
Aim: How can we compare and contrast the
philosophical ideas of Confucius and Socrates?
Do Now: Read dialogue with Socrates and respond to the question
in your notebook.
Socrates: Is lying a bad thing?
Student: Certainly. The gods tell us that lying is a terrible sin.
Socrates: So lying is always a terrible sin?
Student: Absolutely
Socrates: Well then… Let us suppose that a father’s son is terribly
sick, but refuses to take his medicine. The father puts the
medicine in his son’s drink and tells his son there is only water in
his drink. Is the father’s lie a terrible sin?
• Question: How would you respond to Socrates question? Why?
What does this dialogue tell you about Socrates
and his teaching methods?
Mr. McEntarfer * HSLPS * Global History I
Instructional Objectives
• We will be able to
– Describe the philosophical ideas of Socrates
and Confucius.
– Role play a meeting between Socrates and
– Discuss a topic using the Socratic Method.
1. Do Now – Socrates on lying
2. Notes on Socrates
3. Play – Socrates Meets Confucius
4. Practice the Socratic Method
5. Summary Question:
• Vocabulary - Philosophy: A system of ideas about life.
A. Socrates (470-399 BC) Teacher and Philosopher
1. Developed the Socratic Method of questioning people in
order to:
a. Establish the truth about life
b. To get people to think for themselves instead of relying
on superstition, gossip and tradition
2. Tried, jailed and executed for his crime – corrupting Athens
youth by encouraging them to question life, including their
parents and the government of Athens.
One of Socrates most famous quotes is “One thing only I
know, and that is that I know nothing ” What do you think
he meant?
• Read the play, “Confucius Meets
Socrates. Volunteers?
• Respond to questions from play.
Responses to Questions
Explain how Socrates and Confucius have a difference of opinion when
it comes to questioning authority.
Confucius believes people should respect and therefore not question
authority. Socrates believes people should question everything, especially
What did Confucius learn from Socrates? What flaw did he find in his
philosophy from their conversation?
Confucius learned that authority should not go unquestioned. He learned that
in some cases abuse and ignorance from authority can in itself cause chaos if
not questioned. Confucius came up with the idea of civil service exams to
ensure that authority figures are competent and sane.
What did Socrates learn from Confucius? What flaw did he find in his
philosophy from their conversation?
Socrates learned from Confucius that people should be careful when forming
their questions as to not show disrespect. He realized that he may have
incited chaos when his students overthrew the government and how his
Socratic Method got him the death penalty.
If our school offered a course in philosophy, which of these
philosophers classes would you prefer to attend? Explain your answer.
Activity – The Socratic Method
• Role play a dialogue between Socrates and one of
his students.
• Pair up with the person on your right. The oldest will
be Socrates.
• Start with the question, “Why do you go to school”.
After this question is answered “Socrates” will ask
the student at least three more follow up questions
related to the topic which the student must answer.
Record the dialogue.
Socrates: Why do you go to school?
Student: Blah, blah, blah…
Summary Questions
• How did Socrates get his students to
• Why was Socrates sentenced to death?
• What is the fundamental difference
between Socrates and Confucius’s
• Socrates on Gossip.