Learning to Write Chapter II: The Paragraph Lecture Two: Building a Paragraph The Paragraph--2 1 Paragraph Composition 1. Narration 1. Narration 2. Description 2. Description 3. Argument 3. Argumentation 4. Exemplification 5. Listing 4. Exposition 6. Process Ways of presenting supporting facts 7. Classification 8. Cause & effect 9. Comparison & contrast The Paragraph--2 2 Lecture Two: Building a Paragraph 1. Exemplification 6. Description 2. Listing 7. Argument 3. Process 8. Cause & effect 4. Classification 9. Comparison & contrast 5. Narration The Paragraph--2 3 Building a paragraph —— Exemplification Different people have different ideal careers. For example, some people wish to…, while others may hope that … The Paragraph--2 4 Building a paragraph —— Listing Online learning has many advantages. First, …. Second, …. Third, …. Last, …. The Paragraph--2 5 Building a paragraph —— Process To make tea, follow these steps. First, …. Next, …. And then, …. The Paragraph--2 6 Building a paragraph —— Classification A drink may be classified according to whether or not it contains alcohol. Therefore, basically, there are two types of drinks: alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Alcoholic drinks are spirits, wine, beer. Non-alcoholic drinks may be sub-divided into hot drinks and cold drinks. Hot drinks are drinks like tea and …. The Paragraph--2 7 Building a paragraph —— Classification Sports have become more and more popular in the world. In Europe,…. In America, ….In Asia, ….In Africa, …. The Paragraph--2 8 Building a paragraph —— Classification Sports have become more and more popular in the world. Fifty years ago,…. Now, …. The Paragraph--2 9 Building a paragraph —— Classification Sports have become more and more popular in the world. For men,…. For women, …. The Paragraph--2 10 Building a paragraph —— Classification Sports have become more and more popular in the world. For young people,…. For old people, …. For children, …. The Paragraph--2 11 Building a paragraph —— Narration Time Hero(es) and/or hero(ines) Place(s) Event The Paragraph--2 12 Building a paragraph —— Description Verbs/adverbs/adjectives/onomatopoeia (imitative words) etc. The Paragraph--2 13 Building a paragraph —— Argument Grounds of argument---facts, examples, references Argumentation The Paragraph--2 14 Building a paragraph —— Cause and Effect Relationship Impartial The Paragraph--2 15 Building a paragraph —— Comparison and contrast A1B1 A1, A2, A3 A2B2 A3B3 B1, B2, B3 Point by point Subject by subject The Paragraph--2 16 The Paragraph--2 17