Bankers Association of Trinidad & Tobago (BATT)

Anti-Fraud Committee
ICT Symposium
“ To play a core role in the growth and stability of
the financial sector, through advocacy and
representation; and to facilitate the provision of the
most competitive banking products and services to
our customers, with integrity and transparency”
Monthly meetings to discuss:
Share Intelligence
What is on the horizon
It affords – Proactivity
To Be A Household Name
 Reputation- Improve the Image of BATT
 Representation- Influence
 Advocacy- Outreach and Lobby
 Information-sharing and Education- Develop and
utilise various channels for promoting BATT, its
role and educating the public on relevant banking
What is on the horizon
What is Skimming
“The surreptitious act of copying the encoded
card information off the magnetic strip of either a
credit or debit card with the intent to create a
cloned card to facilitate fraudulent transactions
on the legitimate account”
(Source - BATT)
Wire Transfer Fraud
Hard Copy
 Instructions via Letter Heads
 Information communicated via courier
 Subsequent calls to support instructions
Internet – Cyber Crime
 Sending instructions via email
 Intercepting emails with payment arrangements
and redirecting wire to another account, at another
bank, in another jurisdiction.
Awareness Campaigns (through collaboration)
 The Media
 Various Chambers
The risk of doing business online
 Tips on how to reduce the risk of being a victim
Robust Network Infrastructure
 Both Internal and External Facing Firewalls
 Intrusion Detection systems
 Highly Trained IT Units
Guidelines/Procedures – Online Transactions
 Guidelines/Procedures – Reporting Events to
the Police