OOAD Placement Training Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 1 WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 2 Answer: Analysis: Basically, it is the process of determining what needs to be done before how it should be done. In order to accomplish this, the developer refers the existing systems and documents. So, simply it is an art of discovery. Design: It is the process of adopting/choosing the one among the many, which best accomplishes the users needs. So, Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University simply, it is compromising mechanism. 3 WHAT ARE THE STEPS INVOLVED IN DESIGNING? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 4 Answer: Before getting into the design the designer should go through the SRS prepared by the System Analyst. The main tasks of design are Architectural Design and Detailed Design. In Architectural Design we find what are the main modules in the problem domain. In Detailed Design we find what should be done within each module. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 5 What are the main underlying concepts of object orientation? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 6 Answer: Objects, messages, class, inheritance and polymorphism are the main concepts of object orientation. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 7 What do u meant by "SBI" of an object? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 8 Answer: SBI stands for State, Behaviour and Identity. State: It is just a value to the attribute of an object at a particular time. Behaviour: It describes the actions and their reactions of that object. Identity: An object has an identity that characterizes its own existence. The identity makes it possible Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University to distinguish any unambiguous way, and independently from its state. object in an 9 Differentiate persistent & nonpersistent objects? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 10 Answer: Persistent refers to an object's ability to transcend time or space. A persistent object stores/saves its state in a permanent storage system with out losing the information represented by the object. A non-persistent object is said to be transient or ephemeral. By default objects are considered as non-persistent. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 11 What do you meant by active and passive objects? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 12 Active objects are one which instigate an interaction which owns a thread and they are responsible for handling control to other objects. In simple words it can be referred as client. Passive objects are one, which passively waits for the message to be processed. It waits for another object that requires its services. In simple words it can be referred as server. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 13 What is meant by software development method? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 14 Answer: Software development method describes how to model and build software systems in a reliable and reproducible way. To put it simple, methods that are used to represent ones' thinking using graphical notations. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 15 What are models and meta models? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 16 Answer: Model: It is a complete description of something (i.e. system). Meta model: It describes the model elements, syntax and semantics of the notation that allows their manipulation. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 17 What do you meant by static and dynamic modeling? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 18 Answer: Static modeling is used to specify structure of the objects that exist in the problem domain. These are expressed using class, object and USECASE diagrams. But Dynamic modeling refers representing the object interactions during runtime. It is represented by sequence, activity, collaboration and state chart diagrams. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 19 What is an USECASE? Why it is needed? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 20 Answer: Use Case is a interaction between actor(USER) and System (application), for single system there many use cases depends on Requirements. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 21 Who is an actor ? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 22 Answer: An Actor is something or someone who interact with the system under development. An actor can be a Human, device or an external system. An actor can be a giver / receiver of information or both. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 23 What factors you will consider before starting UML designs? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 24 Answer: 1)Functional Requirements. 2)Entities possible in proposed Application. 3)Activities and processes possible in Application. 4)Possible states of objects of entities in propose application. 5)Relationship of objects or entities in proposed application. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 25 How to define the models in the UML diagrams? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 26 Answer: A model is a simplification of reality. A model provides the blueprint of a system. Models helps us to visualize a system as it is or as we want it to be. Models permit us to specify the structure or behaviour of a system. Model gives us a template that guides us in constructing a system. Model documents the decisions we have made. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 27 Define Aggregation Relation ship with example? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 28 Answer: Aggregation is the relationship between the whole and a part. We can add/subtract some properties in the part (slave) side. It won’t affect the whole part. Best example is Car, which contains the wheels and some extra parts. Even though the parts are not there we can call it as car. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 29 Define Containment Relation ship with example? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 30 Answer: containment relationship is the whole part is affected when the part within that got affected. The human body is an apt example for this relationship. When the whole body dies the parts (heart, lungs etc) also dies. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 31 Explain two external responsibilities of a project manager. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 32 Answer: Establish working relationships with users to secure the requirements Establish working relationships with the sponsor to secure senior management support Identify needs and secure resources Report on project status and progress Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 33 What is meant by realization ? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 34 Answer: Realization is a kind of relationship that exist between classes in class diagram which is used to denote that an interface is realized or implemented by a class. Also this is used to relate two use cases. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 35 What are the four phases of the Unified Process ? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 36 Answer: Inception Phase Elaboration Phase Construction Phase Transition Phase Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 37 Difference between OOA and OOD Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 38 Answer: OOA focuses on what the system does, OOD on how the system does it. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 39 Is class an Object? Is object a class? Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 40 Answer: A class is just a template that is used to create the objects and to define its behaviours. But object is an instance of a class. Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 41 Thank you Prepared by G.Naveen Sundar, Karunya University 42