible about your strategy Specific Techniques That May Help! • Establish clear limits, deadlines and consequences • Help the procrastinator set small, interim goals • Help the procrastinator be concrete and realistic about what he/she needs to do Techniques... • Reward progress made along the way • Tell the procrastinator directly if you do get angry Techniques... • Let procrastinators know that they are more to you than just their performance • Consider yourself