Matthew 9:14-15 Fasting and The Bridegroom

Mattiyahu 9:14-16
Fasting & The Bridegroom
Fasting & The Bridegroom
• Tim Hegg – A study in Matthew
• The disciples/Tamildim of John/Yochanan
came to Him – Mattiyahu has excluded the
notice of Mark that the question about
fasting was brought not only by the
talmidim of Yochanan/John but also by the
Pharisees (Mark 9:18). Both Matthew &
Mark, the questionars “came” to Yeshua
Fasting & The Bridegroom
• Cont.
• But in Luke it appears that they were part of
the gathering at Levi’s House, even if they
were not eating the meal (since they were
fasting Mark 2:18). It is possible that the
idea of the questionaires “coming” to
Yeshua could mean “approached” Him in
the sense of raising a question.
Fasting & The Bridegroom
• The question presented to Yeshua has to do
with the manner in which He was teaching
His Talmidim and particularly that He was
neglecting the established tradition of
weekly fasts. Not only were national fast
times observed in regard to the destruction
of Jerusalem & The Temple (Zech 7:5,
8:15) but non-obligatory fasts on Monday’s
and Thursday’s had also been established
Fasting & The Bridegroom
• Cont.
• In the 1st century Halachah. It is with
regard to these voluntary fast days that the
Talmidim/disciples of John/Yochanan
questioned Yeshua.
• The point is that Yeshua and His
Disciples/Talmadim were not being
questioned as to why they never fasted
Fasting & The Bridegroom
• Cont.
• For surely the fast of Yom Kippur, and most
likely, those of the national fast days
throughout the year were observed. But the
voluntary fasts were a sign of higher
individual piety and if Yeshua were known as
teaching repentance (Matthew 3:2, 4:17) then
the obvious question was why He did not
likewise teach His Talmdim/Disciples to fast
on those days.
Fasting & The Bridegroom
Tishri 3
Tevet 10
Adar 13
Tammuz 17
Av 9
Tzion Gedaliah
Asarah Be Tevet
Ta’anit Ester
Shevah Asar
Tishnah Bi Av
Fasting & The Bridegroom
• B. Kasdan “God’s Appointed Times”
• “While I (Kasdan) personally believe that
Yom Kippur is the only biblically mandated
fast, it would be good to note other days
that rabbinic Judasim has considered fast
Fasting & The Bridegroom
• The Fast of Tisha B’Av (9th of Av, usually
in August) is observed by religeous Jews to
mourn the numerous tragedies that struck on
that day. Among the sad events
remembered are the destruction of both
temples in 586 BCE and 70 CE,
respectively, and the expulsion of the Jews
from Spain on this day in 1492. This is a
total fast like Yom Kippur, with the scroll of
Lamentations read to recall the tragic history
Fasting & The Bridegroom
• The 10th of Tevet (around early December)
which marks the beginning of the siege
against Jerusalem in 586 BCE is another
minor fast day. The fast of Esther (usually
February or March) recalls the days of
fasting and prayer before the deliverence
recalled at Purim.
Fasting & The Bridegroom
• The 17th of Tammuz (July) commemorates
the breach of the walls of Jerusalem in 586
BCE. The fast of Gedaliah (3rd of Tishri,
usually September) points to the
assasination of this last King of the first
Temple period.
Fasting & The Bridegroom
• While there is no direct commandment to
observe these fast days, they are mentioned
in scripture. Zechariah 8:19
Scriptures on Fasting
9:5, Zech 7:3-5, Nehemiah
1:4, 9:1
1 Kings
17:6,14-16, 69:10
Esther 4:3,
16, 9:31
Isaiah 58:4
Daniel 9:3, Joel 2:12
Luke 2:37
Acts 13:2,3 Matthew
Scriptures on Fasting
1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Parable of The Bridegroom
• Tim Hegg – Study in Matthew
• Yeshua equates fasting with mourning….
• Thus, the joy of a wedding brings about a
situation in which certain Halacha was
suspended or exempt. But in what sense
does Yeshua refer to Himself as a
Parable of The Bridegroom
• In some few cases among the midrashim, the
Messianic age is compared to a wedding
celebration (cf mid rab Ex. 11:2) but is is not
until the latter Pesiqta Rabbati (149a) that
the Messiah is specifically cast in a
metaphor of a bridegroom.
• The Tenach itself however compares the
restoration of Israel in the last days to the
joy that accompanies a wedding (Isa. 62:5)
Parable of the Bridegroom
• In Mattiyahu, Yeshua as the promised
Messiah has brought the dawn of the
eschalolgical banquet, as the bridegroom.
He is the primary focus of that wedding
banquet and therefore His Talmidim cannot
mourn or fast.
Parable of The Bridegroom
• Yochanan/John the Baptiser/Immerser had
already used the metaphor of the
bridegroom in relationship to Yeshua in
John 3:29. How then does this first parable,
that of the bridegroom and the suspension
of fasting fit together with the general
theme of making Talmidim/Disciples?
Parable Of The Bridegroom
• The point is that Yeshua’s Talmidim, must
understand that He is more then just another
Sage in Israel. He is the long awaited
Messiah, the bridegroom in the
eschatological wedding of Israel’s final
Parable of the Bridegroom
• His presence therefore, suspends certain
customs or received Halacha of the Sages.
Therefore Yeshua stands unique among the
Sages of Israel because He is more then a
BRIDEGROOM, whose very appearance
marks the beginning of the final
Parable of the Bridegroom
• It is the reality of who Yeshua is, that will
therefore mark out His Talmidim in unique
ways as well.
• Psalm 19:5
• Isaiah 61:10
• Isaiah 62:5
• Jeremiah 33:11
• Mattiyahu 25:1-13