Women Hollering Creek

Women Hollering Creek
By: Alysha Lara
Jessica Bowyer
Issue #1
Issue: Did Mrs. Price show
disrespect to her student?
Conclusion: Yes, Mrs. Price
did show disrespect to her
Reasons: The teacher does not
believe Rachel is telling the truth
when she states that the sweater
is not hers. Mrs. Price forces
Rachel to wear the jacket. She
does not show compassion or go
talk to Rachel when she starts
crying in the middle of class.
When another student remembers
the sweater is hers and not
Rachel's the teacher acts as if
nothing happened and does not
apologize for her mistake.
Teacher Reasons: The teacher
could have thought that Rachel
simply forgot the sweater was
hers. Mrs. Price assumed that
stating the sweater was Rachel’s
was the easiest way to resolve the
issue and she could have really
thought it was Rachel’s. The
reason why the teacher may have
wanted Rachel to put on the
sweater instead of messing with it
on her desk was because she felt
that Rachel was distracting the
rest of the class.
Conclusion: I feel that even
though the teacher came off as
rude, it is possible that she had
other intentions. Mrs. Price was
more worried about loosing control
of the class as a whole rather than
Rachel’s individual emotions and
Issue #2
• Issue: Should Cleofilas stop
seeing Drew?
• Conclusion: Yes she
• Reasons: Cleofilas knows
how awful is to be cheated
on because Juan cheated
on her. Drew is married with
a little boy. Drew would
never publicly be with a
• Cleofilias reasons: Even
though Drew is married with
a son, she cannot help but
love him and want to be
with him. It is possible that
she knows that he will not
leave his wife for her but
she cannot find in it her
heart to leave him.
• Conclusion: As someone
who relates to this situation
I am able to see both sides
of adultery and not make a
snap judgment.
Issue #3
• Issue: Should Cleofilas
leave Juan.
• Conclusion: Yes, she
• Reasons: Cleofilas is
physically abused by
Juan. Juan continuously
cheats on her. Cleofilias
is forced to do all the
work in her marriage by
• Cleofilias reasons: She is
most likely afraid to leave
him because he scares
her. She might think that
he has too much power
over her and is worried
she would not be able to
leave without him.
• Conclusion: Cleofilias is
used to being over
powered and doesn’t
know if she would be able
to defend for herself.