Power Orientation & Criminal Thinking Presented by Mark D. Kendall & Kelli Held Have You Ever Read… • • • • • The Criminality Personality, V.1 - 3 Inside the Criminal Mind Straight Talk About Criminals Before it’s Too Late The Myth of the Out of Character Crime Goal In order to work more effectively with the Criminal Personality and reduce workplace frustration the learner • Will be provided with an understanding of the Power Orientation Error. • ID the ineffective methods when addressing it • ID the effective methods to address it Power Orientation Putdown Power Thrust Stage Anger Stage Zero Stage Power Orientation Putdown Verbal Non-verbal Physical Financial Mental/Emotional Perceived The Putdown is Defined in the Mind of the Beholder “The criminal is always angry because the world rarely meets h/her expectations. Think of it this way. If every day of your life you expected everything to go exactly as you wanted and you counted on people treating you as you believed they should, you would experience countless disappointments. The criminal expects things to go h/her way, and thinking something makes it so. The slightest disparity between h/her expectations and reality constitutes a severe blow to h/her self-esteem. H/her thinking runs in extremes so that no middle ground exists between being number one and being a zero.” Dr. Samenow, Straight Talk About Criminals Power Thrust Stage Putdown Triumph! Controlling others & achieving victory at their expense Something Doesn’t Go as Planned/Pan out Statement of Fact Number 1 Again Feedback Murphy’s Law R.C.A. Transparency Zero All Encompassing Stage Permanence Anger Stage Power Orientation Putdown Power Thrust Stage A Client Voice Mail Example* Zero Stage Anger Stage “Most Common Error When Dealing with Criminals”, by Dr. Stanton Samenow: In any contact with a criminal, one must avoid verbally cornering and attacking h/her. “No matter how tough the offender seems, s/he has a very thin skin and quickly becomes defensive. The criminal perceives even the slightest reproach as a devastating blow to h/her entire self-worth. One can be confrontative without being provocative. In all interactions, it is important to convey one’s message in such a manner that the criminal does not feel personally threatened.” Maintaining an even and respectful tone is far more effective than coming across as accusatory or hostile. Ineffective Responses to Power Thrusts • • • • • • Ignoring = Condoning Telling & Dictating Judging, Putdowns, & Personal Jokes Lecturing Condescending Tone Taking the Power Thrust Personal Effective Responses to Power Thrusts • • • • • Asking instead of Dictating Firm, but Fair Objectivity Neutral Tone Avoid Personal Reactions and taking the bait. • Using Your Skills… “Effective Of Use Of Authority” Univ. of Cincinnati’s Core Correctional Practices 1. Be direct & specific concerning your demands, using a normal voice. 2. State the specific choices & the consequences of those choices. 3. Provide respectful guidance toward compliance. 4. Praise compliance or enforce consequences. Processing the Error “Target the Thinking” We Address the Past So We Can Assess the Present To Prepare for the Future Past, Present, Future Preceding Thoughts What’s the big deal. • I’m 25yrs old. I should be able to • have a couple beers. I haven’t • used dope in 3 mos.… Client Drinks and ends up blowing a positive alco-sensor the next day. Struggling with RCA Presenting Zero Stage Thoughts Where can these thoughts lead me? I look like a chump • sitting here. You know they’re • laughing at me. I’m going to jail. • Refuse Accountability Fuel the Anger and Power Thrust Excuse to use Intervention & Prevention Thoughts • • • • Are these thoughts helping? I set myself up. My daughter is coming home soon. I’ve come too far. I have to follow these rules & that means no drinking. What can I tell myself? Some Closing Comments… Sources • Dr. Stanton Samenow, Straight Talk About Criminals, 1998. • Dr. Samuel Yochelson, Dr. Stanton Samenow, The Criminal Personality, V.1: A Profile for Change, 1977. Presenter Information Mark D. Kendall, markkendall@orianahouse.org; 330-535-8116, Ext. 3037 Kelli Held, kelliheld@orianahouse.org; 330-535-8116, Ext. 2339