Analyzing WWI Propaganda

What is
Definition = one-sided information for the
purpose of getting the public to support a
cause. Often used during the times of war.
Purpose =
to make people join the military
conserve resources (ration)
buy war bonds (loans to gov.)
love your country/hate the enemy.
Results =
millions volunteered
hatred for the enemy became popular
In the US borrowed $20 Billion from its
citizens through war bond sales.
How it is used
Poster = cheap, easy way to get across info,
even illiterate population can understand
Message= facts twisted, sometimes false,
appeals to emotion not logic
Use of Symbolism= uses objects to represent
ideas (slogan, images, myths)
Types of Propaganda
Bandwagon: Persuading
people to do something by
letting them know others are
doing it.
Testimonial: Using the words
of a famous person to persuade
Transfer: Using the pictures of
famous people.
Types of Propaganda
Emotional Plea: Words/images that
will make you feel strongly (hate, fear,
guilt, love, honor, etc).
Name Calling: Calling the other side
names like evil, bloodthirsty, killers,
butchers, etc.
Glittering Generalities: Using nice
words to describe about your side like
hero, brave, honorable, freedom,
justice, etc.
Using these headings we will analyze a series of
propaganda posters
1. Country
2. Describe the
symbols used
3. What is the purpose
of this poster?
4. Type of Propaganda.
For each poster put the
number then 1-4 with the
required information.
#1 “Above
1. Country
2. Describe the poster—
noting symbols used
3. What is the purpose of
this poster?
4. Type of Propaganda.
1. Country
2. Describe the poster—
noting symbols used
3. What is the purpose of
this poster?
4. Type of Propaganda.
1. Country
2. Describe the poster—
noting symbols used
3. What is the purpose of
this poster?
4. Type of Propaganda.
1. Country
2. Describe the poster—
noting symbols used
3. What is the purpose of
this poster?
4. Type of Propaganda.
1. Country
2. Describe the poster—
noting symbols used
3. What is the purpose of
this poster?
4. Type of Propaganda.
1. Country
2. Describe the poster—
noting symbols used
3. What is the purpose of
this poster?
4. Type of Propaganda.
1. Country
2. Describe the poster—
noting symbols used
3. What is the purpose of
this poster?
4. Type of Propaganda.
1. Country
2. Describe the poster—
noting symbols used
3. What is the purpose of
this poster?
4. Type of Propaganda.
1. Country
2. Describe the poster—
noting symbols used
3. What is the purpose of
this poster?
4. Type of Propaganda.
#10 “German women, work in the Home-Army”
1. Country
2. Describe the poster—
noting symbols used
3. What is the purpose of
this poster?
4. Type of Propaganda.
1. Country
2. Describe the poster—
noting symbols used
3. What is the purpose of
this poster?
4. Type of Propaganda.
1. Country
2. Describe the poster—
noting symbols used
3. What is the purpose of
this poster?
4. Type of Propaganda.
1. Country
2. Describe the poster—
noting symbols used
3. What is the purpose of
this poster?
4. Type of Propaganda.
Propaganda Poster Project
Propaganda was used widely before and
during World War I to help “sell” the
war to the citizens of both the Allies and
the Central Powers. It was a strong force
in the “total war” effort to convince the
nation’s citizens that they were fighting
on the “good”, or the “right” side.
You will create your own, original, 8.5 x 11,
propaganda poster from the World
War I period. It will be one of the following
1.A poster that supports the Allied, or
Central powers (positive, or negative)
2.A poster to join the war effort-Either side.
3.A poster that supports the war effort by
participating in some way at the home
Choose one of the following
WWI propaganda poster topics:
Buying Victory Bonds which
encouraged public financial support for
the war effort.
Saving/Conserving Food .
People were encouraged to ration and not
waste their food.
⇒ Keeping Your Mouth Shut –
⇒ Joining the Army –
⇒ Demonizing the Enemy
⇒ Women and the war effort
Required Elements
1. On the back of your poster, prepare a
summary of your poster that:
2. Identifies which side (Allied, or Central
Powers) and country that your poster
supports (what country created it?)
3. Identifies and explains the symbols (colors,
characters, etc.) used in your poster.
4. Explains the purpose of your poster (enlist,
fight the enemy, help on the home front).
Your Mini report should
include the following
• Who or what is your topic about?
• An analysis of your own propaganda
poster. You should clearly explain the
significance your slogan as well as why
you included all of the images used.
This mini report should be between 2 and
3 full, well written paragraphs.
Elements you must NOT include
Swastikas or any symbolism from WWII,
make sure you are using symbolism from
the correct time period.
Glitter, I will not accept your project if it
includes glitter, or sand or any other
material that is not permanently attached
to your picture.
Cardboard or paper larger than 8.5 x 11
Grading Criteria
Your propaganda poster will be graded
based on neatness of presentation,
originality, correct use of colors, maps,
symbols and accurate explanation of
these in your summary.
REMINDER: Your posters and summaries
are due on January 22/23 . No late
posters will be accepted.