Salamanca Segovia Avila Alcalá de Henares Madrid Toledo Eduardo Chillida • 1924 – 2002 (Eduardo Chillida Juantegui) • Basque from San Sebastián (Donostia) • Materials: space 11 stories high inside a mountain (one of Canary Islands), iron, steel, wood, alabaster, cement, clay, paper, stone, and plaster • One of 3 great 20th century sculptors (Brancusi, Giocometti) • 1971: professor at Harvard • 1984: buys house/studio “Zabalaga” in Hernani • 1986: creates logotype for Reina Sofía Museum, Madrid Eduardo Chillida and his wife, Pila de Belzunce, in a mirror in his Basque farmhouse-studio (2000) 1950, married (8 children) Eduardo Chillida and his son Eduardo Chillida Belzunce “Guernica”; cement sculpture in Guernika conmemorating 50th anniversary of Nazi bombing of Guernika (1937 – 1987) “Eulogy to water”; Barcelona (1987); sculpture in concrete and steel wire 1953: “Yunque de los sueños” Wood and iron “The House of J.S. Bach” (1980) Steel “The House of Hokusai” (1981) Steel “Elogio del vacío” (1983) Steel “Chair of Omar Khayyam III” (1983) Steel “Homage to Juan Gris” (1987) Steel “Homage to the Sea” (1984) Alabaster “Lurra 67” (1987) Terracotta Drawing of hand (undated, but from late 1940’s) Chillida’s emblem for San Juan de la Cruz; paper collage (1993)