Stags and Hens by Willy Russell


Explorative strategies

Still image







Marking the moment


 The use of costume, masks and/or makeup

 The use of sound and/or music

 The use of lighting

 The use of space and/or levels

 The use of set and/or props

 The use of movement, mime and/or gesture

 The use of voice

 The use of spoken language.


 Action/plot/content

 Forms

 Climax/anti-climax

 Rhythm/pace/tempo

 Contrasts (fast-Slow) Quiet-loud (Smallbig) Happy-sad.

 Characterisation

 Conventions

 Symbols

At the end of each lesson.

• All should be able to demonstrate and explain the strategy, medium or element explored in the lesson

• Most of you should be able to understand and demonstrate the strategy, medium or element explored in the lesson, in detail.

• Most will be able to give an example of how it/they could be used in the future.

• Some will be able to give detailed reasons for the choices they make.

• All should be able to make a written record of the lesson.

Stags and Hens by

Willy Russell

Lesson 1 Objectives

• To demonstrate an understanding of the characters of the play through hot-seating, voice and spoken

language, movement and gesture.

• To demonstrate an understanding of the plot and content through narrating.

• To select key moments in the play through marking

the moment.

Stags and Hens by

Willy Russell

Lesson 2 Objectives

• To explore the status of a character through space

and levels, voice and thought tracking.

• To identify the status of characters from Act 1, and to demonstrate the relationship between characters through space and levels.

• To understand how Space and levels, Movement,

mime and/or gesture are part of demonstrating character, action, the relationship between characters, the scene and the story.

• To explore various ways of marking the moment through Act 1.

Stags and Hens by

Willy Russell

Lesson 3 Objectives

• To know and apply cross-cutting to text

• To have a better understanding of how the speed of delivery of words/or actions affects drama.

(Rhythm, pace and Tempo)

• To understand what a dramatic pause is and how it affects a drama.

• To develop the use of space and levels.

Stags and Hens by

Willy Russell

Lesson 4 Objectives

• To explore character and mark the moment through


• To explore the play through Narration and still


• To explore the play and the characters through

movement, mime and gesture.

• To use the convention of split screen in the use of


Stags and Hens by

Willy Russell

Lesson 5 Objectives

• To use costume and makeup relevant to the play

• To use lighting symbolically and to mark the moment.

• To identify moments in the play for placing music.

• To demonstrate an understanding of the cultural, social and historical context of the play through costume and music.


Stags and Hens by

Willy Russell

Lesson 6 Objectives

• To explore the theme and characters of the play through role play

• To develop strategies, mediums and elements through forum theatre.

• To apply the use of costume and symbols.

• To identify and show climax/anti-climax in the play.
