Grade Level: 5 Duration: 15-20 minutes By: Megan Arnica A Non-linear kiosk activity designed to introduce students to the beginnings of interpreting music. Teacher Information Begin Activity Click on a measure to learn about it’s musical markings! Test What You Know! Forte o Forte (f) is a dynamic marking. o It means to play loud. Next Legato o Legato is a style marking. o It means to play the notes smooth and connected. To hear a legato style, click the speaker. Sforzando Piano o Sforzando (sfp) Piano is a dynamic marking. o It means to attack the note loudly, and then suddenly play very quiet. To hear a sforzando piano attack, click the speaker. Next Crescendo o Crescendo is a dynamic instruction o It means to gradually get louder. Staccato o Staccato is a style marking. o It means to play the notes spaced. To hear a staccato style, click the speaker. Next Decrescendo o Decrescendo is a dynamic instruction. o It means to gradually get softer. Piano o Piano (p) is a dynamic marking. o It means to play quietly. Next Mezzo Forte o Mezzo Forte (mf) is a dynamic marking. o It means to play medium loud, in between loud and soft. Fortissimo o Fortissimo (ff) is a dynamic marking. o It means to play very loud. Next Accents o Accents are style markings. o They mean to emphasize that particular note, to put more weight on it. To hear someone playing notes with accents, click the speaker (the first and third notes are the ones with the accents). Listen to the sound by clicking on the speaker and pick the best description: a.) Staccato b.) Legato CORRECT! o Great job! The example played was indeed someone playing notes staccato, or spaced. When playing staccato make sure you think about putting space between the notes, and not necessarily playing them short. Next Question Try Again! o Try listening a little harder this time! Hint: The notes are being played smoothly. You can do it!!! Go Back Choose the Correct Answer Sforzando piano means to: a.) play very loud b.) attack loud and then play soft c.) play soft Try Again! o I know you can do this! Sforzando PIANO, so part of the definition includes piano. What could the sforzando mean?? Go Back Correct! o Awesome job! Sforzando piano does mean to attack very loud and then back off to a piano dynamic. Sometimes a sforzando piano can be followed by a crescendo, which would mean you would attack loud, get quiet, and then gradually get loud again. Next Congratulations! o You have successfully learned about the beginnings of musical style and expression! o Hopefully this activity will only begin to spark your interest into the world of music. Return to Beginning of Activity Teacher Instructions: Use this program to teach students the beginnings of musical interpretation. Students should be able to understand the easy to follow directions at the top of each page. If needed, assist with navigation of the program and any additional explanations. Below are links to the standards (Ohio Music and Technology Standards for students, information literacy standards, as well as technology standards for teachers) and a link to the source of this presentation. Ohio Music Content Standards Information Literacy Standards Ohio Technology Standards Sources Begin Activity Ohio Music Content Standards o Standard: Analyzing and Responding: Students listen to a varied repertoire of music and respond by analyzing and describing music using correct terminology. Students evaluate the creating and performing of music by using appropriate criteria. o Benchmark A: 1.) Identify dynamics, tempo, meter and tonality in various pieces of music. Back Ohio Technology Standards o Standard One: Nature of Technology o Benchmark B – Identify, describe, and discuss the core concepts of technology. o Indicator: Test the properties of materials. Back Information Literacy Standards o Standard Two: The student who is information literate evaluates information critically and competently. o The student who is information literate weighs information carefully and wisely to determine its quality. That student understands traditional and emerging principals for assessing accuracy, validity, relevance, completeness and impartiality of information. The student applies these principals insightfully across information sources and formats and uses logic and informed judgment to accept, reject, or replace information to meet a particular need. o Indicator 4: Selects information appropriate to the question or problem at hand. Back NETS*T o Standard: Technology operations and concepts: Teachers a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts o A. Demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology. Sources o All images found in this power point were taken from Google images. Back