Unit 1 L3 Complete Subjects n Predicates

Unit 1: Lesson 3
Subjects and
Students will:
• Identify the complete subject and
complete predicate of a sentence.
• Every sentence has two parts.
▫ The subject
 Tells whom or what the sentence
is about.
 Example:
▫The pilot of the plane is a good
• The other part of a sentence is:
▫ The predicate
 Tells what the subject is or does.
 Example:
▫The pilot of the plane is a good
• The complete subject
 All the words in the subject
 Example:
▫The pilot of the plane is a good
• The complete subject may also be
one word or more than one word.
 Example:
 Pilots waved.
 The pilots of the plane waved.
 The pilot and the copilot waved.
▫ The complete predicate
 All of the words in the predicate.
 Example:
▫The pilot of the plane is a good
• The complete predicate may also be
one word or more than one word.
 Example:
 Several helicopters landed.
 Several helicopters landed in the
 Several helicopters flew over the
Find the complete subject and the
complete Predicate.
Label the complete subject in red, and
the complete predicate in blue
• The jungles of Brazil are hot and rainy.
The jungles of Brazil are hot and rainy.
• Many trees and bushes grow.
Many trees and bushes grow.
Find the complete subject and the
complete Predicate.
Label the complete subject in red, and
the complete predicate n blue
• The Amazon River flows through Brazil.
The Amazon River flows through Brazil.
•This country has mountains and jungles.
This country has mountains and jungles.
Draw a line between the complete
subject and the complete predicate.
• Mr. Santos traveled on the Amazon
• One of the birds screeched.
• Another boat passed by.
Draw a line between the complete
subject and the complete predicate.
• Mr. Santos and the passengers
• A man near Mr. Santos took
• Everyone enjoyed the trip.
Draw a line between the complete
subject and the complete predicate.
• Mrs. Matsu teaches high math.
• Sacramento is a city in northern
• The happiest place on Earth is Room
Draw a line between the complete
subject and the complete predicate.
• Elizabeth visited Spain this past
• Naomi is vacationing in Hawaii.
• Fourth grade students will explore
Sacramento in May.
Draw a line between the complete
subject and the complete predicate.
• Some of my students went to Europe
this summer.
• Football season is about to begin.
• Our students ran to raise funds.
This article has ten sentences. Draw a line between the
subject and the predicate.
You may have eaten a para nut before without
realizing it. Para nut and cream nut are the names
for a brazil nut. This nut grows on trees in the
Amazon River basin. The fruit of the tree looks like
a coconut. The nuts are its seeds. About twenty nuts
lie inside each fruit. Brazil nuts have a hard shell.
They do not crack easily. Their taste makes the
work worthwhile. They are delicious.
Workbook pages 5 & 6