African Development Bank Group African Union PROGRAMME FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA (PIDA) EU-Africa Partnership for Infrastructure Tunis, 7 April 2010 NEPAD OUTLINE A. CONTEXT I. AFRICAN INFRASTRUCTURE B. PROGRAMME FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA (PIDA) I. PIDA SCOPE II. OBJECTIVES OF PIDA & RESULTS EXPETED FROM THE STUDY III. KEY FEATURES OF PIDA IV. PIDA STUDY MAIN COMPONENTS V. STUDY STRUCTURE VI. STUDY GOVERNANCE VII. BUDGET AND PLANNING OF PIDA STUDY C. CONCLUSION 2 A. BACKGROUND I- AFRICAN INFRASTRUCTURE 1.1. Infrastructure pillar of economic grow and regional integration. Infrastructure have significant implications for achievement of sustainable development objectives in Africa: • Therefore critical role of infrastructure in Africa widely recognized • But deficit in Africa infrastructure also widely recognized 1.2. Initiatives on Infrastructure development Against this deficit, many initiatives has been undertaken or are ongoing, including: EU-Africa Infrastructure Partnership; African initiatives: NEPAD Short Term Action Plan (STAP), NEPAD Medium to Long Term Strategic Framework (MLTSF), Programme for Infrastructure development in Africa (PIDA); Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA); Others: African Infrastructure Country Diagnostic Study (AICD), African Action Plan (AAP), bilateral partnership, etc 3 B. PROGRAMME FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA (PIDA) I. PIDA SCOPE PIDA Project covers the 4 sectors ,Energy, Transport, Information & Communication Technology (ICT) and Water (Transboundary), and will be to be implemented in two major step: study step and the step of implementing the results of the study: PIDA will benefit from Lesson’s learned and data of studies and initiatives already undertaken or ongoing: II. OBJECTIVES OF PIDA AND EXPECTED RESULTS OF THE STUDY PIDA overall objective is to optimise the efforts and use of resources in order to enable African Stakeholders to speak with one voice based on a common agenda and a common vision for infrastructure development. 4 B. PROGRAMME FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA (PIDA) II. OBJECTIVES OF PIDA AND EXPECTED RESULTS OF THE STUDY (CONT.) The specific objectives of PIDA are to enable African decision-makers to: Establish and implement a strategic framework for the development of regional and continental infrastructure based on a development vision, strategic objectives and sector policies; Establish and implement an infrastructure development programme articulated around priorities and phases; and Prepare an implementation strategy and process including, in particular, a priority action plan. Expected results of the study •Vision on Africa’s infrastructure • Strategic objectives • Sector policies •Regional and continental physical infrastructure projects •Mater Plans • Priority projects /Measures/ Phases •Rolling plan of priority actions • Financing, • Monitoring and evaluation process 5 B. PROGRAMME FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA (PIDA) III. KEY FEATURES OF PIDA Key features of PIDA are: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Strong consensus , Making sense of existing knowledge , African owned , Policy and program oriented (Transport, Energy, Water, Telecoms & ICT sectors), (v) Quality assurance, (vi) Specified implementation strategy 6 B. PROGRAMME FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA (PIDA) IV-PIDA STUDY MAIN COMPONENTS Components: Sector Studies Supporting Components Telecom/ ICT Panel of experts Water Energy Database Transport 7 B. PROGRAMME FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA (PIDA) V. STUDY STRUCTURE PIDA studies are structured according to the following a common phases: Phase I : Diagnostic, analytical work and projections Phase II : Formulation of Sector Policies & Infrastructure Development Plan PIDA GOVERNANCE Phase III: Synthesis & Recommendations 8 B. PROGRAMME FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA (PIDA) V. STUDY STRUCTURE ( Cont.) OUTPUTS & INPUTS OF PHASES ACTIVITY OBJECTIVES Assessment of Policies & Programmes Development of Future outlook INCEPTION • Outline of Consortium organization & Program of work , Methodology, approach and initial findings; • Contact with stakeholders to identify the nature &scope of existing information sources and start analysis and strategic thinking from data & information already available from: STAP, RECs policies, AICD, etc. PHASE: I Diagnostic & Analysis • Summary of prospects • Report on: The evaluation of regional & Continental policies & strategies, outlook for the future and challenges in Infrastructure development, outline of Infrastructure development programme Quality Control and Approval: review and approval process by PIDA governance INCEPTION REPORT • Detailed description of tasks to be undertaken, schedule of activities, resources • Detailed collected data /to be collected , necessary for the analytical work • Analytical framework to be used in the analysis for current /formulation policies, strategies • Proposed methodology for the analysis of on-going and pipeline programmes • First outline of the methodology to be used for projections, etc. • Etc. TO PHASE II 9 B. PROGRAMME FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA (PIDA) V. STUDY STRUCTURE (Cont.) OUTPUTS & INPUTS OF PHASES ACTIVITY OBJECTIVES Policy Proposals Programme Proposals Phase II: : Formulation of Sector Policy and Plan of Priority Actions Workshop Reports •Draft Policy •Draft Program •Draft implementation strategy Quality Control and Approval: review and approval process by PIDA governance Policy Proposals Programme Proposals Implementation strategy Sectors reports Phase III:Synthesis and Recommendations Synthesis report Quality Control and Approval: review and approval process by PIDA governance and final approval of the study results by AU Structures 10 B. PROGRAMME FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA (PIDA) VI. STUDY GOVERNANCE Governance Structure Steering Committee Deliverables Technical Committee Deliverables Progress Review Executing Agency Project Management Team Main roles Approval and Guidance AUC chairs Project Team presents Members: ADB + NEPAD Sec.+ RECs + ECA, Observers: ICA, IPPF, SI Quality control AUC+ADB co-chair Members: NEPAD Sec. + ECA + resource persons from SI Procurement and financial management ADB Project management ADB project manager, Sector Experts, Research Assistant, Admin. Support 11 B. PROGRAMME FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA (PIDA) VI. STUDY GOVERNANCE(Cont.) Focal Points and Technical Members • Focal Points At RECs level At main Specialized Institutions (SI) level Other regional institutions • Technical members (Other than AUC, AfDB & NEPAD Sec) Infrastructure/sector experts from RECs Experts from Specialized Institutions NB: Member States experts are committed at regional level • Development Partners Infrastructure partners fully involved as main Observers 12 B. PROGRAMME FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA (PIDA) VII. BUDGET AND PLANNING OF PIDA STUDY Overall Esteemed budget: 7.781 Million Euros(M€) . The Funding sources are: Trough the African Union Commission: NEPAD IPPF ; European Union; Islamic Development Bank (IsDB); African Water Facility (AWF); Trough the African Development Bank: African Development Fund (ADF) Grant MLTSF; Nigeria Technical Cooperation Fund (NTCF); Department of International Development (DfID) UK; Planning to complete the study: 18 months 13 C. CONCLUSION PIDA is a strategic tool and reference framework for the Development of infrastructure in Africa; A strong support / commitment (political, financial, technical) is needed to achieve PIDA objectives ; PIDA is a dynamical process from study step to the step of implementing the results of the study. 14 لكم شكرا MERCI OBRIGADO THANK YOU 15