Chapter 4 Overview of the SAS® Management Console Section 4.1 Introduction to the SAS Management Console What Is the SAS Management Console? The SAS Management Console is a Java application that provides a single point of control for managing resources that are used throughout the Intelligence Value Chain. ตองมี การวางแผนกอน วาผู และออกแบบ ้ ่ ่ ้ค้าตองการอะไร ้ จากนั้นก็จะทา ETL จากนั้นก็มาสรางเป็ น Intelligent Storage (Data ้ warehouse วามี จากนั้นก็มา BI ตัว ่ โครงสรางแบบไหน) ้ หลังจากทีท ่ า BI เสร็จ (ส่วนใหญของเราจะท าแคนี ่ ่ ้)Analytic Intelligence(ตองหา Tool อีกที) คลายๆ กับ EG ประมาณวา่ ้ ้ วิเคราะหได ่ เทาไรลดเท าไหร ้ าอี ่ ก ห้าปี ขางหน ้ ้ า ขอมู ้ ลเพิม ่ ่ ่ ์ ว 3 What Is the SAS Management Console? SAS Management Console's single interface can be used to perform the administrative tasks required to create and maintain an integrated environment rather than using a separate administrative interface for each application in your enterprise intelligence environment. 4 Tasks Managed by SAS Management Console SAS Management Console can be used to manage a variety of tasks, including server definitions library definitions user definitions resource access controls metadata repositories SAS licenses job schedules XMLMaps. 5 Metadata Definitions SAS Management Console manages resources and controls them by creating and maintaining metadata definitions for each resource or control. The metadata definitions created in SAS Management Console are stored in a repository on a SAS Metadata Server, where they are available for other applications to use. SAS Metadata Server 6 SAS Metadata Server The SAS Metadata Server is a multiuser server that surfaces metadata from one or more repositories to SAS Open Metadata Interface client applications via the SAS Open Metadata Architecture. The SAS Open Metadata Architecture enables separate applications to exchange metadata centralized management of an organization's metadata resources. 7 Section 4.2 How SAS Management Console Works How SAS Management Console Works SAS Management Console works in conjunction with SAS Metadata Servers. A metadata server must be set up and started before work can begin with SAS Management Console. 9 Metadata Profile When SAS Management Console is invoked, a metadata profile is selected that specifies the metadata server to which metadata definitions will be written the active metadata repository information required to connect to the metadata server. 10 Connecting to SAS Metadata Servers Metadata Server “DataServ” SAS Management Console Metadata Profile Metadata server – DataServ Metadata repository – MainRepos User ID - sastest 11 Metadata Repository “MainRepos” ARepos BRepos Metadata Server “DevServ” ... Connecting to SAS Metadata Servers Each metadata server can contain multiple repositories, and the SAS Management Console can be used to store definitions in any of the repositories. The active repository is the repository that is currently selected and is receiving metadata definitions from the application. 12 Repositories SAS Management Console can be used to set up a hierarchy of repositories on the metadata server, consisting of different repository types including: Foundation specify the parent repository for all other Repositories repositories on the server. This repository contains resource definitions that are used throughout the enterprise. Project specify development repositories that Repositories can be used for change management. 13 ... Metadata and Repositories – Review Metadata is information about data and computing resources, or data about data. Metadata definitions are stored in a repository where they are available for use by other applications. The Foundation repository is the parent repository for all other repositories on the server and includes metadata objects that describe SAS servers, data libraries, data tables, and metadata users. 14 SAS Servers – Review The various SAS Servers in the Intelligence Platform are defined in the metadata. These server definitions include details on where the process is executing and how to connect to it. An individual server definition may be part of an Application Server context that provides a place to attach libraries, schemas, directories, and any resources that are to be available to the SAS servers. 15 Metadata Users Metadata users may have their own metadata identity and/or belong to a user group. All users who can access the metadata server implicitly belong to a special group named PUBLIC. There are several different types of users in the metadata, including these: SAS Administrator (sasadm) an unrestricted user with special privileges to manage user accounts and administer the metadata server. SAS Demo User the account that can be used to (sasdemo) access the various client tools. 16 ... SAS Management Console Case Study Tasks In class, you only have one repository, a foundation repository named Foundation. Metadata Server Within the Foundation repository, the application server context is named SASMain, which holds the various SAS Servers. 17 SASMain There are several users and groups defined that will be used during class, including PUBLIC (group) sasadm (unrestricted user) sasdemo (demo user). Foundation Workspace Server Stored Process Server PUBLIC OLAP Server sasadm sasdemo ... Section 4.3 Introduction to SAS Management Console Plug-Ins SAS Management Console Plug-Ins SAS Management Console plug-ins are Java files that provide specific administrative functions by creating specific types of metadata definitions. SAS Management Console includes a standard set of plug-ins. Additional plug-ins can be installed to access and manage other SAS or third-party applications. 19 SAS Management Console Plug-Ins SAS Management Console plug-ins are grouped into two main categories: Environment Management plug-ins for configuring SAS resources such as servers, metadata, libraries, and users Application Management plug-ins for configuring SAS applications. When a plug-in is installed, it is added automatically to the appropriate category. 20 SAS Management Console Plug-Ins Some of the plug-ins provided with SAS Management Console include: Authorization defines access rules to control how users Manager and groups can access metadata definitions. 21 Data Library Manager creates definitions for SAS libraries and database schemas. Metadata Manager provides functions for defining metadata repositories on the active server, managing resource templates, and creating jobs to promote or replicate a metadata repository. Schedule Manager allows you to create schedules for running jobs created in SAS ETL Studio. ... Plug-In Information Because each plug-in has its own functions, the SAS Management Console menu bar and toolbar change whenever you select a node within the navigation tree. Different nodes within a single plug-in can activate different menu items and tools. 22 Section 4.4 Working with the User Interface SAS Management Console User Interface The SAS Management Console user interface consists of six major parts: Menu bar Toolbar Context bar Navigation tree Display area Status line. 24 SAS Management Console User Interface Menu Bar 25 ... SAS Management Console User Interface Toolbar 26 ... SAS Management Console User Interface Context Bar 27 ... SAS Management Console User Interface Navigation Tree 28 ... SAS Management Console User Interface Display Area 29 ... SAS Management Console User Interface Status Line 30 ... Assigning a SAS Data Library This demonstration shows how to assign a SAS data library using the SAS Management Console. 31 Define Data Libraries Create Stored Processes Register Source Tables View and Analyze Data Define Target Tables Create Information Maps Metadata Create ETL Jobs Create Reports Create OLAP Cubes Use the Information Delivery Portal Register Metadata for Existing Tables When you create metadata to define a library in the SAS Management Console, you define the library only and not any tables that it contains. To import metadata to define an existing data source, use the Source Designer. 32 Source Designer The Source Designer is a wizard-driven interface that enables you to define the physical layout of existing tables using a data dictionary or metadata information from the source system. The result of running the Source Designer successfully is a metadata registration that describes the data source. 33 Register Metadata for Existing Tables This demonstration shows how to register the metadata for the tables in the Source Tables Library. 34 Define Data Libraries Create Stored Processes Register Source Tables View and Analyze Data Define Target Tables Create Information Maps Metadata Create ETL Jobs Create Reports Create OLAP Cubes Use the Information Delivery Portal