Hand Embroidery

What is
Embroidery: is the handicraft of
decorating fabric or other
with needle and thread or yarn.
To begin with, embroidery has a long history, which
dates back to more than 3000 years B.C.It is probably
the first form of art, as man has used decoration with
aesthetic purposes as early as the invention of the
needle and thread themselves. In ancient cultures
from every part of the world, embroidery and
needlework was regarded as a priority only for the
chosen and talented boys. (meaning only men were
aloud to embroider) The embroiderers-to-be had to
study the fine craft under the supervision of a master.
It took them more than ten years' apprenticeship until
they were approved to practice on their own.
We know of the embroidery work practiced by
the ancient Egyptians. It was done with white
threads on a white canvas. This embroidery is
so sophisticated that even nowadays the
modern technologies have difficulty doing it
the same way. Another type of finest quality
was the Chinese silk embroidery, known as
the two-sided embroidery. It is amazingly
intricate and it takes years of hard efforts to
complete. Also famous is the "raised"
embroidery, practiced in the 16th century. It is
better known as the Elizabethan embroidery. It
involved stitching decorations like butterflies,
leaves and other beautiful designs with the
usage of wool, leather and wood padding. Still
popular today is the Western European
embroidery called crewel.
Tools for Embroidery
Embroidery hoops and frames
Your design
What will we be doing?
We will be creating our own
embroidery patches.
Maximum of 4in x 4in. (can be bigger
see me)
Experimentation with color mixing.
So what is experimentation
with color?
It is where you put colors next to another to
create an effect.
This can be fades, color mixing , tone
change, light to darks. Any type of color
mixing. (think about how you make
secondary colors)
Hand Embroidery
Running Stitch
Couching Stitch
Outline Stitch
Chain Stitch
Videos of stitches to try.
Fish bone
Bullion knot
French knot
The running stitch.
Things to try.
Remember to fill the full area.
When you feel ready you can try
and create your own type of
You can draw
your own
image on
cloth and then
fill it as you
go. So you
never feel
Make sure to
fill the full
areas of the
picture (see
the foot and
how it is filled
So what should I make?:
Think about things you like. Such as...
A quote with an object
A family crest
Any ideas?
What you should do right
1. Take your note books out and start
drawing ideas for your design.
2. Measure out a 4x4 circle or square
to work in. this will be the size of your
3.Use colored pencil and sharpie to
make your design. –make sure it is
very detailed.
4. Find a piece of fabric you would
like to use. From the box.