
Many people believe that miracles are happening
every day (babies born, saved from injury or
death by unexplainable means, healed from
cancer, incurable disease, terminal illness, etc).
Those who are poor, uneducated, or desperate for a
cure for what ails them will seek out “faith
healers” to get well.
In this study this morning, we want to contrast the
true Bible miracles using the acronym for SIGNS
with the false miracles of man.
Bible Miracles were Supernatural
The ISBE says a miracle is "an extraordinary work of
God.... transcending the ordinary powers of
Nature, wrought in connection with the ends of
revelation" (Vol. III, p. 2062).
The magicians in Egypt admitted that the plagues
were from the “finger of God” (Ex. 8:19; 7:3ff).
Jesus made the mute speak, the lame walk, the
cripple whole, and the blind see (Mt. 15:30).
While people could test these Bible miracles by their
senses (ears, eyes, or touch) to see if it is true,
you cannot test “faith healers” by your senses.
Bible Miracles were Instantaneous
and Irrefutable
The multitudes witnessed Jesus and the apostles
healing people they knew immediately.
(John 11:44-45; 12:17-18; Acts 3:6-10)
Even the enemies of Jesus could not deny the
miracles (John 11:47ff; Acts 4:16).
“Faith healers” today may pronounce people
healed immediately without proof but they are
not like the irrefutable miracles recorded in
the New Testament.
Bible Miracles were Genuine
Simon the sorcerer had deceived the Samaritans
for a long time as they were calling him the
great power of God (Acts 8:9-11).
But he saw the evidence of the true miracles and
acted on his conviction to change his beliefs
(Acts 8:13).
Many “faith healers” today show that they are
frauds because they will pass around a plate
to collect money for their healing (1 Ti. 6:3-5)
which did not happen in the Bible.
Miracles Did Not Always Depend on
People’s Faith
Sometimes it did depend on their faith but many
times it didn’t (the dead cannot have faith).
While “faith healers” may blame the person’s lack
of faith when they fail, in the Bible it was the
faith of the healer that was important.
(Matthew 17:14-21)
Jesus never failed to heal anyone (Matt. 4:23-24)
while “faith healers” will admit that the person
isn’t always cured and will not attempt raising
the dead.
Miracles Were Done in order to
Save Souls
Miracles are recorded in the Bible so that we might
believe Jesus is the Christ and have eternal life
(John 20:24-31); the Bible would not be
needed if there are miracles today.
Jesus rebuked the places where he did miracles
because they didn’t repent (Matt. 11:20ff; 2
Pet. 3:9).
The purpose of miracles was that men would
believe, repent, and be baptized to have their
sins forgiven (Acts 2:21-24, 36-38, 41), not be
healed physically to give their testimony.
Bible miracles were Supernatural which could be
tested by the hearers unlike “faith healers.”
Bible miracles were Instantaneous & Irrefutable,
while faith healers works are not.
Bible miracles were Genuine as evidenced by
Simon’s conviction to believe and be baptized.
Bible miracles did Not always depend on people’s
faith while faith healers generally blame them
for their lack of faith.
Bible miracles were done in order to Save Souls
while faith healers deceive those who perish
(2 Thess. 2:9-12)
I believe the Bible teaches divine healing but not
miraculous healing today (James 5:16).
But how many children have died because the
parents denied them medical treatment
because they falsely believed that their child
was going to be well after hearing a “faith
healer” say that they had been healed or
went to a church that believed that?
How many people believe that the “faith healer”
was a man of God and since they didn’t get
healed and saw him getting rich, they decided
never to listen to God’s word again?
Jesus said concerning the Judgment Day,
"Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did
we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your
name cast out demons, and in Your name
perform many miracles?' "And then I will
declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART
LAWLESSNESS.' (Matthew 7:22-23)