Section Awards

Annual Reports/Section Awards
Laura Richard
Director, Region V
17 May 2012
Section Awards
• Honors particularly notable performances by a section as a whole, rather
than the work of an individual member
• Each award is bestowed annually in seven categories based on section size
Outstanding Section award/Outstanding Activity award
Young Professional award
STEM K-12 Outreach award (Harry Staubs)
Communications award
Public Policy award
Membership award
Career & Workforce Development award
• Section officers can add information but the final report can only be submitted
by the Outgoing Chair
• Cash award and certificate presented (except Outstanding Activity)
• Award period 1 June - 31 May each year
• First place winners honored at Aerospace Sciences Meeting in January
• All reports must by submitted by June 30 2012
• Submission of the Annual Report
 Be sure to include everything your section supported
 Do not judge yourself; something that may not seem like a success
because your expectations were too high might be worthy of an award
Suggestions for Next Year
• It is a good idea to look at the annual report format at the
beginning of the year to help give the section ideas worth
• The templates will be available all year long; officers can go into
the forms and comment/summarize any activity at any time
• These awards come with monetary incentives for the section to
move on to bigger and better activities
Outstanding Section Award
• Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and
contributions throughout the year
• The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report/
Outstanding Section/Outstanding Activity Award form
Career and Workforce Development Award
• Presented for section activities that are beneficial to career and
workforce development, such as:
Time Management Workshops
Career Transition Workshops
Career Benefits Workshops (health care reform, financial planning, etc.)
Technical vs. Management Career Path Workshops
Resume Writing
Interviewing Skills
Employee Assistance Programs relative to Job Fairs
Announcements of Job Openings
Communications Award
• Presented to sections that have developed and implemented an outstanding
communication outreach program during the section year
• Winning criteria includes the following: level of difficulty and complexity as well
as timeliness, multiple methods of communications, frequency, format and
content of the communication outreach
• This award shall be presented for innovative communication outreaches,
which include, but are not limited to, the following activities:
Web sites
Electronic Announcements (i.e., e-mails, fax)
Advertising/Public Affairs
Use of the AIAA Table Top Display, AIAA banner, and other membership promotional
 Use of Company's TV monitors and posting services
 Articles to Regional newsletters, AeroSpace America magazine, local newsletters
 The nominating material should describe the activities concisely; supporting material such as
correspondence, announcements, news clippings or anything else, which would illustrate the
quality of the communication should be attached
Membership Award
• Presented for increasing the sections' membership by planning and
implementing effective new member recruitment, retention
campaigns, member upgrades sponsored by the section, number of
RAC meetings, number of section officers attending RLC, number of
National award nominations submitted by section members
• Easiest one to do!
• Provide write-up for membership recruitment and retention
• List numerical values for 16 items
• Upload copies of AIAA and non-AIAA newsletters with membership
• Upload copies of award nomination cover pages
• Upload copies of membership incentive programs
STEM K-12 Award Outreach (Harry Staubs)
• Presented to sections that have developed and implemented an
outstanding STEM K-12 outreach program that provided quality
educational resources for the Nation's K-12 teachers in the areas
of science, technical, engineering, and mathematics
 Increase educator associate members and educator conference
 Expand recognition of teachers for efforts contributing to a stronger
aerospace workforce
 Expand online K-12 materials
 Section Member participation in competitions and programs as coaches,
mentors, judges, hosts of local events and directly working with students
in classroom environment
Public Policy Award
• Presented to sections for stimulating public awareness of the
needs and benefits of aerospace research and development,
particularly on the part of government representatives, and for
educating its members in the value of public policy activities
 Section participation in Congressional Visits Day
 Section participation in August is for Aerospace
 Special Public Policy Section Events
Young Professional Activity Award
• Presented to sections that demonstrate excellence in planning
and executing successful events that encourage the participation
of young professional members in the AIAA and provide
opportunities for leadership at the sectional, regional, and AIAA
Standing Committee levels
• The YPC requires that the four essay questions be answered
before we look at the rest of the submission
Section Name
Essay Questions
Essay Sub-Total
YP Events
Number of non-targeted YP Events (1 pt each)(20 Max)
Number of targeted YP Events (3 pts each)(10 Max)
Number of outstanding or unique YP Events (5 pts each)
Event Sub-Total
Average Score
Annual Reports/Awards
• We will be using Word templates except for the Membership award form which
is in Excel - It is NOT an online process
• The new templates can be accessed from SharePoint, from the Regions page
in the folder HQ documents/2011-2012 Section Annual Report Form and
Awards (
• You will need to download the forms to your hard drive and then save to the
Document Folder on your section page using the following naming convention
2012 Columbus__Public Policy.pdf
2012 New England__STEM K-12.pdf
2012 Cape Canaveral__Outstanding Section.pdf
Once they are on your section SharePoint page, any Contributor may open the
document and enter information
 Edits can be made by mousing over the document, clicking on the down arrow
and then “Edit in Microsoft Word” (or Excel)
Annual Reports/Awards
Once the edits are complete, save the document
The preferred browser to use with SharePoint is Internet Explorer. You may experience
problems if using another browser
If for some reason you cannot use SharePoint, the forms can be e-mailed to the
Section Chair
The section Annual Report is the only one required to receive your annual section
rebate; the section awards are optional
These are the forms you will see listed:
Section Annual Report (mandatory)/Outstanding section award/Outstanding activity award
Young Professional award (optional)
For category award reports, include only
STEM K-12 Outreach award – Harry Staub (optional) events or activities specifically related to
that category (do not include council
Communications award (optional)
meetings, or dinner meetings not
Public Policy award (optional)
specifically held for the category)
Membership award (optional)
Career & Workforce Development award (optional)
Changes to Annual Reports/Awards
One change from last year the Annual Report, the Outstanding Section and
Outstanding Activity awards are all combined on one form
The Outstanding Section award portion asks a few questions regarding the overall mission
and goals of the section that are separate from a general listing of section activities
The length of the Annual Report is limited to 12 pages which includes attachments
such as flyers, pictures, newsletters, etc.; you may also include links to URLs. The
Outstanding Section and Outstanding Activity portions are limited to 2 pages each
Submission of annual report/section awards
All submissions are to be made only by the outgoing Chair in one e-mail to Chris Jessee 703-264-3848
To be considered for a section award, all forms, including the annual report must be
submitted by June 30
Winners of the Section Awards are announced via a Press Release mid September
Rebate Checks will be issued in late October following the close of AIAA’s fiscal year
Questions ???