How to Build Your Portfolio The Portfolio is set up according to the PPA (PreService Performance Assessment form). The front page of the PPA is DESE information and will be filled out with your Instructional Consultant There are five teacher standards-A,B,C,D,E Each standard has a number of indicators and subindicators. Hard evidence(not a narrative of what you do) is needed for each indicator/sub-indicator. A one page reflection piece is needed for each standard- A,B,C,D,E. Use tabs to separate/delineate evidence. The use of tabs helps organize the portfolio and speeds the review process. Sections should be set up for each standard. Each section should have 1. Reflection for the standard 2. Evidence for each indicator/sub-indicator The reflections are your personal thoughts The one page reflection should focus on the specific standard Consider the reflection as a past/present/ future story of your teaching…how you faced the standard when you started, how you work with the standard now, how you want to improve/change within the standard in your future. Use the standards page of the PPA as your table of contents for each section. We ask for two pieces of evidence for each indicator and sub-indicator In the blank space next to each indicator on the PPA, tell us what you have used as evidence. You do not need a narrative of how you use the evidence The clearer your evidence and the more organized the portfolio, the quicker the review process will be. Use different types of evidence throughout your portfolio-lesson plans, student work, assessments, rubrics, assignments, projects, evaluations and observations. Each piece of evidence may only be used three times. Reviewers want to see a variety of evidence so be sure to use a combination of student work, lesson plans, rubrics, assessments and evaluations. If you only use evaluations and observations, your portfolio will be returned. Feel confident in asking your IC for assistance in finding/using evidence. You can also call the office for assistance. Be sure to highlight specific sections of evaluations and observations that directly relate to the indicator. Class Measures 100 Tower Park Drive Suite A Woburn, MA 01801 (p) 781-939-5699 (f) 781-939-5744 Initial Licensure-PRPIL Quality Instructional School Reviews Customized Professional Development