Outcome-based Curriculum: the Changing Roles of the Teacher

Outcome-based Curriculum:
the Changing Roles of the
Anchalee Chayanuvat, Ed.D
Walailak University,
Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand
E-mail: canchale@wu.ac.th
Outcome-based Curriculum
• is not new.
• We all expect something to happen
in our students because of our
• We all expect that our students learn
everything we teach them.
Are teachers expected to change?
Are students expected to change?
The Force of
The borderless world
•Change in our
being as a teacher?
•Change in the way we
•Change in the way
they learn?
Qualities of Good Teachers
Keeratikorn (cited in Siripool, 1988:30)
 Use all the time available
 Cover the curriculum
 Function at best teaching ability
Qualities of Good Teachers
Sornsiri (1992;3-4)
Good personality
Good classroom management
Good relationship with students
Good teaching
Good attitude to teaching
Good relationship with parents
Qualities of Good Teachers
Gilbert : A good teacher must ………….
o Know the subject
o Like the subject one teaches
o Like children
o Know the children
o Have an open-mind
o Know more than one’s own subject
o Have a good sense of humour
o Have a good memory
o Think positively
o Be kind
The Meaning of Quality
Trow: A good teacher must …..
like children
like to help
like to learn
like to lead
Qualities of Good Teachers
Combs: A good teacher….
o Likes to meet people
o Is brave to face all obstacles
o Has self confidence
o Believes in acceptance of society
o Has self esteem
Qualities of Good Teachers
Buripakdi et al (1977: 363-465) collected data from students,
parents, teachers, administrators, Buddhists, monks and
experts totalling 7,762 and found the following desirable
Good behaviour
Good knowledge
Good personality
Good teaching
Lifelong learning
Qualities of Good Teachers
Piyamada (1968) found that quality teachers in Bangkok:Encouraged and praised students (8)
Were kind (3)
Taught well (1)
Advised well (4)
Had a democratic outlook (2)
Were fair and honest (5)
Supported students financially (6)
Had good personality (9)
Had a good relationship with students (7)
Outcome-based Curriculum/ Teacher
Male Teachers
 Behaved
 Gambled and
drank alcohol
 Dressed
 Impolite/rude
 irresponsible
Female Teachers
 Dressed impolitely
 Emotional and badly behaved
 Irresponsible, especially in one
own’s teaching
 Enjoyed gossiping
 Unreasonably strict
 Talked too much
Qualities of Good Teachers
Barr et al. in Wisconsin Studies
Emotionally stable
Good decision making
Separate work from life
Charming personality
Good teacher characteristics
Good education and inquiry mind
Good communication skills
Good health
Good ethics
Kindness and democratic outlook
Qualities of Good Teachers
Thong-uthai (1980:74-86) studies university
teachers by collecting data from teachers and
students found 5 characteristics:Quality knowledge
Self-directed learning
Good teaching preparation
Clear teaching objective
Support for students in thinking
Beidler (1997) from personal experience and observation rather
than educational theory
1. Good teachers really want to be good teachers
2. Good teachers take risks
3. Good teachers have a positive attitude
4. Good teachers never have enough time
5. Good teachers think of teaching as a form of
6. Good teachers try to give their students confidence
7. Good teachers try to keep students – and
themselves – off balance
8. Good teachers try to motivate students by working
within their incentive system
9. Good teachers do not trust student evaluations
10. Good teachers listen to their students
Qualities of Good Teachers
Hessong and Weeks (1987: 457-463)
Being Knowledgeable
Being Humorous
Being Flexible
Being Inspired by teaching
Being Honest
Being Clear and Concise
Being Open
Being Patient
Being a Role Model
Being Able to Relate Theory to Practice
Being Self-Confident
Being Diversified
Being Well Groomed and Having Good Personal Hygiene
Qualities of Good Teachers
By The Thai Teachers’ Council Criteria
– Ethics
– Morality
– Interpersonal Skills
– Community leadership skills
– Office organization
– Behaviour
– Health
– Sacrifice
Qualities of Good Teachers
• ลักษณะของครูที่ดีนนมี
ั ้ มากมายหลายแบบ และการที่จะยอมรับว่า ครูที่ดี
จะต้ องมี ลักษณะอย่างไรนัน้ ขึ ้นอยูก่ บั ความคิดเห็นของแต่ละบุคคล แต่เมื่อ
พิจารณาโดยทัว่ ไปแล้ ว ก็สามารถสรุปได้ วา่ ครูที่ดีควรจะประกอบด้ วย
คุณลักษณะที่สาคัญ ๆ คือ
• 1. บุคลิกภาพดี
• 2. มีความรู้ดี
• 3. การสอนดีและปกครองดี
• 4. ความประพฤติดี
• 5. มีมนุษย์สมั พันธ์อนั ดี
Qualities of Good Teachers
Chayanuvat (2009)
The Teacher
The Thai teacher has complex roles of in the expectations of the research
participants. The teacher in an English classroom is expected not only to
teach but also to facilitate learning. The roles are complex because the
classroom is a place where individual differences, needs and wants for
learning are attended to. Being the most important person in the Thai
classroom, the teacher affects students in many ways by his/her displayed
behaviour. The teacher is expected to demonstrate desirable general
warm human qualities, specific personal characteristics, accommodating
presentation and performance skills, sufficient content knowledge and
effective teaching strategies. The research participants looked forward to
positive teacher-student relationships that would eventually help them
learn English with confidence, not with stress. According to the research
participants, the teacher is expected to adopt human qualities such as
being caring and nurturing, facilitating and being impartial.
Qualities of Good Students
Personal Appeal of English:
--Love for English
--Like English
--Determination to learn
--See its importance
Personal Orientation:
--Serious about English
--Brave to use English
--Regular practice
--Full class attendance
--Active class participation
--Find opportunities to use what is
Know How to Learn
--Researching skills
--Being self-directed
--Lifelong learning
--Time management