
Using PowerPoint to Integrate
Some Tips and Hints
Table of Contents
Before You Begin
 Gather all information and
images BEFORE starting the
• Have students save
bibliographic information in
case they need to return to the
site. You may also want to have
them create a Bibliography
 Information & Images should
be saved in the student’s
personal folder in a folder
created for the presentation.
 This information can be put into
the slide show by opening the
original document and using
copy and paste or by typing
from a printed document.
 Table of Contents
Type of Slide Show
 Decide before they begin whether it will be
used as a “speech”, a self running show, or a
non-linear project.
 Table of Contents
Speech Slide Show
• A “Speech” slide show should move only
with a slide click. This allows the speaker to
control the tempo as the speech is given.
May also want to include a “Back” button
and/or a Table of Contents link for returning
to specific pages to answer questions.
• Table of Contents
Self-Running Show
• A Self-running slide show can be used as a
presentation where slides appear after a
specified time.
• This works well as a display for parents or
other students to view.
• Table of Contents
• A Non-Linear slide show usually has a table
of Contents allowing the viewer to navigate
at his/her discretion. This can be very useful
as a study guide for specific topics. It
operates much like a web site.
• The buttons at the bottom of this page are
examples of non-linear navigation.
• Table of Contents
• Students should have a plan for the number
of slides and content of each before they
begin. This can be done from information
gathered in normal report notes fashion or
better yet, as an outline created in standard
format or as an Inspiration document
• Table of Contents
Other Tips
 When you begin a slide show,
have students “Save as” to their
own folder with an identifiable
name for that project.
(Space.ppt or Panda.ppt rather
than Fred.ppt.) As they work on
the show and add slides, they
should just Save and NOT
 Remember to have them use the
Spell Check feature.
 Always have students begin
with entering all text for their
slide show first so they don’t
get too involved in the “fun
stuff” and run out of time.
• They can then go back and add
background, images, charts &
graphs, movies, sounds,
navigation aides, etc. after the
text is entered
• Table of Contents
Table of Contents
• Title Page
• Before you begin
• Type of Show
– Speech
– Self-Running
– Non-Linear
Other Tips
Sample Bibliography
Email Cartoon
End Show
Bibliography Example
• The entry could be from a magazine, book,
encyclopedia, or other text source
• If it on the web, the entry can be a link:
Katerpillars & Mystery Bugs
• Table of Contents