Leprosy in the Bible
Why does it not match what we call
leprosy today?
No Pictures
• The pictures of leprosy - all kinds - all
stages - are very graphic
• I will try not to go into too much detail
outside of the Bible.
• TODAY - Leprosy (Hansen's Disease) is
bacterial infection
• Begins as scales on the skin (mostly around
the face and head)
• Attacks the nerves in appendages
2 Main Types of Leprosy
• Two main types
• Lepromatous - spongy swellings on the
face and body, involves internal organs as
well, deformity, loss of feeling, injury and
infection results, loss of appendages
• Tuberculoid - less severe, chang ein
skin color, lasts 1 - 3 years, not fatal
Biblical Instructions
• Required - separation, isolation, and
• Describes a wide range of skin diseases
including what is today called leprosy
(Hansen's Disease)
• The Greek word "lepra" means to peel off in
scales (think psoriasis) only far more
• Many forms were considered contagious
God Promised Protection
and said, "If you diligently heed the voice of
the Lord your God and do what is right in His
sight, give ear to His commandments and
keep all His statutes, I will put none of the
diseases on you which I have brought on the
Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you."
Exodus 15:26
God Promised Protection
• Lepers were unclean - isolated, cry out
"unclean" when approached, live outside
the city
• When Jesus healed a leper – they were not
said to be healed, but cleansed
• Leprosy is often used to symbolize sin
• NOTE: The rest of our study will focus on
the Law of Moses and passages that
mention leprosy.
• Common Luke 4:27
• It Infected:
o Men Luke 17:12
o Women Numbers 12:10
o Houses Leviticus 14:34, 37-38
o Garments Leviticus 13:47-49
• It was generally incurable (in severe forms)
• Often sent in punishment for sin
o Numbers 12:9-10
o 2 Chronicles 26:19
• Often hereditary 2 Samuel 3:29
• Parts of the body affected include:
o Hand Exodus 4:6
o Head Leviticus 13:44
o Forehead 2 Chonicles 26:19
o Beard Leviticus 13:30
• Parts of the body affected include:
o Whole body Luke 5:12
Often begins with bright red spots
Leviticus 13:3
Leviticus 13:24
Turned skin white
Exodus 4:6
2 Kings 5:27
• May include a discharge Leviticus 22:4
• Turned hair white or yellow
• Leviticus 13:3, 10, 30
• 3rd Degree Burn Leviticus 13:25
• The Priests
• Judged how serious and response
• Deuteronomy 24:8
• Examined the person suspected
• Shut them up 7 days Leviticus 13:4
Had rules for distinguishing Leviticus 13:5-44
Examined when they claimed to be cured
• Leviticus 14:2
• Matthew 8:4
• Luke 17:14
• Ceremonies to be cleanse Leviticus 17:14
They were ceremonially unclean
Leviticus 13:8, 11, 22, 44
Separated from others
Numbers 5:2
Numbers 12:14-15
They associated together
2 Kings 7:3
Luke 17:12
Dwelt in a separate house
2 Kings 15:5
Cut off from God's house
2 Chronicles 26:21
Can't be a priest
Leviticus 22:2-4
Heads bare, clothes torn, lip covered
Leviticus 13:45
Cry “UNCLEAN” Leviticus 13:45
Show to priest
Shut up 7 days
Infected area removed
Severe infection – burn them
Suspected – wash and pronounce them clean
Report to priest
Empty the house
Shut up 7 days
Infected area removed
Rest of house scraped
Severe infection – destroy and removed
Suspected – clean completely and pronounce
them clean
Leprosy included any open sore, scab,
discharge, burn, wound
Reason for separation – keep from
spreading any infection, prevent an
Same rules applied to sexual diseases
God was seeking to keep His people pure
God wanted to prevent the diseases that
were a plague in nations around them