Presented by: Becky Osborne
Center for Academic Success
Managing test anxiety is a
skill which you can learn.
The goal is to manage anxiety, not get rid of it
I. What Is Anxiety?
Anxiety - a very complex human reaction
Physical elements:
sweaty palms
accelerated heartbeat
a queasy stomach
Mental elements:
self-doubts & worry
Fight or Flight
Test anxiety triggers this
natural response.
The student with test anxiety may:
Feel light-headed (hyperventilation=shallow
upper chest breathing)
Go blank
Be unable to concentrate
Feel exhausted when the test is over (our
bodies use more energy when anxious)
Going Blank
Scientific research has proven that there is a
physiological reason why our minds go blank
under stress.
The flight or fight response causes our blood
to flow away from the information processing
part of our brain to our large muscle groups
(legs and arms) and to our brain stem.
This is your BRAIN. . .
This is your BRAIN on
Stress Hormones
 Likely from one or (possibly) two sources—heredity &
past learned behavior.
 Scientific research reveals that some of us have a
physiological predisposition toward anxiety.
 Also, you may have failed a test in the past and received
a lot of negative feedback from classmates, teachers or
Other possible sources of test anxiety:
Lack of Preparation
you haven’t studied enough, you deserve to be nervous.)
High stress lifestyle
Self-defeating thought patterns
1. Improve your study skills/Be better prepared.
2. Lower your overall stress level.
3. Conquer self-defeating thoughts using positive
4. Learn physical relaxation techniques and practice
5. Seek professional help for clinical anxiety
Coping Strategy #1
Be Better Prepared
 Review, review, review!
 Learn test-taking strategies.
Plan to Use the Entire Time
Stop, Pause and Relax
Skip Questions You’re Unsure of
 Overcome procrastination.
 Dwell on your successes, NOT your failures.
Coping Strategy #2
Lower Your Overall Stress Level
Examine your priorities.
Stop or postpone most non-essential activities.
Remember: changing what we do may take some renegotiating of responsibilities with our family
members and friends.
Eat nutritious food.
Avoid sugar and caffeine.
Exercise regularly.
Coping Strategy #3
Conquering Self-Defeating Thoughts
Here’s what typically happens:
It’s as simple as A-B-C
 A=Activating Event
While taking a difficult test a student begins to feel
physically tense.
 B=Belief (Self-Defeating Thought)
“When I feel like this I always mess up. I can’t stop it!”
 C=Consequences
The student gets a full blown anxiety attack and goes
completely blank.
Do you recognize any of these types of selfdefeating thought patterns?
Black or white – entirely good/entirely bad
Exaggerating – self-critical statements that use
words like never, nothing, everything, or always
Filtering – ignoring the positive but focusing on the
Discounting – rejecting positive experiences as not
important or meaningful
Catastrophizing – blowing expectations out of
proportion in a negative direction
Self-Defeating Thoughts, cont’d
Judging – being critical of self with heavy use of
words like should, ought to, must, etc.
Mind reading – making negative assumptions
regarding other people’s thoughts
Forecasting – predicting events will turn out badly
Feelings are facts – because you are feeling a certain
way, reality is seen as fitting that feeling
Labeling – calling self or others a bad name when
displeased with a behavior
Self-blaming – holding yourself responsible for things
not completely under your control
D=Dispute Self-Defeating Thoughts
One way to dispute the belief is to substitute an
alternative belief.
Use positive self-talk:
Plan in advance what you will do when the
activating event occurs.
Develop a set of positive or rational self-statements
which you can practice.
Examples of Positive
“I have prepared well, I can pass this test.”
“There probably will be some questions I can’t
answer, but that doesn’t mean I can’t get a good
“I don’t have to get an A, I just have to pass it.”
“People who get done early and leave don’t
necessarily know more than I do, they just work
The key to success is
You may want to write your statements on a 3x5
card or a small piece of paper so that you can
carry it in your wallet or purse.
Post them on your mirror, refrigerator,
computer monitor, car’s dashboard, or any place
where you will see them often.
Practice saying them to yourself at least three
times a day.
Coping Strategy #4
Learn/Practice Relaxation Techniques
REMEMBER: It is physiologically impossible to be both
relaxed and anxious at the same time.
There are four specialized ways of relaxing that may
help you in school:
 Positive Imagery
 Cueing
 Deep Muscle Relaxation
 Deep Breathing Relaxation
To be most effective, practice your
relaxation techniques when you are not anxious.
Online Test Anxiety Resources
Type the following web address into your
See links to breathing exercise (5 min.) &
deep muscle relaxation exercise (25 min.)
in MP3 format
After you’ve practiced,
you should begin using your relaxation method:
When you are studying and start to tense up.
Just prior to the test because the calming effect will last for a
During the test if you feel yourself start to get anxious.
The key to success is PRACTICE!
Coping Strategy #5
Seek Professional Help
Anxiety disorders are highly treatable. Most people respond
well to therapy, medication, or both.
If you think that you may be experiencing a clinical anxiety
disorder, seek professional help.
On campus, resources are available through the Parkland
College Counseling Center (2nd floor of “A” wing; 217-3512219).
If diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, you may be eligible for
academic accommodations. Contact the Office of Disability
Services (X-148; 217-353-2338).
In Summary:
Sorry, there are no magic tricks
to eliminate test anxiety.
Reducing it will take plenty of
hard work & practice.
The important thing to
remember is—you can learn
to manage test anxiety.