How to Access YMCA Exchange Trainings Leaders Club 11-12 1 4/13/2015 Introduction Follow the following instructions in order to : – Create an account on the YMCA Exchange – Access Online Training Content – Begin your voyage into the world of awesome-ness Leaders Club 11-12 2 4/13/2015 Agenda The entire time allocation should be about 30-40 minutes. In that time you will have: – Gained access to extremely valuable YMCA eyes-only material that can give you a leg-up when planning projects or even applying for a job. – Taken a training that will help you with your immediate future with Leaders Club. Leaders Club 11-12 3 4/13/2015 The YMCA Exchange The YMCA exchange is a tool created for YMCA employees and volunteers by the YMCA of the USA. It is a marketplace of ideas, articles, tools, success stories, and training materials. Feel free to use it whenever you would like. Leaders Club 11-12 4 4/13/2015 Logging Into YMCA Exchange Go to – Enter ‘ymca’ as username – Enter 9622 (ymca on a phone) as the password. These are the universal usernames/passwords for the site. Leaders Club 11-12 5 4/13/2015 Logging Into YMCA Exchange Enter: ymca Enter: 9622 Leaders Club 11-12 6 4/13/2015 The Homepage The Homepage of the YMCA Exchange is where you will do most of your navigation when researching ideas for various programs. Feel free to browse all of your options. When you are done browsing, enter “child protection training” into the search box in the top-right corner of the screen Leaders Club 11-12 7 4/13/2015 Enter: “child protection training” Leaders Club 11-12 8 4/13/2015 Accessing Training Site Scroll down to option #7 and select “Online Risk Management Training and Toolkit” Leaders Club 11-12 9 4/13/2015 Click Here! Leaders Club 11-12 10 4/13/2015 Accessing Training Site Click the link that says “Risk Management Tool Kit” Leaders Club 11-12 11 4/13/2015 Click Here! Leaders Club 11-12 12 4/13/2015 Accessing Training Site Click the link that says “click here to register now” Leaders Club 11-12 13 4/13/2015 Click this one! Leaders Club 11-12 14 4/13/2015 Accessing Training Site Fill in the required field. If you’re not sure of what your social security number is, ask your parents for help. Leaders Club 11-12 15 4/13/2015 Accessing Training Site Once you’ve gotten your “Account Registration Successful” screen, check the email that you entered for your temporary login information. Leaders Club 11-12 16 4/13/2015 Now check your email! Leaders Club 11-12 17 4/13/2015 Accessing Training Site Click the link that was sent to you email and enter the corresponding password. Choose your username. Leaders Club 11-12 18 4/13/2015 Signing Into New Account Enter the following info: – – – – YMCA Name: Lake County YMCA YMCA City: Painesville State: OH Sort Order: Name Click Find Your YMCA Leaders Club 11-12 19 4/13/2015 Click: Select Leaders Club 11-12 20 4/13/2015 Scroll down to select yellow triangle that says “Risk Management Online Training” Click this one! Leaders Club 11-12 21 4/13/2015 Scroll down to select “Child Protection” Click here! Leaders Club 11-12 22 4/13/2015 Complete the training. When you are done, print out a copy of your YMCA transcript and give it to Jacob at the next meeting. – Access your transcript by clicking the icon on your account homepage Leaders Club 11-12 23 4/13/2015 Leaders Club 11-12 24 4/13/2015 Summary By the end of the training, you should have grasped the very basic concepts of the challenges and importance of basic child protection If you are interested in more in-depth training, talk to Jacob Everyone MUST have a copy of their transcript on file showing the completion of this course. Leaders Club 11-12 25 4/13/2015 Where to Get More Information Feel free to peruse the YMCA exchange whenever you feel like it. If you are interested in career opportunities, talk to Jacob or any other manager at the YMCA about your interests. Leaders Club 11-12 26 4/13/2015