
Generating Interaction Schemata
and Text (GIST):
Exploring Tough Text
A strategy for supporting
comprehension of informational text
(p. 272)
Presenters: Jessica and Ilza
Why is GIST useful?
 Helpful when students are required to read long
texts containing a significant amount of new
 Helps students break down difficult text that may
be at or above their instructional level.
 Group members have a chance to discuss and
clarify meaning as they decide on the best
summary sentence for the sections or paragraphs
 Teacher can emphasize comprehension of text
(academic English/ CALP), or communication in
English (BICS)
Addresses the following TESOL Standards:
Goal 2: To use English to achieve
academically in all content areas
• Standard 1: Students will use English
to interact in the classroom
• Standard 2: Students will use English
to obtain,
process, construct and
provide subject-matter
information in spoken
written form.
• Standard 3: Students will use
appropriate learning strategies to
construct and apply academic
 Goal 3: To use English in socially
and culturally appropriate ways
 • Standard 1: Students will use the
appropriate language variety,
register, and genre according to
audience, purpose, and setting
 • Standard 3: Students will use
appropriate learning strategies to
extend their sociolinguistic and
cultural competence
GIST Steps:
1.) Identify appropriate text for GIST. Decide how students should
summarize the text (paragraph by paragraph, section by section), and
determine logical stopping points.
2.) Group the students. Each group should have a leader and at least
one strong English speaker and reader.
– a. If the purpose is understanding text, discussion and negotiation of
summary sentence can be done in Spanish and later translated to English.
– b. If the purpose is communication in English, discussion should take
place in English with first language translations made only for
3.) Demonstrate the strategy- discuss background knowledge relating
to the text and explain the activity. Post summary points, then allow
students to discuss and summarize in their groups.
GIST Steps, continued
4.) Discuss summary sentences- share whole group, add details that the
class thinks will enhance the sentence. Instruct students to write
summary sentence on their papers. Teacher serves as facilitator and
quality controller.
5.) Read and Discuss Paragraph by paragraph- students perform
6.) Read and compare summary sentences- provides an effective
review of the passage, gives opportunity to correct any
7.) Assess student progress and understanding- anecdotal records,
document student interactions with specific behaviors
This strategy can be adjusted for
emphasis of…
 Social use of English
- collaborative group
- scaffolding
 Academic use of
English (CALPS)
– Emphasize vocabulary
Time for Kids- Global Warming
 T.E.K.S. 3.7 Force, motion and energy. The
student knows that the Earth materials have properties that
are constantly changing. A) Investigate how glacial
movement affect the surface of the earth.
 B: Introduce activity and model.
 D: Summarize using GIST with a partner.
 A: Share as a class, calling randomly on partners.
Time for Kids Article:
Extend the Learning
 Students can demonstrate their knowledge
of global warming after reading the article
– Creating a diagram or a model of global
warming and teaching the class
– Putting together a Glogster, informative poster,
or video about the ways that people can avoid
contributing to global warming
What are some ways we can
extend the learning?
 Have students create a product about their
– Poster, video, Glogster, skit, commercial, news
article, letter, etc.
 How do you envision– Using GIST during reading instruction?
– Extending student thinking after reading text?